Ref: 13.4 -> PostGIS raster is now a separate extension and requires: `CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;` to enable it in your database.
- login to backup container
- copy and rename backup file as tmp.sql.gz
- extract using gunzip
Run the following commands to edit the tmp.sql
We do this because postgis is updated by a major version 2 -> 3 and has architecture changes at extension level
sed -i '/raster_columns/d' tmp.sql
sed -i '/raster_overviews/d' tmp.sql
sed -i '/REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW public.now_application_gis_export_view;/d' tmp.sql
sed -i '/CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW public.now_application_gis_export_view AS/,/WITH NO DATA;/d' tmp.sql
sed -i '/now_application_gis_export_view/d' tmp.sql
Gzip the update tmp.sql
Run Restore Roles: psql -h postgres13 -U postgres -f /tmp/roles.sql
Run Restore: ./ -r postgres13:5432/mds -f <INSERT_FILENAME>
Run the following manually after backup (the below section failed to run due to missing raster artifacts in new db)
Login to the new postgres db - psql -h postgres13 -p 5432 -U postgres
Connect to mds database \c mds
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.raster_columns TO mds;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.raster_columns TO logstash;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.raster_columns TO metabase;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE public.raster_overviews TO mds;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.raster_overviews TO logstash;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.raster_overviews TO metabase;
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW public.now_application_gis_export_view;