For ra
to do anything useful you need to provide it with a state machine
implementation that solves a particular problem.
To implement a state machine to run in ra
you need to implement the
behaviour. There are two mandatory callbacks that need to be
-callback init(Conf :: machine_init_args()) -> state().
-callback 'apply'(command_meta_data(), command(), State) ->
{State, reply(), effects() | effect()} | {State, reply()}.
returns the initial state when a new instance of the state machine
is created. It takes an arbitrary map of configuration parameters.
is the primary function that is called for every command in the
raft log. It takes a meta data map containing the raft index and term (more on that later),
a command and the
current state and returns the new state, effects and a reply that can be returned
to the caller if they issued a synchronous call (see: ra:process_command/2
There are also some optional callbacks that advanced state machines may choose to implement.
As an example we are going to write a simple key-value store that takes
and read
Create a new erlang module named ra_kv
using the ra_machine
behaviour and
export the init/1
and apply/3
-export([init/1, apply/3]).
First we are going to define a type spec for the state and commands that we will use. The state is simply a map of arbitrary keys and values. We can store anything.
-opaque state() :: #{term() => term()}.
-type ra_kv_command() :: {write, Key :: term(), Value :: term()} |
{read, Key :: term()}.
To implement init/1
simply return an empty map as the initial state of our kv store.
init(_Config) -> #{}.
To implement the apply/3
function we need to handle each of the commands
we support.
apply(_Meta, {write, Key, Value}, State) ->
{maps:put(Key, Value, State), ok, Effects};
apply(_Meta, {read, Key}, State) ->
Reply = maps:get(Key, State, undefined),
{State, Reply, Effects}.
For the {write, Key, Value}
command we simply put the key and value into the
map and return the new state, pass through the list of effects and an ok
return value.
For {read, Key}
we additional return the value of the key or undefined
it does not exist so that a waiting caller can obtain the value.
An that is it! The state machine is finished.
To actually run this we need to configure a ra cluster to use the ra_kv
state machine and start it. The simplest way is to use the ra:start_cluster/3
function. It takes a ClusterName that can be a binary, string or atom,
a machine configuration and a list of servers that define the initial
set of members.
start() ->
%% the initial cluster members
Members = [{ra_kv1, node()}, {ra_kv2, node()}, {ra_kv3, node()}],
%% an arbitrary cluster name
ClusterName = <<"ra_kv">>,
%% the config passed to `init/1`, must be a `map`
Config = #{},
%% the machine configuration
Machine = {module, ?MODULE, Config},
%% ensure ra is started
%% start a cluster instance running the `ra_kv` machine
ra:start_cluster(ClusterName, Machine, Members).
If you then start an erlang shell with make shell
or similar and call
you should hopefully be returned with something like:
Indicating that all servers in the ra
cluster were successfully started. The
last element of the tuple would contain the servers that were not successfully
started. If a quorum of servers could not be started the function would return
and error.
Now you can write your first value into the cluster.
2> ra:process_command(ra_kv1, {write, k, v}).
{ok, ok, {ra_kv1,nonode@nohost}}
3> ra:process_command(ra_kv1, {read, k}).
{ok, v, {ra_kv1,nonode@nohost}}
4> ra:process_command(ra_kv1, {write, k, v2}).
{ok, ok, {ra_kv1,nonode@nohost}}
5> ra:process_command(ra_kv1, {read, k}).
{ok, v2, {ra_kv1,nonode@nohost}}
blocks until the command has achieved consensus
and has been applied to the state machine on the leader server. It is the simplest
way to interact with ra
but also the one with the highest latency.
To read values consistently we have no choice than to use it.
The return tuple has either the raft index and term the entry was added to the
raft log or the return value optionally returned by the state machine. The
{read, Key}
command returns the current value of the key.
We have already added the start/0
function to start a local ra cluster. It would
make sense to abstract interactions with the kv store behind a nicer interface
than calling ra:process_command/2
write(Key, Value) ->
%% it would make sense to cache this to avoid redirection costs when this
%% server happens not to be the current leader
Server = ra_kv1,
case ra:process_command(Server, {write, Key, Value}) of
{ok, _, _} ->
Err ->
read(Key) ->
Server = ra_kv1,
case ra:process_command(Server, {read, Key}) of
{ok, Value, _} ->
{ok, Value};
Err ->
Effects are used to separate the state machine logic from the side effects it wants
to take inside it's environment. Each call to the apply/3
function can return
a list of effects for the leader to realise. This includes sending messages,
setting up server and process monitors and calling arbitrary functions.
Effects should be a list sorted by execution order, i.e. the effect to be actioned first should be at the head of the list.
Only the leader that first applies an entry will attempt the effect. Followers process the same set of commands but simply throw away any effects returned by the state machine.
The {send_msg, pid(), Msg :: term()}
effects asynchronously sends a message
to the specified
. Not that ra
uses erlang:send/3
with the no_connect
and no_suspend
options which are the least reliable message sending options. It does this so
that a state machine send_msg
effect will never block the main ra
To ensure message reliability normal Autmatic Repeat Query (ARQ)
like protocols between the state machine and the receiver should be implemented
if needed.
Use {monitor, process | node, pid() | node()}
to ask the ra
leader to
monitor a process or node. If ra
receives a DOWN
for a process it
is monitoring it will commit a {down, pid(), term()}
command to the log that
the state machine needs to handle. If it detects a monitored node as down or up
it will commit a {nodeup | nodedown, node()}
Use {demonitor, process | node, pid() | node()}
to stop monitoring a process
or a node.
Use the {mod_call, module(), function(), Args :: [term()]}
to call an arbitrary
function. Care need to be taken not to block the ra
process whilst doing so.
It is recommended that expensive operations are done in another process.
The mod_call
effect is useful for e.g. updating an ets table of committed entries
or similar.
To (potentially) trigger a snapshot return the {release_cursor, RaftIndex, MachineState}
effect. This is why the raft index is included in the apply/3
function. Ra will
only create a snapshot if doing so will result in log segments being deleted.