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985 lines (718 loc) · 37.2 KB

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985 lines (718 loc) · 37.2 KB


Release Date: 2024-09-02

  • PR 560: Ensure Belgian National Numbers has padded checksum. Thanks @vyruz1986!


Release Date: 2024-04-27

  • PR 556: Remove obsolete/non-working LoremPixel image service. Images.LoremPixelUrl() is removed. Thanks @marijnz0r!
  • PR 557: Added Bogus.Extensions.Belgium extension methods below. Thanks @vyruz1986!
  • Added f.Person.NationalNumber() - Rijksregisternummer / Numéro Nationale


Release Date: 2024-04-27

  • PR 538: Fixes Invalid Costa Rica IBAN format. Thanks @dangerman!


Release Date: 2024-03-09

  • PR 500: Allows locally set time references for Date calculations instead of global statics. See Faker[T].UseDateTimeReference(), Faker.DateTimeReference, and DataSets.Date.LocalSystemClock. Thanks @garcipat!


Release Date: 2024-03-02

  • PR 529: XML Docs: Add inclusive / exclusive number ranges documentation for Randomizer. Thanks @Mitchman215!
  • PR 535: Fix gender-digit for Swedish Personnummer. Thanks @LarsBergqvist!


Release Date: 2024-01-14

  • PR 488: Added Bogus.Extensions.Poland extension methods below. Thanks Mik1mak!
  • Added f.Person.Pesel() - Number of Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL)
  • Added f.Company.Nip() - Numer identyfikacji podatkowej (NIP)
  • Added f.Company.Regon() - Number of Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej (REGON)
  • PR 427: Fix incorrect generation for Finnish social security number. Thanks @roeyskoe!
  • PR 431: Fix VIN can be longer than 17 character length. Thanks skwasjer!
  • PR 421: Add strict VIN charset without I, O, and Q according to NHTSA standard. Thanks skwasjer!
  • PR 414: Added f.Person.Samordningsnummer() extension method in Bogus.Extensions.Sweden. Swedish coordination number. Thanks aschan!


Release Date: 2024-01-13

  • PR 466: Added f.Person.Cnp() extension method in Bogus.Extensions.Romania. Generates Romanian Personal Identification number (CNP). Thanks totpero!


Release Date: 2024-01-12

  • PR 510: Added f.Finance.VatNumber() extension method in Bogus.Extensions.UnitedKingdom. Generates a UK compatible VAT registration number. Thanks p1971!


Release Date: 2024-01-01

  • PR 496: Improves Denmark CPR number generator with checksum validation. Thanks @MunroRaymaker and @NielsPilgaard!


Release Date: 2023-12-26

  • Issue 497: PR 522 - Better Xamarin AOT compatibility. Renames/removes diacritics from API method names Finland: Henkilötunnus -> Henkilotunnus; Norway: Fødselsnummer -> Fodselsnummer.


Release Date: 2023-12-11

  • PR 513: Update Swedish sv locale; first/last names. Thanks @EBD232!


Release Date: 2022-03-27

  • PR 406, 415: Improve XML documentation. Thanks @danielwagn3r, @DanteDeRuwe
  • PR 413: Change access modifier of Randomizer.localSeed to protected. Thanks @davermaltby


Release Date: 2021-11-22

  • PR 399: Add support for .NET 6 DateOnly and TimeOnly random generations in Faker.Date. Thanks @prasadtelkikar!
  • Moved Faker[T] extensions .OrNull() and .GenerateBetween() into main Bogus namespace.
  • C# 10 and VS 2022 build tooling.


Release Date: 2021-08-29

  • PR 390: Default Binder changed to allow use of private property setters in base classes. Thanks @thomaslevesque!


Release Date: 2021-02-21

  • PR 359: Add Bogus.Person.Personnummer() Swedish national identity number


Release Date: 2021-02-07

  • Locale data parity with faker-js@5478d65.
  • nep locale renamed to ne.
  • de locale; Date dataset changed.
  • es locale; gender names added.
  • fr locale; Date dataset changed.
  • nb_NO locale; gender names added.
  • nl locale; Address, Commerce, Date, Hacker, Internet datasets changed; gender names added.
  • pt_BR locale; gender names added.
  • tr locale; gender names added.
  • vi locale; gender names added. Date, Lorem, datasets changed.
  • Added Internet.Port(); generate port numbers from 1 to 65535.


Release Date: 2021-01-31

  • Minor improvements to XML docs.
  • Better exception messages around empty collections and empty arrays.
  • PR 339: Fix null reference exception when calling StrictMode(true) on Faker with no rules.
  • PR 352: Fix first name generation for locales that don't support gender names.


Release Date: 2020-12-12

  • Issue 342: Use realistic pt_BR city names.


Release Date: 2020-11-28


Release Date: 2020-10-03

  • Issue 328, 327: Fixed pt_BR locale where Address.City() threw ArgumentOutOfRangeException.


Release Date: 2020-09-13, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Ensures Bogus Premium datasets load with new DataSet.Get(category, path) overload.


Release Date: 2020-09-13, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Locale data parity with faker-js@91dc8a3.
  • Added Music dataset with .Genre() method.
  • Added Date.TimeZoneString().
  • Added new Finnish fi locale.
  • Added new Hrvatski hr locale.
  • cz locale updated.
  • en locale updated.
  • en_IE locale updated.
  • en_IND locale updated.
  • fa locale updated.
  • fr locale updated.
  • ja locale updated.
  • pl locale updated.
  • pt_BR locale updated.
  • ru locale updated.
  • sv locale updated.
  • vi locale updated.
  • zh_CN locale updated.


Release Date: 2020-08-15

  • Issue 319: The Random.Decimal() implementation reverted to previous v29 implementation. Avoids arithmetic OverflowException when calling Random.Decimal(0, decimal.MaxValue). The v30 implementation moved to Bogus.Extensions namespace as Random.Decimal2() which can generate more decimal precision.


Release Date: 2020-08-13, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Added f.Address.CountryOfUnitedKingdom() extension method in Bogus.Extensions.UnitedKingdom.


Release Date: 2020-08-05, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Deterministic sequences may have changed.
  • Promoted v30.0.1-beta-4 to v30.0.2 release.


Release Date: 2020-07-23

  • Change credit card CheckDigitExtension methods to public


Release Date: 2020-06-29

  • Issue 307: Fixed Internet.UserAgent() sometimes generating invalid user agent strings that could not be parsed by System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage.Headers.


Release Date: 2020-06-20

  • Added Finance.Litecoin().
  • Added Commerce.ProductDescription().
  • Add PlaceIMG image service. Image.PlaceImgUrl().
  • Data parity with faker.js. Deterministic sequences may have changed.
  • New en_NG Nigerian locale.
  • en updated.
  • nl_BE updated.
  • de updated.
  • ru updated.
  • zh_CN updated.
  • zh_TW updated.
  • ar updated.
  • cz updated.
  • es_MX updated.
  • sk updated.
  • it updated.


Release Date: 2020-06-14

  • PR 300: Random.Number() now inclusive of max: int.MaxValue.
  • PR 300: Random.Even() better random distribution and range checking.
  • PR 300: Random.Odd() better random distribution and range checking.
  • PR 300: Random.Int() bug fixed where .Int() may not return int.MaxValue.
  • PR 300: Random.Decimal() with greater decimal precision.
  • Deterministic values may have changed.
  • Big thank you to @logiclrd for PR 300!


Release Date: 2020-04-11

  • Minor update to ru locale data. Two ru city names could appear as one.


Release Date: 2020-02-10

  • Data parity with faker.js. Deterministic sequences using Internet.Avatar() may have changed.
  • Add support for .snupkg NuGet Symbol Server Packages via SourceLink.
  • Added Randomizer.EnumValues() that makes selecting a subset of enum values easier.
  • Modified .OrNull(f) extension method signatures for type-safe with nullable primitive types, structs, and reference types via in parameter to avoid ambiguous calls.


Release Date: 2019-12-10

  • PR 272: Add extension method for generating Norwegian national identity numbers. Person.Fødselsnummer(). Thanks @mika-s!


Release Date: 2019-12-03

  • Issue 271: Minor bug fix in Brazil Person.Cpf() extension method. Previously, only the first call to Person.Cpf(includeFormatSymbols) respected the includeFormatSymbols parameter due to the final result being saved in Person context. Person.Cpf() now respects the includeFormatSymbols parameter after subsequent repeat calls to Cpf() with the same Person. Thanks for testing @ArthNRick!


Release Date: 2019-11-30

  • PR 269: Adds includeFormatSymbols parameter to include or exclude formatting characters for Brazil Person.Cpf() and Company.Cnpj() extension methods.


Release Date: 2019-10-14

  • Issue 260: Improved social security number (SSN) generation that should pass basic validation by avoiding invalid SSN ranges. Note: Deterministic SSNs generated with Person.Ssn() will change.
  • Issue 252: Internet.Ip() now avoids generating IP addresses with a leading zero. For example, Bogus will not generate an IP address with a leading zero like Note: Deterministic IPs generated with Internet.Ip() will change.
  • PR 261: Added Internet.IpAddress(), Internet.Ipv6Address(), Internet.IpEndPoint(), and Internet.Ipv6EndPoint().
  • Issue 258: Add Internet.UrlRootedPath() to generate random /foo/bar paths.
  • Added Internet.UrlWithPath(fileExt:".txt") fileExt extension parameter to generate URLs with a specific file extension.


Release Date: 2019-10-04

  • PR 259: Fixes .GenerateForever(ruleset) to use ruleset parameter when supplied as argument. Thanks @StanleyGoldman!


Release Date: 2019-09-20

  • Issue 255 / PR 256: Allows interfaces with Faker<T> using Faker<IFoo>.CustomInstantiator(f => new Foo()). Thanks Rowland!


Release Date: 2019-09-10

  • Added Faker<T>.RuleFor(string, (f, t) => ) overload.
  • Internal re-factoring .RuleFor overload logic. Simplified overload call chain.
  • Internal Faker<T>.RuleForInternal() renamed to Faker<T>.AddRule()


Release Date: 2019-09-09

  • Issue 253, PR 254: New rule overload for Faker<T>.RuleFor('string',...). Helps cases that require rules for protected or hidden members of T.


Release Date: 2019-08-28

  • Issue 249: Fixed Internet.Url() including spaces in domain names for pt_BR locale or any locale with compound first names that may contain spaces. Thanks RodrigoRodriguesX10!
  • PR 241: General code quality improvements in DataSets.System. Better XML docs and lower array allocations. Thanks bartdebever!
  • PR 245: XML doc improvements to DataSets.Lorem. Thanks bartdebever!


Release Date: 2019-07-07

  • PR 235: Added Bogus.DataSets.Vehicle.GbRegistrationPlate() in Bogus.Extensions.UnitedKingdom extension namespace to generate GB registration plates. Thanks @colinangusmackay.


Release Date: 2019-07-02

  • BREAKING: Deterministic sequence values may have changed for fake email addresses derived from Internet.Email() or Internet.UserName() in locales other than en.
  • Issue 229: Adds Finance.Iban(countryCode) ISO3166 country code parameter. Allows generating IBAN codes for specific countries. The country code must be a supported otherwise an exception is thrown.
  • Issue 225: Better support for transliteration of international Unicode characters to US-Latin/Roman ASCII character sets. Internet.Email() and Internet.UserName() are more respectful of specified locale using character transliteration.
  • Added .Transliterate() string extension method in Bogus.Extensions namespace.
  • Added Internet.UserNameUnicode() that preserves Unicode characters in user names.
  • Minor performance improvement to Utils.Slugify using compiled Regex.
  • Issue 232: Adds .OrNull[T]() where T : struct overload which makes it easier to work with nullable types without type casting.
  • Added defaultValue parameter to .OrDefault(f, weight, defaultValue) that can default to a different value than the default keyword.


Release Date: 2019-05-02

  • Issue 218: Fixed bug that prevented global static Faker.DefaultStrictMode from working.
  • Issue 210: Added Randomizer.Utf16String that generates technically valid Unicode with paired high/low surrogates.
  • Added image service.


Release Date: 2019-03-22

  • New Person(seed) constructor for seeding person objects by integer. Thanks @sgoguen!
  • Fixed Person.DateOfBirth not using Date.SystemClock as 'now' reference.


Release Date: 2019-02-26

  • Data and feature parity with faker.js @ d3ce6f1
  • New Vehicle data set added.
  • en_IND state abbreviations and state names updated.
  • en_CA, fr_CA improved Canadian postal codes.
  • pt_PT locale updated with new and changed data.
  • en company names updated.
  • pt_PT locale updated.
  • Minor bug in Date.Weekday and Date.Month that could cause locale weekday/month values to default to en.
  • Note: deterministic sequences may have changed.


Release Date: 2019-01-17

  • PR 194: Update Dutch nl locale with extra name.first_name, address.street_suffix, and company.suffix.


Release Date: 2019-01-06

  • Added f.Images.LoremFlickrUrl() ( image service.
  • Issue 193: Turkish 🇹🇷 state/providence names added to 'tr' locale.


Release Date: 2018-12-11

  • Issue 192: Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException when Company.CompanyName() is used with az locale.


Release Date: 2018-11-27

  • Add SourceLink compatibility with Visual Studio 2017.
  • Obsoleted Image categories. The image service is usually down or very slow. Consider using Images.PicsumUrl() as a replacement. This version is an obsolete-warn, next release will have Image category APIs removed.


Release Date: 2018-11-03

  • tr - Turkish locale first/last names updated. Lorem data set updated. Thanks ahmetcanaydemir!
  • Added f.Image.PicsumUrl ( service as faster alternative to Lorem Pixel.


Release Date: 2018-10-02

  • Data / feature parity with faker.js @ 9dd5a52
  • af_ZA - New South Africa (Afrikaans) locale added.
  • zu_ZA - New South Africa (Zulu) locale added.
  • en_ZA - South Africa (English) locale updated
  • ru - Russian locale updated.
  • id_ID - Indonesia locale updated.
  • es - Spanish locale updated.
  • f.Images.DatUri now accepts an HTML color parameter.
  • PR 180: Resolved Turkish Culture .ToLower causing invalid JSON dataset path .ToLowerInvariant now used.


Release Date: 2018-09-27

  • Issue 179: Fixed regression introduced in 23.0.3 that forbid setting of internal/non-public members of T in when Faker<T> is used.


Release Date: 2018-09-26, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Added nullWeight parameter to .OrNull() extension method for weighted generation of null values.
  • Added new .OrDefault() extension method. Thanks @anorborg!


Release Date: 2018-09-26, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • BREAKING: Deterministic values may have changed. Parity with faker.js @ 07f39bd3.
  • en_ZA - South Africa (English) locale added.
  • fr_CH - French (Switzerland) locale added.
  • pl locale "phone numbers" updated.
  • sv locale "names" section updated.
  • en, de, de_AT "names" section updated.
  • Added f.Commerce.Ean8 EAN-8 product barcode number generator.
  • Added f.Commerce.Ean13 EAN-13 product barcode number generator.


Release Date: 2018-08-29, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • PR 170: Faster Faker[T].Generate() with setter cache. Approx 1.7x speedup. Thanks Mpdreamz!


Release Date: 2018-08-13

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Deterministic sequence values may have changed. Unit tests expecting specific values may be different if Bogus.Person is used.
  • Issue 168: Added Bogus.Person.Address.State field.
  • Issue 139: Added Date.SystemClock static property for setting global time Bogus uses for date calculations.
  • Issue 169: Date.Weekday() should return a weekday not a month.


Release Date: 2018-07-18

  • Added f.Random.Guid() for better GUID discoverability.
  • PR 164: Added new Tax ID extensions Person.Nif() and Company.Nipc() for Portugal. Thanks JoseJr!


Release Date: 2018-07-05

  • PR 159: Add UK National Insurance Number f.Finance.Nino() in Bogus.Extensions.UnitedKingdom. Thanks mortware!
  • PR 160: DateTimeOffset support added to f.Date dataset. Methods are suffixed by "Offset". IE: f.Date.SoonOffset. Thanks Simon!
  • Added refDate parameter to f.Date.Soon and f.Date.Recent.
  • f.Date.Between(start, end) now respects DateTimeKind.Utc.


Release Date: 2018-06-29

  • PR 153: Possible breaking changes: Minor typo & spelling corrections made to some parameter names. Thanks for the corrections Simon!


Release Date: 2018-06-26

  • PR 151: Added Bogus.Distributions.Gaussian namespace for numerical Normal Distribution generated values! Thanks codersg!
  • Added uniqueSuffix parameter to Internet.Email() to help with unique email constraints.


Release Date: 2018-06-14

  • PR 149: Added new Arabic 'ar' locale. Thanks Saied!
  • PR 148: Fixed .FullName() for locales where both first/last name have genders. Thanks binarycode!


Release Date: 2018-05-29

  • Improved XML documentation comments on Faker[T] API.


Release Date: 2018-05-20

  • PR 144: Argument support for mustache handlebars. Example: {{name.firstname(Male)}}
  • Using C# 7.3 generic Enum constraints for methods that only accept enums. Example: f.PickRandom<Enum>().


Release Date: 2018-05-17

  • Issue 143: Fixed rare case when f.IndexGlobal could be zero twice at start of generation.
  • Fixed typo in XML docs.


Release Date: 2018-04-09

  • New Company.Ein() to generate employer identification numbers.
  • Preparing release of extended data sets for Bogus.


Release Date: 2018-04-01

  • New Internet.Color() format options: CSS rgb(...) and delimited RGB.
  • New System.AndroidId() to generate GCM registration ID.
  • New System.ApplePushToken() to generate a random Apple Push Token.
  • New System.BlackBerryPin() to generate a random Black Berry PIN.
  • New Randomizer.Hash() to generate random hashes of specified length.
  • New Randomizer.String2() to generate random strings with specified character sets.


Release Date: 2018-03-29

  • Added Randomizer.String method to generate strings. Uses Chars() method.
  • PR 136: Improve speed of DataSet.ParseTokens(). Thanks @danij!


Release Date: 2018-03-02

  • Bogus now throws exceptions for locales it doesn't recognize. Improves developer experience.
  • New extension method .ToBogusLocale() on System.Globalization.CultureInfo to help translate from .NET locale codes to Bogus locale codes.


Release Date: 2018-02-27

  • Generate more realistic Bitcoin addresses.
  • New extension method Faker<T>.GenerateBetween(min, max) that generates N objects between min and max. Located in Bogus.Extensions. N should be considered non-deterministic but technically depends on the parameters each time this extension method was called.
  • Added Lorem.Paragraphs(min, max) overload.
  • Added improved XML doc comments and parameter names on Lorem.Paragraph.
  • UK extension method .ShortCode() renamed to .SortCode() as originally intended.
  • Marked DataSet.Get/.GetObject/BObject methods as protected internal. Reducing API surface noise.
  • Added new .OrNull in Bogus.Extensions to help create randomly null values. Example: .RuleFor(x=>x.Prop, f=>f.Random.Word().OrNull(f)).
  • New groundwork for extending Bogus with premium (paid) data sets and tooling.


Release Date: 2018-01-05

  • Issue 121: Fixes the inability to .Ignore(...) a property or field after a rule had already been set.


Release Date: 2017-12-23

  • Issue 120: .Generate(n) now returns List<T> instead of IList<T>.
  • Added f.Address.CountryCode() ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code generator.
  • New Bogus.Extensions.Extras namespace for generally useful helper methods.
  • Added Finance.CreditCardNumberObfuscated() extension to Bogus.Extensions.Extras namespace.
  • Moved credit card CheckDigit() extensions to Bogus.Extensions.Extras namespace.


Release Date: 2017-12-16

  • Better error support.
  • Added Person.FullName field.
  • Allowed Faker<T>.FinishWith to be called multiple times. Last call wins.


Release Date: 2017-12-13

  • Fixed f.Image URL generation.


  • Re-enabled .NET Standard 1.3 targeting.
  • Added Gender field to Person. Deterministic sequences may have changed.
  • Added Randomizer.Bool(weight) to generate weighted boolean values of true.
  • Italian CodiceFiscale() extension method added. Extends Person and Finance.


Release Date: 2017-11-06

  • Fixed Issue 102: f.Random.Uuid() is now deterministic based on global or local seed.


Release Date: 2017-11-04

  • Added Faker<T>.Clone(): Clones internal state of a Faker<T> and allows for complex faking scenarios and rule combinations.
  • Added Faker<T>.UseSeed(n): Allows you to specify a localized seed value on a Faker<T> instead of a global static Randomizer.Seed.
  • Stronger Seed determinism for multi-threaded scenarios.


Release Date: 2017-11-01

  • Fixed #99: Possible threading issue that can cause System.ArgumentException.


Release Date: 2017-10-26, UNPUBLISHED FROM NUGET

  • Using new BSON binary data format for locales.
  • Removed dependency on Newtonsoft.Json!
  • Locale Updates -
  • fr: new street address prefixes.
  • fa: new street addresses.
  • pl: removed 2008 value from city.
  • en: new gender first names
  • New Dutch (Belgium) nl_BE locale.
  • New Romanian ro locale.
  • Added f.Finance.RoutingNumber - Generates an ABA routing number with valid check digit.
  • Added Faker.GenerateForever that returns IEnumerable<T> with unlimited generated items when iterated over.
  • Added United Kingdom extension method to generate bank ShortCodes on f.Finance.ShortCode().
  • Re-ordered adjective and buzz in the f.Company.Bs for a correct gramatics.
  • Added f.Address.Direction. Generates cardinal or ordinal directions.
  • Added f.Address.CardinalDirection. Generates "North", "South", etc.
  • Added f.Address.OrdinalDirection. Generates "Northeast", "Southwest", etc.


Release Date: 2017-09-14

  • Issue 86: Removed diacritic mark/accents (á, í, ó, ú, etc) from generated email addresses and user names.
  • Added string.RemoveDiacritics helper method.


Release Date: 2017-09-13

  • Fixed bug in Finland's f.Person.Henkilötunnus personal identity code generator that sometimes produced 11 characters.
  • Added f.Finance.Ethereum. Generate an Ethereum address.
  • Added f.Finance.CreditCardCvv. Generate a random credit card CVV number.
  • Improved f.Finance.CreditCardNumber. Generate a random credit card number.
  • Added f.Random.Hexadecimal. Generates a random hexadecimal string.
  • Added f.System.DirectoryPath. Generates a random directory path.
  • Added f.System.FilePath. Generates a random file path.
  • Added f.Date.Soon. Generates a date and time that will happen soon.
  • Added f.Random.ArrayElements. Gets a random subset of an array.
  • Added f.Random.ListItems. Gets a random subset of a list.
  • Added f.Company.Cnpj extension method for Brazil. Generates Brazilian company document.
  • Improved f.PhoneNumbers. More realistic US phone numbers.
  • Improved f.Address.Latitude/Longitude with min and max parameters.
  • Minimum for f.Commerce.Price is now $1.00 (not zero).
  • Reduced assembly size by removing redundant locale data.
  • Locale updates:
  • en_AU - Update Australian postcode ranges.
  • en_IND - Indian postcodes are always numeric.
  • ru - Word corrections.


Release Date: 2017-08-24

  • Migration to .NET Standard 2.0.


Release Date: 2017-08-24

  • With additional overloads for .PickRandom(IList) and .PickRandom(ICollection) we can now add .PickRandom("cat", "dog", "fish") back to the API.


Release Date: 2017-08-23

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Faker.Generate(n) now calls .ToList() under the hood to escape LINQ deferred execution. Remembering to call .ToList() after .Generate(n) was a sticking point for new users writing test assertions on generated values. Please do not call Faker.Generate(n).ToList() as it would execute .ToList() twice. Simply, Faker.Generate(n) is enough.
  • f.Generate and f => f.Make now return IList<T> to signify the breaking change above.
  • Issue #92: Added .GenerateLazy to keep old behavior and returns IEnumerable<T>.
  • Issue #93: Renamed a PickRandom overload to avoid the compiler from picking wrong PickRandom method.
  • Added f.PickRandomParam("cat","dog","fish").
  • Removed [Obsolete] methods.


Release Date: 2017-08-20

  • Issue #88 - API aesthetics: Added Name.FullName() convenience method to generate a full name.


Release Date: 2017-08-02

  • PR #87: Added .Rules() method on RuleSet. Thanks @digitalcyote.


Release Date: 2017-07-28

  • Add parameter for including Currency fund codes (BOV, CLF, COU, MXV, UYI).
  • Fixed minor issue in Person.Email having duplicate names.
  • Helper method: f.PickRandomWithout(ExcludeItem1, ExcludeItem2) added.
  • Helper method: f.PickRandom("cat", "dog", "fish") added.
  • Performance: 40% reduction in Bogus' DLL size and memory footprint by removing whitespace in Json data files.
  • Newtonsoft dependency update 10.0.3.


Release Date: 2017-05-06

  • Added f => f.Rant to generate random user content like product reviews.
  • Added new Faker[T].Rules( (f, t) => ...) as a shortcut for building rules quickly.
  • Added Address.FullAddress
  • Added Internet.UrlWithPath allowing to create URLs with random paths.
  • Added ru (Russian locale) hacker adjective, ing-verb, noun, and verb.
  • Added Internet.Mac address separator parameter.
  • Feature parity with faker.js @ 6cdb93ef...
  • Using new C# 7 features. =)


Release Date: 2017-04-11

  • Building with Visual Studio 2017.
  • Issue 70: Fixed ArgumentException that occurs with derived hidden new properties.


  • f => f.Generate(n, i => ...) overload allows use of index when using f.Generate.


Release Date: 2017-03-27

  • PR 64: Improved .PickRandom(IEnumerable) performance. Thanks @chuuddo.
  • Added "string".ClampLength(max,min) extension method to clamp length of strings between min and max.
  • Issue 67: Fixed Randomizer.Int(int.MaxValue, int.MinValue) range overflow not returning random int32 values.


Release Date: 2017-03-20

  • Compatibility with Newtonsoft.Json v10.0.1


Release Date: 2017-03-14

  • Added .RuleFor(x.Item, "foo"). Eliminates ceremony of f => for simple values.


Release Date: 2017-03-13

  • Added range option to Sentence.


Release Date: 2017-02-23

  • New Feature: Allow implicit and explicit type casts: Order o = orderFaker and var o = (Order)orderFaker without having to call orderFaker.Generate().


Release Date: 2017-02-21

  • Added IndexGlobal alias for UniqueIndex.
  • Added IndexFaker for uniqueness in Faker[T] lifetime.
  • Added IndexVariable a developer controlled index convenience variable.
  • Added Database dataset to f => f.Database facade.
  • Fixed Issue 57 - Avoid unexpected behavior with Parent-Child generators using UniqueIndex.
  • Removed some Internet.Avatars that returned 404.
  • Reached feature/data parity with faker.js v4.1.0.


Release Date: 2017-02-18

  • Internet.UserAgent - Generates browser user agent strings.
  • Internet.Password - Generates user passwords using regex.
  • Added az/Azerbaijani locale.
  • Disallow / character in System.FileName.
  • Helpers.Slugify properly replaces spaces with - dashes.
  • Lorem.Slug slugs some lorem text.
  • Finance.Iban - Generates International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN).
  • Finance.Bic - Generates Bank Identifier Code (BIC) codes.
  • Random.WeightedRandom - Returns a weighted random distribution of items.
  • Allow https:// in random images.
  • Images.DataUri - Generates "data:image/svg" URI with width and height.
  • Database data set for generating column, collation, type stuff.


Release Date: 2017-01-19

  • Bug: Issue 54: Work around for Visual Studio IntelliSense.


Release Date: 2017-01-18

  • New Feature: Bogus is now a signed assembly; PublicToken: fa1bb3f3f218129a


Release Date: 2017-01-16

  • New Feature: Added PickRandom(IEnumerable) overload. Thanks joleharkes.


Release Date: 2016-12-20

  • New Feature: RuleForType(typeof(string)) allows bulk/default for a particular type on a class. Useful for very large classes with a specific type.


Release Date: 2016-12-07

  • Issue 46. Fixed threading deadlock situation with static faker initialization. Thanks Mpdreamz.
  • Added f => f.Generate(count, ()=> f.Phone.PhoneNumber()) helper for better fluency when filling properties with List of T.


Release Date: 2016-11-25

  • Added pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal) locale.


Release Date: 2016-10-22

  • Allow Faker<T>.RuleFor rules to be overridden. Last set rule wins.


Release Date: 2016-10-11

  • Faker<T>.AssertConfigurationIsValid to help in unit testing scenarios.
  • Add Internet.Ipv6 method to generate IPv6 addresses.


Release Date: 2016-08-07

  • Added f => f.Commerce on Faker.


Release Date: 2016-07-27

  • Added cz/Czech locale
  • Updated en, nl, pl, sk, sv locales.
  • Realistic Dutch city naming
  • Randomizer.AlphaNumeric added.
  • Randomizer.Double now accepts (min,max) arguments
  • Added convenience Randomizer for random Decimal, Float, Byte, Bytes, SByte, Int, UInt, ULong, Long, Short, UShort, Char and Chars.


Release Date: 2016-07-06

  • Newtonsoft Json 9.0.1 dependency support.


Release Date: 2016-06-27

  • 💥 .NET Core 1.0 RTM Support.


Release Date: 2016-05-20

  • Compatibility with .NET Standard 1.3 and .NET Core RC2.


Release Date: 2016-05-16

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since last non-beta release.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-05-16

  • Clamp Randomizer maximum value to int.MaxValue.


Release Date: 2016-05-15

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since last non-beta release.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-05-15

  • Locale update
  • Date.Recent(0) generates random times for current date between midnight and now.
  • New System data set for generating fake file names and mime-types.
  • Added Date.Timespan for random timespan values.
  • Added System.Semver for random semantic versions.
  • Added System.Version for random System.Version objects.
  • Added Internet.ExampleEmail for simple email generation.
  • Added Finance.BitcoinAddress for random bitcoin addresses.
  • BREAKING: Fake "seeded" data generated by Bogus may be different from previous versions.
  • WARN: Address.City may have changed in some random seeds


Release Date: 2016-03-29

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since last non-beta release.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-03-29

  • Fixed index out of bounds bug in faker.Random.Word().
  • Commerce.Department output may have changed as a result of this fix.


Release Date: 2016-03-23

  • Removed RuleFor(x = x.Prop, constantValue), was confusing the API.
  • Added 0-arity RuleFor(x = x.Prop, () => someValue)


Release Date: 2016-03-22

  • Make f.UniqueIndex as int for convenience.
  • Use generic RuleFor(x = x.Prop, constantValue).


Release Date: 2016-03-21

  • New RuleFor(x = x.Prop, constantValue)
  • Support for RuleFor(x = x.Id, f = f.Hashids.Encode())
  • New f.UniqueIndex, useful for composing property values that require uniqueness.


Release Date: 2016-02-25

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since v4.0.1.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-02-25

  • JvanderStad PR15: Lazy load Person. Avoids extra Seed.Next calls that may interfere with seeded content.
  • JvanderStad PR16: Better address generation. Respects locale address formats.
  • Added "dotnet5.4" moniker support.
  • BREAKING: Fake "seeded" data generated by Bogus may be different from previous versions.


Release Date: 2016-02-15

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since v3.0.6.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-02-15

  • Bogus - Feature parity with faker.js.
  • System module added. Generate random file names and extensions.
  • Randomizer - Added Uuid().
  • Locales Updated: en_GB, sv, sk, de_CH, en.
  • Locales Added: id_ID, el, lv.
  • Prevent apostrophes in return value of Internet.DomainWords
  • Added more parameters for Image data set.
  • Lorem - Better API methods: Seeded tests based on "content" will fail due to upgrade.


Release Date: 2016-01-21

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since v3.0.5.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-01-21

  • Issue #13: Fixed StrictMode to exclude private fields.
  • New Feature: Ignore property or field in StrictMode: Faker[Order].Ignore(o => o.OrderId).
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-01-20

  • Roll-up Release for .NET Framework since v3.0.4.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-01-19

  • Issue #13: StrictMode() now ignores read-only properties.
  • Newtonsoft.Json v8 compatibility.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-01-18

  • Issue #12: Make Bogus thread-safe on Generate() and DataSets. Avoids threading issues in test runners.
  • CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.


Release Date: 2016-01-11

  • CoreCLR support (CoreCLR users please continue using latest beta release until CoreCLR is RTM.).


Release Date: 2015-12-10

  • Issue 10: Make Bogus work with fields also, not just properties. Fixes LINQPad issues.


Release Date: 2015-12-09

  • PR 9: quantumplation - Fixed typo in Lorem.Sentance() -> Lorem.Sentence()


Release Date: 2015-11-24

  • Generate US: SSN - Social Security Numbers.
  • Generate Canada: SIN - Social Insurance Numbers.
  • Generate Brazil: Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas - CPF Numbers.
  • Generate Finland: Henkilotunnus - Person ID numbers
  • Generate Denmark: Det Centrale Personregister - Person ID numbers.
  • Allow exclude values on Randomizer.Enum.
  • Randomizer.Replace accepts '*' replace with letter or digit.
  • Added Lorem.Letter(num).
  • Can switch locale on Name: f.Name["en"].LastName()


Release Date: 2015-10-22

  • Added debug symbols to
  • PR#6: Fixed lastname and empty list exception -salixzs
  • Switch to semantic versioning at par with FakerJS.


  • Adding generators: Date.Month(), Date.Weekday()
  • Sentences using lexically correct "A foo bar."
  • Added Spanish Mexico (es_MX) locale.


Release Date: 2015-07-21

  • Issue #2: Use latest Newtonsoft.Json -Mpdreamz


Release Date: 2015-07-11

  • Includes Ireland (English) locale.


Release Date: 2015-07-11

  • Migrated to new FakerJS datafile format. Build system uses gulp file to directly import FakerJS locales.
  • Faker.Parse() can now tokenize and replace handlebar formats.
  • Added Faker.Hacker and Faker.Company properties.
  • Added Custom separator on Lorem.Paragraph.
  • Added Canada (French) (fr_CA) locale.
  • Added Ukrainian (uk) locale.
  • Added Ireland (en_IE) locale.
  • Added Internet.Mac for mac addresses.
  • Support for Canadian post/zip codes.
  • Exposed Name.JobTitle, Name.JobDescriptor, Name.JobArea, Name.JobType
  • Exposed Address.CountryCode
  • Replace symbols in domain words so it generates output for all locales
  • Support for gender names, but only for locales that support it. Russian('ru') but not English('en').
  • Corrected abbreviation for Yukon to reflect its official abbreviation of "YT".


Release Date: 2015-06-22

  • Fixed instantiating a Person in a non-US locale. -antongeorgiev


Release Date: 2015-06-11

  • Added Georgian, Turkish, and Chinese (Taiwan) locales.
  • Added Name.JobTitle()
  • Added Internet.Url() and Internet.Protocol().
  • Sync'd up with faker.js v2.1.5.


Release Date: 2015-06-11

  • Fixed bug in Faker.Person and Faker[T] that generates new person context after every new object.
  • Added support for .FinishWith() for post-processing that runs after all rules but before returning new instance.
  • Added Newtonsoft.Json as NuGet dependency.


Release Date: 2015-06-10

  • Minor changes, mostly XML doc update and Person moved from DataSet to Bogus namespace.


Release Date: 2015-06-08

  • Initial port from faker.js 2.1.4.