From TimedText module
const entityMap = flatEntityRanges.reduce(
// data === entity object
(acc, data) => ({
// spread to add to array
// data.key - eg "ayx62lj"
[data.key]: {
type: "WORD",
mutability: "MUTABLE",
// entity map object
// accumulator, starts as empty
const entityMap = {};
flatEntityRanges.forEach((data) => {
entityMap[data.key] = {
type: "WORD",
mutability: "MUTABLE",
From adapter to convert kaldi
const generateEntitiesRanges = (words) => {
// deconstructing input
// also `() => { return { a: 1}; }` === `() => ({ a: 1})`
(acc, { start, end, confidence, punct }) => ({
// position and EntityRanges are the keys from he initial object - 100 --> accumulator == object having position and entityRanges
position: acc.position + punct.length + 1,
entityRanges: [
// spread to add previous entity ranges to the return
text: punct,
offset: acc.position,
length: punct.length,
key: Math.random()
// start object of the reduce
{ position: 0, entityRanges: [] }
// so then only return entityRanges, coz don't need position at the end
const generateEntitiesRanges = (words) => {
let position = 0;
return => {
let result = {
start: word.start,
end: word.end,
confidence: word.confidence,
text: word.punct,
offset: position,
length: word.punct.length,
key: Math.random()
// increase position counter - to determine word offset in paragraph
position = position + word.punct.length + 1;
return result;
export default generateEntitiesRanges;