All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Test-IsElevated - Allows for better explanation for certain actions' availability.
- Format-MetricResults - Shapes the output to be consistent.
- New-NetworkMetric - Creates and returns a well defined object from the speed test results for later use.
- New-Status - Creates and returns a well defined object from a determined "outcome" of the speed test for later use.
- Write-SpeedTestResults - Outputs the SpeedTestResults based on configuration.
- Restart-NetAdapter - Now we can restart a net adapter as a network-fixing step.
- Set-NetworkAnalyzerConfiguration - Persists the configuration for Start-SpeedTest into a file.
- Add-NetworkAnalyzerConfigurationValue - Adds a key-value pair of configuration to a config object.
- Generate-Ndt7-ClientExecutable - Creates the most up to date exe for running the speed test.
- Ensure PSModule path is set properly for smoother testing.
- Allow for functions to have no params and still pass the module analyzer.
- No longer measure the wrong results every time.
- Reference to Home folder is now OS agnostic.
- Made a Tests folder that mirrors the structure of the NetworkAnalyzer folder to split functions from their tests.
- Move Scripts folder to the top level.
- Initial template function and test have been removed now that real functions exist.
0.1.0 - 2023-03-01
- Publish Module package to GitHub Packages
0.0.1 - 2023-02-27
- GitHub workflow for testing, building, and publishing.
- Initial scaffolding based on the repo this one is forked from.
- This changelog file.
- Metadata to Module nuspec file.