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Releases: beakerbrowser/beaker

Beaker 0.3.7

18 Oct 14:45
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This release makes some handy improvements to the Dat editor/viewer.

screen shot 2016-10-18 at 9 42 11 am


  • 🍴 Dats are now forkable
  • 🗺 Dat URLs are now shown in the Dat Viewer, thanks to the sublocation API
  • 👆 Improved file picker in dats
  • 🕙 History can now be cleared (Thanks @taravancil !)

Beaker 0.3.6

13 Oct 16:01
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This release adds lots of nice aesthetic improvements to the UIs. Check out the sharp edges we added to the tabs. (Try not to cut yourself on them.)

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 10 16 01 am

Dat Downloading

Getting the experience with Dats perfect will take a lot of iterations -- but it's getting better every day. We met with the Dat Team and made big improvements to the downloading flow. Have a look at the new downloads page. It should feel familiar to any torrenter.

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 10 18 41 am

Performance was improved overall with Dats, and we've got live tours, and cleaner UIs all around. Are we 100% satisfied? Not quite yet. But we're getting there.

Live Reloading⚡️

This one has us really excited. What's the worst part of the browser? That's right, the refresh button.

Now, any time you're viewing a Dat, you can toggle the ⚡️ Live Reload using the dropdown menu on the right. The moment the Dat updates, your page will refresh itself, entirely on it's own. Great for when you're working on a website, or watching somebody else live-blog. Watch a demo video

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 10 12 13 am


  • 📐 Improved Tabs UI
  • 📂 Updated Dat Viewing, Authoring, and Downloading
  • ⚡️ Added Live Reloading
  • 🐶 Dat sites are now able to use the Fetch API and Service Workers.
  • 🔨 Settings page now a little less confusing (Thanks @taravancil !)

Beaker 0.3.5

29 Sep 16:36
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In addition to crushing bugs, we worked on the onboarding experience for new users, so that archives are as approachable as possible. This includes a new-user tour, and a nicer archives-listing:



  • ✨ Improved UI around Dat Archives.
  • 🎓 When you create your first archive, you'll now get a guided tour of the UI.
  • 🚫 New archives are no longer automatically served (the user must click SERVE!)
  • 📝 Archives created by Beaker now have a modified-time set.
  • 💬 Downloads UI now keeps the 'completed' progress bar visible, so that you can notice the download is done (#112)


  • Fix: WebAPI permission prompts now work correctly when multiple windows are active.
  • Fix: History DB no longer occasionally creates a transaction error (#105)
  • Fix: Navbar now correctly handles Chinese IME input (#97). Thanks @poga !
  • Fix: You can now login to Twitter (#104)
  • Fix: Pinned tabs now behave like gentlemen (#111)
  • Fix: Inpage finder no longer randomly drops your current search (#112)

Beaker 0.3.4

24 Sep 19:54
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This release fixes some bugs, and makes the UI a little prettier.

screen shot 2016-09-24 at 2 39 48 pm

In this release, Beaker stops calling dats 'Sites,' and instead adopts the label of 'Archive,' which is the semantic used in the rest of the Dat ecosystem. So, users now create and share 'Dat Archives,' which can include html to behave as sites.


  • Prettier, flatter UI
  • OSX .dmg installer now (REALLY) hides the unsightly hidden files.
  • Fix: Drag-and-drop creation of Dat Archives now no longer results in bad paths.
  • Fix: Page redirects now work more consistently (You can now login to Twitter).
  • Fix: Downloads dropdown now behaves more consistently with the downloads page.

Beaker 0.3.3

22 Sep 21:33
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This release improves various UI elements and adds ES modules via polyfill to Beaker.

0 3 3

In the next release, 0.4, we'll be focusing on the Dat Web API and tooling.


  • Updated tabs aesthetic: widened, auto-hide the X button.
  • Added the downloads dropdown to the toolbar.
  • Add support for ES Modules via polyfill.
  • Switch dat-sites to the dat.json manifest standard.
  • Added more convenient file-sharing buttons and help links.
  • Improve controls in the Your Sites page, and in site-creation.
  • Dat sites which fail to load will now show a helpful "Searching..." page.
  • IPFS: To simplify configuration and avoid conflicts, Beaker now looks for the IPFS daemon on startup and does not start its own.

If you have Beaker 0.2 or above installed on OSX, you can receive this update by using the auto-updater in the settings page.

Beaker 0.3.2

14 Sep 00:05
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  • Sites served over dat:// are now able to embed and Ajax to other sites served over dat://. This will eventually require a permission prompt, but, because it exfiltrates very little data, this is default-allowed for now.
  • Change "Open Folder" to "Export Zip" in the view-dat interface. This will keep people from accidentally editing internal files.
  • Greatly improved tab UI performance.
  • Bookmarks are now editable.
  • Added downloads UI to the navbar.
  • Various bugfixes.

If you have Beaker 0.2 or above installed on OSX, you can receive this update by using the auto-updater in the settings page.

Beaker 0.3.1

06 Sep 21:24
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  • New and improved dat-site creator. The builtin Sites page now has a button to create new Dat Sites, and a control for changing the title & description. You can drag/drop or file-pick files to add to the archive.
  • You can now register Beaker as the default browser for http, dat, and ipfs links (thanks @poga!).
  • You can now open URLs with unknown schemes, such as itunes links, in external programs, after a permission prompt.
  • Small bugfixes.

If you have Beaker 0.2 or above installed on OSX, you can receive this update by using the auto-updater in the settings page.

Beaker 0.3.0

02 Sep 20:13
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  • Improved tabs and navbar interface.
  • Updated builtin pages: now includes Favorites, Seeds, History, Downloads, and Settings.
  • Improved view-dat:// interface.
  • Updated ipfs:/ to now list files when no index.html is present.
  • Pages can now ask for permissions to use privileged resources such as Fullscreen, the Camera/Microphone, etc.

Updates to dat:

  • Visited dats no longer "seed" (upload) to the network until enabled, on the dat archive.
  • Individual dat files can now be downloaded easily, using the view-dat interface.

If you have Beaker 0.2 or above installed on OSX, you can receive this update by using the auto-updater in the settings page.

Beaker 0.2.0

23 Aug 21:54
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Adds the auto-updater, IPNS support, a new logo, and a set of bugfixes.

Beaker 0.1.0

10 Aug 21:57
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Basic browsing behaviors, Dat and IPFS protocols, and plugins.