: run master noderoscore
: run noderosrun [package] [executable]
rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph
: create node/publisher/subscriber graphrosrun rqt_plot rqt_plot
: creates a live graph of data being publishedrosrun rqt_console rqt_console
: shows interface for viewing log messagesrosrun rqt_logger_level rqt_logger_level
rosrun [package] [executable] __name:=[name]
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
: operations on a nodesrosnode list
rosnode list -v
: includes the message type used by the topic
rosnode info [node]
rosnode kill [node]
rosnode cleanup
rosnode ping
: checks that a rosnode is still alive
: operations on topics.rostopic list
rostopic echo [topic]
rostopic info [topic]
rostopic hz [topic]
: publish rate (Hertz)rostopic bw [topic]
: bandwidth consumptionrostopic pub -1 [topic] [message-type] [arguments]
: publishes message once- Hit TAB after typing message-type to get message template. Edit the template afterwards.
is necessary before the [arguments] section if the arguments themsevles have dashes (eg. negative numbers)
rostopic pub -l [rate] [topic] [message-type] [arguments]
: latched mode - ensures new subscribers will receive this message.rostopic pub -r [rate] [topic] [message-type] [arguments]
: rate mode - repeatedly sends message at certain rate.rostopic pub -f [topic] [message-type] [filename]
: read messages from file
: operations on services.rosservice list
rosservice type [service-name]
: gives the message type of the servicerosservice info [service-name]
rosservice node [service-name]
: finds the node that offers that service.rosservice call [service-name] ([arguments])
: inspecting service data types (operates on .srv files associated with services, not the services themselves)rossrv show [service datatype]
: recording messages and replaying themrosbag record -O [filename].bag [topics]
: records topics into bag.- Without
, ROS will automatically name the file. - Replacing
will record every topic published. - Add
for compression.
- Without
rosbag play [filename].bag
: play the bag file back.rosbag info [filename].bag
: operations on ros message typerosmsg show [message-type]
: dealing with parametersrosparam list
: lists out all parameter keysrosparam get [param_name]
: gets the value of parameter with key [param_name]rosparam set [param_name] [value]
: sets the value of parameter with key [param_name]rosparam dump [file_name] ([namespace])
: stores all current parameters into file. If namespace not provided then all namespaces are included.rosparam load [file_name] ([namespace])
: loads all current parameters into file. If namespace not provided then all namespaces are included.
: operations on packagesrospack list
rospack find [package]
rospack depends([n-level]) [package]
: Finds the dependencies of a package within the n'th level.- Performs a fully recursive search if [n-level] is not provieded.
: list directory of packagerosls [package/subdirectories]
: lists content of package or package's subdirectory (with path relative to package root folder).
: change into package directoryroscd [package]
roscd log
: changes directories to the folder where ROS logs are stored
: create a package. should be run in src directory of worksapce.catkin_create_pkg [package]
:rospack find [package_name]
: finds the directory that encloses a package name
: creates packagecatkin_create_pkg [package_name] ([dependency1] [dependency2] ...)
: builds the current workspace (current directory)catkin_make --source my_src
: usually it expects the source files to be in the /src folder of the workspace. If not then you can specify source files subdirectory using the--source