You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 17
PHPasswordPusher is a PHP port of the PasswordPusher project, which provides a more secure method for sharing sensitive information (like passwords) with others. It operates on the principal that using a soon-to-be-expiring link to retrieve sensitive information is better than having the sensitive information persist in email, chat, etc...
A user will enter the sensitive information (password, etc.) into the pwlink script, set a view and time limit, and receive a link. That link is communicated to the intended recipient, who then can retrieve the sensitive information until the view or time limits are breached.
PHPasswordPusher has so far been tested with the following environment:
- Linux (RHEL 5 and CentOS 5, though other distributions should work.)
- Apache
- PHP 5.3
- Set up the environment. You will need to install these packages: mysql-server, httpd (apache2), php, php-mcrypt, php-pdo, php-mysql.
- Change configuration options in ./pwpusher_private/config.php
- Change configuration options in ./install.php. Remember to remove the credentials in this file when you're done with step 4!
- From the command-line interface, run
php install.php
- Copy the pwpusher_private and pwpusher_public directories to the same NON-PUBLIC directory of your choice (for instance, /var/www, but not inside public_html).
- Configure Apache (customize the below sample as noted). If you care about security enough to use this project, you should definitely be using SSL and redirecting users requests from non-secure ports (for instance 80, in the default configuration) to whatever port is SSL-enabled (typically 443). The Apache documentation will help here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/ssl/ssl_faq.html
##### PHPasswordPusher #####
### Change "/youralias/" and "/your/installation/dir/" to fit your installation:
Alias /youralias/ /your/installation/dir/pwpusher_public/
### Change "/your/installation/dir/" to fit your installation:
<Directory /your/installation/dir/pwpusher_public/>
#If you use the email functionality, you should definitely enable authentication:
#AuthName "Your login message."
#AuthType Basic
#AuthUserFile /your/.htpasswd
#require valid-user
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex pw.php
### Change "/your/installation/dir/" to fit your installation:
<Directory /your/installation/dir/pwpusher_private/>
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
- Test your installation by navigating to http(s)://yourwebserver/youralias/
Language functionality has been added. The pwpusher_private/language/ files may be modified, and new languages can be added. Simply follow the examples already there and update the config.php.
- PasswordPusher: https://github.com/pglombardo/PasswordPusher
- ZeroClipboard: https://github.com/jonrohan/ZeroClipboard
- Placeholder.js: https://github.com/jamesallardice/Placeholders.js
- Twitter Bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap