Thank you for considering contributing to our project! We welcome contributions from everyone, regardless of experience level or background. By contributing, you help us improve, grow, and maintain a welcoming and productive community.
How to Contribute
There are several ways to contribute to this project:
Report Issues: Found a bug or have a suggestion for improvement? Open an issue in our Issues Tracker.
Submit Code: Submit pull requests (PRs) with fixes or new features.
Improve Documentation: Fix typos, clarify instructions, or expand on topics to help others understand the project better.
Test and Review: Test features and review pull requests to ensure quality.
Share Knowledge: Write tutorials, create sample projects, or help answer questions from the community.
Getting Started
- Code of Conduct
By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please take a moment to review it.
- Setting Up the Environment
Fork the repository.
Clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd pmll_blockchain
Install dependencies:
- Writing Code
Follow the established coding style.
Write clear, concise, and well-documented code.
Add or update tests for new functionality or bug fixes.
Test your changes locally before submitting.
Submitting Changes
- Open a Pull Request
Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature-or-bugfix-branch
Make your changes and commit them with a meaningful message:
git commit -m "Fix: Describe what you fixed or added"
Push your branch to your fork:
git push origin feature-or-bugfix-branch
Open a pull request on the original repository and provide a detailed description of your changes.
- Be Responsive
Stay engaged and respond to comments or feedback on your pull request. Collaboration ensures your contribution meets the project’s standards.
- Reporting Issues
Provide a clear and descriptive title.
Include steps to reproduce the issue.
Share relevant logs, screenshots, or details to help diagnose the problem.
Suggest possible solutions if you have any ideas.
- Submitting Pull Requests
Ensure your branch is up to date with the main branch:
git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/main
Keep pull requests focused and small for easier review.
Reference related issues or pull requests in your description.
- Documentation
Ensure documentation changes are accurate and comprehensive.
Use proper grammar and formatting.
- Testing
Write unit tests for your changes where applicable.
Ensure all tests pass before submitting:
npm test
Community Expectations
Be respectful and constructive in all interactions.
Offer constructive feedback and accept suggestions gracefully.
Encourage and support new contributors.
GitHub Flow Guide
Markdown Syntax Guide
Code of Conduct
Thank You
We appreciate your interest in contributing to this project. Your efforts help us grow and maintain a thriving community. Thank you for making a difference!