- whoami
- What is Distributed Tracing
- Terminology Lesson
- What is Zipkin
- How data flows between services
- How data gets to Zipkin
- App Setup
- Debug Example
- Mobile/External Clients
- How often to sample
-note Abstract As the complexity of our systems grow so must our tooling, Zipkin is a great distributed tracing tool that helps deal with tracing in microservices. But once we have to tool in place how do we actually fix problems in our system? We have been using zipkin in production at SmartThings so I’m going to share our insights.
In this talk we will review how to get quickly get zipkin tracing added to Ratpack and Grails then actually go through debugging some issues. We will also cover strategies for interactions with mobile / external clients and how to figure out an amount to sample at.
No zipkin experience required.
Random links Trace with kafka partion etc https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/a4d0696ac0233fc7 Auth with cassandra details etc https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/2740418edded39d0 Trace of an event push https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/8dafe05624989391 lots of oauth dance https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/74a1370c94b6fd5a
Other uses for tracing: functional tests show arch track calls to deprecated services
Jeff Beck
Software Architect at SmartThings
Distributed tracing systems collect end-to-end latency graphs (traces) in near real-time.
- Span - An operation that took place.
- Event - Something that occurs in a span.
- Tag - Key value pair on a span.
- Trace - End-to-end latency graph, made up of spans.
- Tracer - Library that records spans and passes context
- Instrumentation - Use of a tracer to record tasks.
- Sample % - How often to record a trace.
Zipkin mostly means the backend server that collects and surfaces trace data.
The OpenZipkin GitHub group holds many great tools such as the java tracer brave.
OpenZipkin https://github.com/openzipkin/
Service to Service the tracer deals with propagating trace info.
HTTP for example uses known Headers. B3
The tracer reports all the details of a span to the Zipkin backend.
HTTP calls by default.
To get data to the Zipkin backend you have many options besides HTTP.
- Kinesis
- Kafka
- Rabbit
- Scribe
-note Many more for particular clouds
AWS SQS it provides an easy to operate system that we are ok with the lag introduced. Also if the collectors can't keep up we can hold the data in the queue while we add capacity.
We are going to focus on simple sending via HTTP to zipkin these can be changed out for something like SQS sender.
docker run --name zipkin -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
docker inspect zipkin
- UI: http://{ip}:9411/zipkin
- API: http://{ip}:9411/
Use the community lib ratpack-zipkin
bindings {
serverConfig.get('/zipkin', ServerTracingConfig)
serviceName: myService
sampleRate: 1.0
spanCustomizer.tag("user.username", user.getUserName());
SpanCustomizer provided by ServerTracingModule via guice.
Use Sleuth
Distributed tracing built into Spring Cloud works well with boot.
Note Grails 3.x must use Sleuth 1.3.2 or less.
compile "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-sleuth-core:1.3.2.RELEASE"
compile "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin:1.3.2.RELEASE"
Note Incompatible with grails cache plugin.
percentage: 1.0
# When enabled=false, traces log to the console. Comment to send to zipkin
enabled: true
Where am I getting connection timeouts.
-note https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/db31eb275a0c3c90
A few errors https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/c32ceceb0a8cbb41
Where is the system just slow.
Duration > 10000
Note Duration is in microseconds. -note https://tracing.smartthingstlm.com/zipkin/traces/db31eb275a0c3c90
Where are we doing extra data store work.
Select Service
Search either the key=value OR key
- http.path=/v2/license/security/authorizeToken
- error
- http.status_code=408
- kafka.partition=70
Log your trace id so you can jump to the trace in zipkin if you see something in logs.
Outside partners or clients can pass in the B3 headers as well as have the clients themselves report to zipkin directly.
Danger area if you allow the external system to set the trace id they may never properly change it.
- How often is it called?
- How important is the call?
Low frequency call on account migration, but very important.
So we trace 100% in this case.
High frequency call of device data updates.
Trace at 1% given the frequency of the request call and how long we want to keep traces this is what our infra can handle.