This Vagrant template sets up 6 separate VMs for creating a multi-datacenter Apache Cassandra cluster:
- node[11-16] - Cassandra nodes
The Vagrantfile in this example creates the VMs, installs Cassandra, then configures the 6-node cluster into two different logical datacenters (DC1 and DC2).
- Depending on how much memory your host system has, you may need to lower the default memory size for each VM. Currently it's set to 1400 MB for each VM, but with all 6 running it may be too much for your host. You could lower SERVER_COUNT in Vagrantfile if needed.
If Vagrant has been installed correctly, you can bring up the 6 VMs with the following:
$ ./
Note: This will bring up each VM in series and then provision each in parallel. You can also just run vagrant up
which does everything in series and will be slower.
When the provisioning process is done, you can check the status of the VMs:
$ vagrant status
Current machine states:
node11 running (virtualbox)
node12 running (virtualbox)
node13 running (virtualbox)
node14 running (virtualbox)
node15 running (virtualbox)
node16 running (virtualbox)
Log in to one node and check the Cassandra cluster status. You should see all 6 nodes up and running:
$ vagrant ssh node11
$ nodetool status
Datacenter: DC1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 86.26 KB 256 34.7% f42d6001-9e74-4249-b510-35c4942ea059 RAC1
UN 69.56 KB 256 31.4% b4f89779-d832-4c9e-9cde-03b116dfde0f RAC1
UN 41.07 KB 256 33.3% 0454cb56-fd91-4857-8ce5-60cbf39a8ff3 RAC1
Datacenter: DC2
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 69.92 KB 256 34.3% 37ee2707-e133-4557-9c14-577712f8e9d8 RAC1
UN 57.16 KB 256 33.0% 4830a1ad-88c2-4f8a-96a0-11480614c00e RAC1
UN 65.56 KB 256 33.2% 6fda6f3f-8f94-4f80-a228-09d415dfd70f RAC1
This template is currently set to install the latest Apache Cassandra 3.6.x. You can adjust the Cassandra version if needed in the Vagrantfile by adjusting the repo or the specific version number.
Note: This template originally also included OpsCenter. However, since support was dropped for Apache Cassandra starting with OpsCenter 6.0, I've removed that from the project here.
To cleanly shut down all VMs:
$ for i in {1..6}; do vagrant ssh node1$i -c 'sudo shutdown -h now'; done
To destroy all VMs:
$ vagrant destroy -f