diff --git a/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_options.h b/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_options.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f93d8d1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_options.h
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+// Copyright (c) Darrell Wright
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Official repository: https://github.com/beached/daw_json_link
+#pragma once
+#include "version.h"
+#include <daw/cpp_17.h>
+#include <daw/daw_hide.h>
+#include <daw/daw_traits.h>
+#include <ciso646>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+namespace daw::json {
+	inline namespace DAW_JSON_VER {
+		namespace json_details {
+			using policy_options_t = std::uint32_t;
+			template<typename>
+			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width = 0;
+			template<typename>
+			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value = [] {
+				struct unknown_policy {};
+				return unknown_policy{ };
+			}( );
+		} // namespace json_details
+		/***
+		 * Allow for different optimizations.  Currently only the compile_time path
+		 * is fully supported. The others may offer faster parsing. The default is
+		 * compile_time, it provides constexpr parsing and generally is faster
+		 * currently.
+		 */
+		enum class ExecModeTypes : unsigned {
+			compile_time,
+			runtime, /* testing */
+			simd     /* testing */
+		};         // 2bits
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned json_details::policy_bits_width<ExecModeTypes> =
+		  2;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto json_details::default_policy_value<ExecModeTypes> =
+		  ExecModeTypes::compile_time;
+		/***
+		 * Input is a zero terminated string.  If this cannot be detected, you can
+		 * specify it here.  Offers some optimization possibilities in the parser.
+		 * Default is no, to try and detect, but use the safer assumption that the
+		 * buffer does not end in zero.
+		 */
+		enum class ZeroTerminatedString : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned
+		  json_details::policy_bits_width<ZeroTerminatedString> = 1;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto
+		  json_details::default_policy_value<ZeroTerminatedString> =
+		    ZeroTerminatedString::no;
+		/***
+		 * Allow comments in JSON.  The supported modes are none, C++ style
+		 * comments, and # hash style comments.  Default is none, no comments
+		 * allowed
+		 */
+		enum class PolicyCommentTypes : unsigned { none, cpp, hash }; // 2bits
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned
+		  json_details::policy_bits_width<PolicyCommentTypes> = 2;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto
+		  json_details::default_policy_value<PolicyCommentTypes> =
+		    PolicyCommentTypes::none;
+		/***
+		 * Enable all structure, buffer, and type checking.  The default is yes, but
+		 * no still does some checking and can be faster.
+		 */
+		enum class CheckedParseMode : unsigned { yes, no }; // 1bit
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned
+		  json_details::policy_bits_width<CheckedParseMode> = 1;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto json_details::default_policy_value<CheckedParseMode> =
+		  CheckedParseMode::yes;
+		/***
+		 * Allow the escape character '\' in names.  This forces a slower parser and
+		 * is generally not needed.  The default is no, and the end of string
+		 * matching only needs to look for a `"`, not skip `\"` in names.
+		 */
+		enum class AllowEscapedNames : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned
+		  json_details::policy_bits_width<AllowEscapedNames> = 1;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto
+		  json_details::default_policy_value<AllowEscapedNames> =
+		    AllowEscapedNames::no;
+		/***
+		 * Testing
+		 * Use precise IEEE754 parsing of real numbers.  The default is no, and
+		 * results is much faster parsing with very small errors of 0-2ulp.
+		 */
+		enum class IEEE754Precise : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned json_details::policy_bits_width<IEEE754Precise> =
+		  1;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto json_details::default_policy_value<IEEE754Precise> =
+		  IEEE754Precise::yes;
+		/***
+		 * If the hashes of all members being looked are unique, the lookup of names
+		 * as they are found in the document stops at hash checking by default.  You
+		 * can force a full string check by setting to yes.
+		 */
+		enum class ForceFullNameCheck : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr unsigned
+		  json_details::policy_bits_width<ForceFullNameCheck> = 1;
+		template<>
+		inline constexpr auto
+		  json_details::default_policy_value<ForceFullNameCheck> =
+		    ForceFullNameCheck::no;
+		/* *****************************************
+		 * Implementation details
+		 */
+		namespace json_details {
+			template<typename Policy, typename Policies>
+			struct policy_bits_start_impl;
+			template<typename Policy, typename... Policies>
+			struct policy_bits_start_impl<Policy, std::tuple<Policies...>> {
+				static constexpr auto idx =
+				  traits::pack_index_of_v<Policy, Policies...>;
+				static_assert( idx >= 0, "Policy is not registered" );
+				using tp_policies = std::tuple<Policies...>;
+				template<std::size_t Pos, int End>
+				static constexpr unsigned do_step( ) {
+					if constexpr( Pos >= static_cast<std::size_t>( End ) ) {
+						return 0U;
+					}
+					return policy_bits_width<std::tuple_element_t<Pos, tp_policies>>;
+				}
+				template<std::size_t... Is>
+				static constexpr unsigned calc( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
+					return ( do_step<Is, idx>( ) + ... );
+				}
+			};
+			using policy_list =
+			  std::tuple<ExecModeTypes, ZeroTerminatedString, PolicyCommentTypes,
+			             CheckedParseMode, AllowEscapedNames, IEEE754Precise,
+			             ForceFullNameCheck>;
+			template<typename Policy, typename Policies>
+			inline constexpr unsigned basic_policy_bits_start =
+			  policy_bits_start_impl<Policy, Policies>::template calc(
+			    std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<Policies>>{ } );
+			template<typename Policy>
+			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_start =
+			  basic_policy_bits_start<Policy, policy_list>;
+			template<typename Policy>
+			inline constexpr bool is_policy_flag = policy_bits_width<Policy> > 0;
+			template<typename Policy, typename... Policies>
+			constexpr Policy get_policy_or( std::tuple<Policies...> const &pols ) {
+				constexpr int const pack_idx =
+				  daw::traits::pack_index_of_v<Policy, Policies...>;
+				if constexpr( pack_idx != -1 ) {
+					return std::get<static_cast<std::size_t>( pack_idx )>( pols );
+				} else {
+					return json_details::default_policy_value<Policy>;
+				}
+			}
+			template<typename Policy>
+			constexpr void set_bits( policy_options_t &value, Policy e ) {
+				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
+				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
+				unsigned new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
+				constexpr unsigned mask = (1U << policy_bits_width<Policy>)-1U;
+				new_bits &= mask;
+				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
+				value &= ~mask;
+				value |= new_bits;
+			}
+			template<typename Policy>
+			constexpr policy_options_t set_bits( policy_options_t const &v,
+			                                     Policy e ) {
+				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
+				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
+				auto value = v;
+				unsigned new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
+				constexpr unsigned mask = (1U << policy_bits_width<Policy>)-1U;
+				new_bits &= mask;
+				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
+				value &= ~mask;
+				value |= new_bits;
+				return value;
+			}
+			template<typename Policy>
+			constexpr policy_options_t set_bits_for( Policy e ) {
+				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
+				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
+				policy_options_t new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
+				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
+				return new_bits;
+			}
+			template<typename>
+			struct default_policy_flag_t;
+			template<typename... Policies>
+			struct default_policy_flag_t<std::tuple<Policies...>> {
+				static constexpr policy_options_t value =
+				  ( set_bits_for<Policies>( default_policy_value<Policies> ) | ... );
+			};
+			/***
+			 * The defaults for all known policies encoded as a policy_optionts_t
+			 */
+			inline static constexpr policy_options_t default_policy_flag =
+			  default_policy_flag_t<policy_list>::value;
+			template<typename Policy, typename Result = Policy>
+			constexpr Result get_bits( policy_options_t value ) {
+				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
+				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
+				constexpr unsigned mask =
+				  ( 1U << (policy_bits_start<Policy> + policy_bits_width<Policy>)) - 1U;
+				value &= mask;
+				value >>= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
+				return static_cast<Result>( Policy{ value } );
+			}
+			template<std::size_t Idx, typename... Ts>
+			using switch_t = std::tuple_element_t<Idx, std::tuple<Ts...>>;
+		} // namespace json_details
+		// ***********************************************
+		/***
+		 * Create the parser options flag for BasicParsePolicy
+		 * @tparam Policies Policy types that satisfy the `is_policy_flag` trait.
+		 * @param policies A list of parser options to change from the defaults.
+		 * @return A policy_options_t that encodes the options for the parser
+		 */
+		template<typename... Policies>
+		constexpr json_details::policy_options_t
+		parse_options( Policies... policies ) {
+			static_assert( ( json_details::is_policy_flag<Policies> and ... ),
+			               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
+			auto result = json_details::default_policy_flag;
+			if constexpr( sizeof...( Policies ) > 0 ) {
+				result |= ( json_details::set_bits_for( policies ) | ... );
+			}
+			return result;
+		}
+	} // namespace DAW_JSON_VER
+} // namespace daw::json
diff --git a/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_policy.h b/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_policy.h
index c1b221601..59229cf61 100644
--- a/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_policy.h
+++ b/include/daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_policy.h
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "daw_json_allocator_wrapper.h"
 #include "daw_json_assert.h"
 #include "daw_json_parse_common.h"
+#include "daw_json_parse_options.h"
 #include "daw_json_parse_policy_cpp_comments.h"
 #include "daw_json_parse_policy_hash_comments.h"
 #include "daw_json_parse_policy_no_comments.h"
@@ -29,226 +30,18 @@
 namespace daw::json {
 	inline namespace DAW_JSON_VER {
-		namespace json_details {
-			using policy_options_t = std::uint32_t;
-			template<typename>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width = 0;
-			template<typename>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value = [] {
-				struct unknown_policy {};
-				return unknown_policy{ };
-			}( );
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class ExecModeTypes : unsigned {
-			compile_time,
-			runtime,
-			simd
-		}; // 2bits
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<ExecModeTypes> = 2;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<ExecModeTypes> =
-			  ExecModeTypes::compile_time;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class ZeroTerminatedString : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<ZeroTerminatedString> = 1;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<ZeroTerminatedString> =
-			  ZeroTerminatedString::no;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class PolicyCommentTypes : unsigned { none, cpp, hash }; // 2bits
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<PolicyCommentTypes> = 2;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<PolicyCommentTypes> =
-			  PolicyCommentTypes::none;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class CheckedParseMode : unsigned { yes, no }; // 1bit
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<CheckedParseMode> = 1;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<CheckedParseMode> =
-			  CheckedParseMode::yes;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class AllowEscapedNames : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<AllowEscapedNames> = 1;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<AllowEscapedNames> =
-			  AllowEscapedNames::no;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class IEEE754Precise : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<IEEE754Precise> = 1;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<IEEE754Precise> =
-			  IEEE754Precise::no;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		enum class ForceFullNameCheck : unsigned { no, yes }; // 1bit
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_width<ForceFullNameCheck> = 1;
-			template<>
-			inline constexpr auto default_policy_value<ForceFullNameCheck> =
-			  ForceFullNameCheck::no;
-			template<typename Policy, typename Policies>
-			struct policy_bits_start_impl;
-			template<typename Policy, typename... Policies>
-			struct policy_bits_start_impl<Policy, std::tuple<Policies...>> {
-				static constexpr auto idx =
-				  traits::pack_index_of_v<Policy, Policies...>;
-				static_assert( idx >= 0, "Policy is not registered" );
-				using tp_policies = std::tuple<Policies...>;
-				template<std::size_t Pos, int End>
-				static constexpr unsigned do_step( ) {
-					if constexpr( Pos >= static_cast<std::size_t>( End ) ) {
-						return 0U;
-					}
-					return policy_bits_width<std::tuple_element_t<Pos, tp_policies>>;
-				}
-				template<std::size_t... Is>
-				static constexpr unsigned calc( std::index_sequence<Is...> ) {
-					return ( do_step<Is, idx>( ) + ... );
-				}
-			};
-			using policy_list =
-			  std::tuple<ExecModeTypes, ZeroTerminatedString, PolicyCommentTypes,
-			             CheckedParseMode, AllowEscapedNames, IEEE754Precise,
-			             ForceFullNameCheck>;
-			template<typename Policy, typename Policies>
-			inline constexpr unsigned basic_policy_bits_start =
-			  policy_bits_start_impl<Policy, Policies>::template calc(
-			    std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size_v<Policies>>{ } );
-			template<typename Policy>
-			inline constexpr unsigned policy_bits_start =
-			  basic_policy_bits_start<Policy, policy_list>;
-			template<typename Policy>
-			inline constexpr bool is_policy_flag = policy_bits_width<Policy> > 0;
-			// struct is_policy_flag<PolicyCommentTypes> : std::true_type {};
-		} // namespace json_details
-		namespace json_details {
-			template<typename Policy, typename... Policies>
-			constexpr Policy get_policy_or( std::tuple<Policies...> const &pols ) {
-				constexpr int const pack_idx =
-				  daw::traits::pack_index_of_v<Policy, Policies...>;
-				if constexpr( pack_idx != -1 ) {
-					return std::get<static_cast<std::size_t>( pack_idx )>( pols );
-				} else {
-					return json_details::default_policy_value<Policy>;
-				}
-			}
-			template<typename Policy>
-			constexpr void set_bits( policy_options_t &value, Policy e ) {
-				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
-				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
-				unsigned new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
-				constexpr unsigned mask = (1U << policy_bits_width<Policy>)-1U;
-				new_bits &= mask;
-				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
-				value &= ~mask;
-				value |= new_bits;
-			}
-			template<typename Policy>
-			constexpr policy_options_t set_bits( policy_options_t const &v,
-			                                     Policy e ) {
-				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
-				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
-				auto value = v;
-				unsigned new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
-				constexpr unsigned mask = (1U << policy_bits_width<Policy>)-1U;
-				new_bits &= mask;
-				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
-				value &= ~mask;
-				value |= new_bits;
-				return value;
-			}
-			template<typename Policy>
-			constexpr policy_options_t set_bits_for( Policy e ) {
-				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
-				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
-				policy_options_t new_bits = static_cast<unsigned>( e );
-				new_bits <<= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
-				return new_bits;
-			}
-			template<typename Policy, typename Result = Policy>
-			constexpr Result get_bits( policy_options_t value ) {
-				static_assert( is_policy_flag<Policy>,
-				               "Only registered policy types are allowed" );
-				constexpr unsigned mask =
-				  ( 1U << (policy_bits_start<Policy> + policy_bits_width<Policy>)) - 1U;
-				value &= mask;
-				value >>= policy_bits_start<Policy>;
-				return static_cast<Result>( Policy{ value } );
-			}
-			template<std::size_t Idx, typename... Ts>
-			using switch_t = std::tuple_element_t<Idx, std::tuple<Ts...>>;
-		} // namespace json_details
-		template<typename... Policies>
-		constexpr json_details::policy_options_t
-		parse_options( Policies... policies ) {
-			static_assert( ( json_details::is_policy_flag<Policies> and ... ),
-			               "Invalid policy flag types" );
-			if constexpr( sizeof...( Policies ) > 0 ) {
-				return ( json_details::set_bits_for( policies ) | ... );
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
 		 * Handles the bounds and policy items for parsing execution and comments.
-		 * @tparam IsUncheckedInput If true, do not perform all validity checks on
-		 * input.  This implies that we can trust the source to be perfect
-		 * @tparam CommentPolicy The policy that handles skipping whitespace where
-		 * comments may or may not be allowed:w
-		 * @tparam ExecMode A Policy type for selecting if we must be constexpr, can
-		 * use C/C++ runtime only methods, or if SIMD intrinsics are allowed
-		 * @tparam AllowEscapedNames Are escapes allowed in member names.  When
-		 * true, the slower string parser is used
+		 * @tparam PolicyFlags set via parse_options method to change compile time
+		 * parser options
+		 * @tparam Allocator An optional Allocator to allow for passing to objects
+		 * created while parsing if they support the Allocator protocol of either
+		 * the Allocator argument being last or with a first argument of
+		 * std::allocator_arg_t followed by the allocator.`Thing( args..., alloc )`
+		 * or `Thing( std::allocator_arg, alloc, args... )`
-		template<json_details::policy_options_t PolicyFlags = 0,
+		template<json_details::policy_options_t PolicyFlags =
+		           json_details::default_policy_flag,
 		         typename Allocator = json_details::NoAllocator>
 		struct BasicParsePolicy : json_details::AllocatorWrapper<Allocator> {
 			using iterator = char const *;
@@ -262,18 +55,30 @@ namespace daw::json {
 			static constexpr exec_tag_t exec_tag = exec_tag_t{ };
+			/***
+			 * see AllowEscapedNames
+			 */
 			static constexpr bool allow_escaped_names =
 			  json_details::get_bits<AllowEscapedNames>( PolicyFlags ) ==
+			/***
+			 * see ForceFullNameCheck
+			 */
 			static constexpr bool force_name_equal_check =
 			  json_details::get_bits<ForceFullNameCheck>( PolicyFlags ) ==
+			/***
+			 * see ZeroTerminatedString
+			 */
 			static constexpr bool is_zero_terminated_string =
 			  json_details::get_bits<ZeroTerminatedString>( PolicyFlags ) ==
+			/***
+			 * See IEEE754Precise
+			 */
 			static constexpr bool precise_ieee754 =
 			  json_details::get_bits<IEEE754Precise>( PolicyFlags ) ==
@@ -683,7 +488,7 @@ namespace daw::json {
-		using NoCommentSkippingPolicyChecked = BasicParsePolicy<parse_options( )>;
+		using NoCommentSkippingPolicyChecked = BasicParsePolicy<>;
 		using NoCommentZeroSkippingPolicyChecked =
 		  BasicParsePolicy<parse_options( ZeroTerminatedString::yes )>;
diff --git a/include/daw/json/impl/fast_double_parser.h b/include/daw/json/impl/fast_double_parser.h
index fb82b34be..268950f2c 100644
--- a/include/daw/json/impl/fast_double_parser.h
+++ b/include/daw/json/impl/fast_double_parser.h
@@ -1099,8 +1099,10 @@ namespace daw::json {
 				// FASTFLOAT_LARGEST_POWER We recover the mantissa of the power, it
 				// has a leading 1. It is always rounded down.
-				std::uint64_t factor_mantissa =
-				  math_const::mantissa_64[power - FASTFLOAT_SMALLEST_POWER];
+				std::uint64_t factor_mantissa = [&] {
+					auto const idx = power - FASTFLOAT_SMALLEST_POWER;
+					return math_const::mantissa_64[idx];
+				}( );
 				// The exponent is 1024 + 63 + power
 				//     + floor(log(5**power)/log(2)).
@@ -1139,11 +1141,11 @@ namespace daw::json {
 				// this will be non-zero because the most significant bit of i is
 				// 1.
-				auto [upper, lower] =
+				auto [lower, upper] =
 				  full_multiplication( exec_tag, whole, factor_mantissa );
-				// We know that upper has at most one leading zero because
-				// both i and  factor_mantissa have a leading one. This means
-				// that the result is at least as large as ((1<<63)*(1<<63))/(1<<64).
+				//  We know that upper has at most one leading zero because
+				//  both i and  factor_mantissa have a leading one. This means
+				//  that the result is at least as large as ((1<<63)*(1<<63))/(1<<64).
 				// As long as the first 9 bits of "upper" are not "1", then we
 				// know that we have an exact computed value for the leading
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index af972c17a..11118d0fb 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -606,11 +606,15 @@ add_executable(daw_json_minify_full src/daw_json_minify_full.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(daw_json_minify_full json_test)
 add_dependencies(full daw_json_minify_full)
 add_executable(test_array_of_ordered src/test_array_of_ordered.cpp)
 target_link_libraries(test_array_of_ordered json_test)
 add_dependencies(full test_array_of_ordered)
+add_executable(test_details_parse_options src/test_details_parse_options.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(test_details_parse_options json_test)
+add_dependencies(full test_details_parse_options)
 # **************************************************
 # JSON Benchmark
 # **************************************************
diff --git a/tests/src/test_details_parse_options.cpp b/tests/src/test_details_parse_options.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4285c07ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/test_details_parse_options.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (c) Darrell Wright
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Official repository: https://github.com/beached/daw_json_link
+// Ensure that parse_options is working as expected
+#include <daw/json/impl/daw_json_parse_options.h>
+#include <cassert>
+int main( ) {
+	using namespace daw::json;
+	{
+		constexpr auto precise_opt = parse_options( IEEE754Precise::yes );
+		constexpr auto precise_val = json_details::get_bits<IEEE754Precise>( precise_opt );
+		static_assert( precise_val == IEEE754Precise::yes );
+	}