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Tiago Graf edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 17 revisions

SonarCloud is being used as the static code analysis for code quality and security standards.

  1. Current statistics.

  2. Performing Static Analysis Locally

  • Install sonarscanner by running the command line:

    • dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner --version 5.2.0
  • Create an account on

  • Create your own organization and project, make notes of the keys you created

  • Create an access token (My Account > Security > Generate Tokens), make note of it

  • Begin analysis dotnet sonarscanner begin /s:<configuration_file>/healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml /k:<project_key> /o:<organization_key> /d:sonar.login=<token>

configuration_file: you must provide the full path to the configuration file healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml, relative paths do not work. project_key: The project key you created. organization_key: The organization key you created. token: The access token you generated.

  • Run Tests and Generate Coverage Reports

Choose the scope:

For analyzing the entire solution run the following on healthgateway/Apps folder. For analyzing a specific project run the following on the main project folder (e.g. healthgateway/Apps/WebClient).

dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover --logger:"xunit;LogFileName=results.xml"

npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp install npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp test you might not need to run the npm tests if analyzing a specific project, if running on WebClient change prefix path accordingly.

  • Build dotnet build

  • Finish dotnet sonarscanner end /d:login=<token>

You can see the statistics at<project_key>

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