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This application stack is fully deployed into OpenShift via Ansible.
The tools namespace holds a webhook-ansible
container that is responsible for running the deployment.
Some sensitive data exists to configure Grafana for:
- SSO Configuration
- Sysdig Datasource and Dashboard Integration
All sensive data is listed as k/v pairs inside a k8s secret that is loaded into the tooling container. These secrets are applied at deployment time. You must manually create this secret in the tooling namespace.
In the tooling namespace, create a secret as follows:
CAT <<EOF >grafana_creds
oc create secret generic grafana-secret \
--from-file=grafana_creds \
--type=opaque \
-n [project-prefix]-tools
Add the secret to the webhook-ansible delpoyment for use:
oc set volume dc/webhook-ansible --add --type=secret --secret-name=grafana-secret --mount-path=/etc/secrets
Users may access these dashboards via SSO.
This configuration uses two primary datasources, Prometheus and Sysdig.
Promethus is used to store timeseries data regarding endpoint availability as reported by the blackbox exporter.
Sysdig collects a vast amount of metrics from the cluster, which is stored inthe SaaS offering. The Sysdig datasource is configured to pull from the public
Sysdig team which is intended to store dashboards for general consumption.
Dashboards in this instance are available to all authenticated users, providing view-only
access. 2 primary dashboards exist:
- An automated dashboard that reports the up/down status of various components
- An overall high-level cluster capacity dashboard based on the Sysdig Datasource.
Grafyaml is used to dynamically build a Grafana dashboard based on the url_watchlist.yml
file. Ansible reads in the file contents and creates an appropriate grafyaml formatted file for the binary to generate a dashboard.
A single Sysdig-based dashboard exists that provides the overall cluster capacity and utilization. This dashboard is managed in the Sysdig SaaS offering, and presented to logged in users within Grafana. This configuration helps restrict access to namespace or host specific metric data.
The recommended path towards updating the Sysdig based dashboard would be:
- Update / create a dashboard in the Sysdig
team - Log in as an admin to the grafana dev instance of this tool
- Import the new dashboard from the Sysdig datasource configuration page
- Modify the dashboard as required (ie. change names, colors, etc.)
- Export the new dashboard as json
- Update or add the json dashboard code to the
file - Commit the change and create the PR, which will trigger an application deployment
Maintenance nofitications are automatically posted in the status page dashboard as part of the Automatic Dashboard creation process. New notices will also trigger an application deployment, with the following workflow:
- A notification is posted in the BCDevOps/platform-services-status-page-notifications repo, and a PR is created
- The PR will trigger the
script from withinansible-webhook
pod in the-tools
namespace - This ansible playbook will run with the
activity specified - A new dashboard will be generated, and the maintence notification will be posted to rocket chat once the prod environment has been reconfigured