The Ads service loads a set of ads based on the category when the service is initialized and then serves ads based on the products in the cart.
The adCategories
is a readonly variable populated at the initialization of the service. This allows us to access the ads without lock statements allowing concurrent calls to the service.
type AdCategory record {|
readonly string category;
stubs:Ad[] ads;
private final readonly & table<AdCategory> key(category) adCategories;
function init() {
self.adCategories = loadAds().cloneReadOnly();
stubs:Ad[] ads = [];
foreach var category in self.adCategories {
self.allAds = ads.cloneReadOnly();
remote function GetAds(stubs:AdRequest request) returns stubs:AdResponse|error {
stubs:Ad[] ads = [];
foreach string category in request.context_keys {
AdCategory? adCategory = self.adCategories[category];
if adCategory !is () {
if ads.length() == 0 {
ads = check self.getRandomAds();
return {ads};