Priorities allow the thread scheduler to decide when each thread should be allowed to run.
Theoretically, thread with higher priority should get more CPU time than lower priority threads.
In practise, besides its priority, allocated CPU time depends on several factors like OS implementation of multitasking.
final void setPriority(int level)
can be used to set priority.
level must be in range MIN_PRIORITY
is the default priority.
final int getPriority()
can be called to get the priority of a thread.
class CustomThread extends Thread {
CustomThread (String name ){
super (name );
* Runs this operation.
@ Override
public void run () {
System .out .println ("thread " + this .getName () + " exiting" );
public class Main {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Thread t = Thread .currentThread ();
System .out .println ("main thread: " + t );
CustomThread t1 = new CustomThread ("t1" );
CustomThread t2 = new CustomThread ("t2" );
CustomThread t3 = new CustomThread ("t3" );
CustomThread t4 = new CustomThread ("t4" );
System .out .println (t4 .getPriority ());
t4 .setPriority (10 );
System .out .println (t4 .getPriority ());
System .out .println (t2 .getPriority ());
t1 .start ();
t2 .start ();
t3 .start ();
t4 .start ();
try {
System .out .println ("main thread: waiting for the threads to finish" );
t1 .join ();
t2 .join ();
t3 .join ();
t4 .join ();
}catch (InterruptedException ex ){
System .out .println ("main thread interrupted" );
System .out .println ("Main thread exiting" );
Process of making sure a shared resource is accessed by only one thread at a time.
Monitor is an object that is used as a mutually exclusive lock. Only one thread can own a monitor at a given time.
when a thread acquires a lock, it is said to have entered the monitor.
All other threads attempting to enter the locked monitor will be suspended until the first thread exits the monitor.
Ways to synchronize your code
using synchronized method.
class Target {
synchronized void call (String msg ){
System .out .print ("[ " + msg );
try {
// this causes another thread to use the cpu time. but because of synchronized keyword
// the call method acts like a monitor
Thread .sleep (1000 );
}catch (InterruptedException ex ){
System .out .println ("thread interrupted" );
System .out .println (" ]" );
class CustomThread implements Runnable {
Thread thread ;
Target target ;
String msg ;
CustomThread (String msg ,Target target ){
this .thread = new Thread (this );
this .msg = msg ;
this .target = target ;
* Runs this operation.
@ Override
public void run () {
this .target .call (this .msg );
public class Main {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Target target = new Target ();
CustomThread t1 = new CustomThread ("hello" , target );
CustomThread t2 = new CustomThread ("world" ,target );
t1 .thread .start ();
t2 .thread .start ();
try {
t1 .thread .join ();
t2 .thread .join ();
}catch (InterruptedException ex ){
System .out .println ("main thread interrupted" );
using synchronized statement
This is useful in cases where you are calling methods from a library, which is not a thread safe method.
class Target {
void call (String msg ){
System .out .print ("[ " + msg );
try {
Thread .sleep (1000 );
}catch (InterruptedException ex ){
System .out .println ("thread interrupted" );
System .out .println (" ]" );
class CustomThread implements Runnable {
Thread thread ;
final Target target ;
String msg ;
CustomThread (String msg ,Target target ){
this .thread = new Thread (this );
this .msg = msg ;
this .target = target ;
* Runs this operation.
@ Override
public void run () {
synchronized (this .target ) {
this .target .call (this .msg );
public class Main {
public static void main (String [] args ) {
Target target = new Target ();
CustomThread t1 = new CustomThread ("hello" , target );
CustomThread t2 = new CustomThread ("world" ,target );
t1 .thread .start ();
t2 .thread .start ();
try {
t1 .thread .join ();
t2 .thread .join ();
}catch (InterruptedException ex ){
System .out .println ("main thread interrupted" );