The tool for making a backup of 'show running' configuration for a list of Eltex commutators and finding changes in it
pip install Exscript
Python 3.8, Windows 10, Eltex MES2324
Attention! ExScript currently cannot be installed for Python 3.10.
Creates a folder and consequently requests show run
from a list of commutators (ips.txt should be placed in the folder of script) into distinct files. Then compares these files with previous versions to find changes in them. Example of comparison:
interface gigabitethernet1/0/4
loopback-detection enable
no shutdown
description internet_office
snmp trap link-status
mtu 0
spanning-tree disable
spanning-tree bpdu filtering
switchport access vlan 111
interface gigabitethernet1/0/4
loopback-detection enable
no shutdown
description internet_office
snmp trap link-status
mtu 0
spanning-tree bpdu filtering
switchport access vlan 111
Writes changes to a log file.