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File metadata and controls

1064 lines (770 loc) · 27.9 KB



MIT License Coverage Status NPM version CircleCI

A calendar module that focuses on providing the data needed to construct a calendar without being constrained to specific styles and layouts.

Over the span of a year and a half, I was part of three separate projects that needed a calendar component. Each time I searched through the popular calendar and date modules (and there are a lot) hoping to find something. I mean, who really wants to deal with date and time? Unfortunately, on each occasion, due to design or functional constraints each calendar module was knocked off the list of possibilities. Any time a calendar module supported advanced functionality it almost always came with explicit constraints on the markup and/or layout of the calendar.

Once the third time rolled around I decided to write something to scratch my own itch. I wanted to build something that would accept a few parameters and simply generate the calendar markup for me free of styles. Or allow me to generate the calendar in pure JSON to build out however I needed.

📺 Demos and Examples

Comments and Pull Requests welcome!




npm install angular-json-calendar --save


bower install angular-json-calendar --save


<!-- Include the styles (if you need them) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/lib/dist/angular-json-calendar.min.css" />

<!-- Include the module -->
<script src="path/to/lib/dist/angular-json-calendar.min.js"></script>


  • Angular.js (~1.4.0)
  • Moment.js (~2.13.0)


This will generate a basic calendar using the default settings.


📺 Simple demo


Optional: String

This allows you to define a custom starting date for this calendar instance. Defaults to the current day.

📺 Custom dates demo

<bc-calendar bc-start-date="2016-04-24T00:00:00.027Z"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

This allows you to define a custom end date for this calendar instance. This end-date will define the length of the calendar and override bc-days if it is also set.

📺 Custom dates demo

<!-- Not set by default -->
<bc-calendar bc-end-date="2016-08-11T00:00:00.027Z"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

The nesting depth refers to how the days will be wrapped. When set to day the calendar will simply be many day elements inside a single containing element. If the nesting depth is changed to week then the calendar will be a container filled with weeks that in turn are filled with days. If changed to month then the calendar would be a container filled with months, each filled with weeks and each of those in turn filled with days.

Try changing the nesting depth and inspecting the DOM!

📺 Nesting depth demo

<!-- Default is 'month' -->
<bc-calendar bc-nesting-depth="week"></bc-calendar>


Optional: Integer

This determines how many days will be output in the calendar. This defaults to 30 and can be overridden by setting bc-end-date.

<!-- Default is 30 -->
<bc-calendar bc-days="45"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

This allows you to change the format of the weekday titles. Default is abbreviation;

// output: [S, M, T, W, T, F, S]

// output: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat]

// output: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]

📺 Custom titles demo

<!-- Default is 'abbreviation' -->
<bc-calendar bc-day-title-format="word"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

This customizes the format of the month name. Any valid Moment.js date filter format can be used. Default is MMMM which will output the full month name: February.

📺 Custom titles demo

<!-- Default is 'MMMM' -->
<bc-calendar bc-month-title-format="MMMM"></bc-calendar>


Optional: Method

Pass in a method which will be called when a date is selected (by a user clicking on a day). This method only passes in one parameter date. This will be the selected date in ISO string format.

📺 Date selected demo

// In your controller:
myMethod(date) {
  console.log('User selected: ', date);
  // output: 2016-08-11T00:00:00.027Z
<!-- In the DOM -->
<bc-calendar bc-date-selected="vm.myMethod(date)"></bc-calendar>


Optional: Bool

This boolean value determines if the month titles will be visible. If set to true, the month name will be output before each month.

<!-- Default is true -->
<bc-calendar bc-show-month-titles="false"></bc-calendar>


Optional: Bool

This boolean value determines if the weekday titles will be visible. When bc-nesting-depth is set to day or week, a single header element will be output above the calendar containing the weekday names. If bc-nesting-depth is set to month then a header element will be output at the beginning of each month.

<!-- Default is true -->
<bc-calendar bc-show-weekdays="false"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

This attribute accepts an HTML template as a string. When a template is passed in, it will be used in place of the default inner-day template. You will have access to one item to use in the template. Use to output the date. Don't forget, you can use the Angular date filter in your template.

<!-- Default template can be seen here: /src/templates/day.inner.html -->
<bc-calendar bc-day-template="<span>{{ }}</span>"></bc-calendar>

<!-- You can use the Angular date filter inside your template -->
<bc-calendar bc-day-template="<span>{{ | date:'d / M / yy' }}</span>"></bc-calendar>


Optional: String

Pass in a string representing a valid Moment.js date filter format to change how the default date is output in the default day template. Moment.js date filter format

<!-- Default is 'D' -->
<bc-calendar bc-date-format="MMM d, yyyy"></bc-calendar>


Most calendar implementations should be able to simply use the directive. But one of the reasons this module was created was to give the end user more control over the calendar data itself without always being tied to HTML output. So the services that I use internally are all exposed to enable you to create a completely custom calendar.

Note: Don't be afraid to go look at the source! It isn't too complicated and has plenty of comments!

Inject the service into your controller to use:

// ES6 example
export class MyController {

    ) {

        // returns true



// ES5 example
angular.module('myModule', ['bc.JsonCalendar'])
    .controller('MyController', (bcCalendarService) => {

          // returns true


📺 Service example demo


Check to see if the passed in date occurred before the current date.

  • @param {String} date Required
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
  • @return {Bool}
// returns true


  • @param {String} date Required
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
  • @param {String} date2 Optional
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
    • Default is the current day.
  • @return {Bool}

Check to see if the passed in date is the same day as the current date. You can also pass in a second date which will be used to check against in place of the current day.

// returns false

bcCalendarService.isDayToday('2016-05-01T00:00:00.027Z', '2016-05-01T00:00:00.027Z');
// returns true


  • @param {Integer} count Required
    • The number of array items needed.
  • @return {Array} days

Turn a integer (6) into an array: [1,2,3,4,5,6]

// returns [1, 2, 3, 4]


  • @param {String} startDate Required
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
  • @param {Integer} count Required
    • The number of days that should be created.
  • @return {Array} days

Pad the beginning of a week with any missing days.

If the calendar's nesting depth is set to week or month and the start date is not at the beginning of the week, you can backfill that week's missing days.

bcCalendarService.padDaysLeft('2016-05-18T00:00:00.027Z', 3);
// returns:


  • @param {Array} collection Required
    • The array that needs blank tiles.
  • @param {Integer} count Required
    • The number of blank tiles needed.
  • @param {String} direction Optional
    • Determines if the tiles are added to the beginning or end of the collection.
    • Valid values: left, right.
    • Default value: left.
  • @return {Array} paddedCollection

Pad a collection with blank tiles.

If you are generating a classic calendar month and the first day of the month isn't the first day of the week, then your vertical alignment will be off (meaning your first day may be a Wednesday, but it is sitting underneath the Sunday label).

const collection = [{date: '2016-05-17T00:00:00.027Z'}];

bcCalendarService.padBlankTiles(collection, 2);
// returns:

bcCalendarService.padBlankTiles(collection, 2, 'right');
// returns:


  • @param {Array} group Required
    • The array that needs blank tiles.
  • @param {Integer} groupSize Optional
    • How many items each 'chunk' should hold
    • Default value: 7
  • @return {Array} chunks

This is an implementation of the _.chunk() method you may know from libraries such as Underscore and Lodash. It will take an array of items and return an array of arrays, each holding the number of items specified by groupSize.

const collection = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];

bcCalendarService.chunk(collection, 4);
// returns:


  • @param {String} date Required
    • The first date to begin the measurement from.
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
  • @param {String} date Required
    • The second date to measure to.
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
  • @return {Integer} days

Get the duration in days between two dates including both the start and end date.

bcCalendarService.durationInDays('2016-04-05T04:00:00.000Z', '2016-04-12T04:00:00.000Z');
// returns: 9


  • @param {Array} days Required
    • The array of days that needs to be organized into weeks.
  • @return {Array} collection

This method takes a collection of days and organizes them by week, padding any days as needed.

// returns:
[ // collection
  [ // week
    { // day
      date: '2016-04-05T04:00:00.000Z',
    ... // more days
  ... // more weeks


  • @param {Array} days Required
    • The array of days that needs to be organized into months.
  • @return {Array} collection

This method takes a collection of days and organizes them by weeks and months, padding any days as needed.

// returns:
[ // collection
  [ // month
    [ // week
      { // day
        date: '2016-04-05T04:00:00.000Z',
      ... // more days
    ... // more weeks
  ... // more months


  • @param {Integer} limit Required
    • The number of days to create
  • @param {String} start Optional
    • Any string representing a valid date accepted by Moment.js
    • Default value: The current day
  • @return {Array} collection

Build an array with a specific number of days starting from the date specified or the current date. Although there is only one item, each day is an object so that you can easily add custom properties to support any features needed.

bcCalendarService.buildDays(3, '2016-04-12T04:00:00.000Z');
// returns:


The provider allows you to change the default settings for every instance of the calendar within your project.

Note: Don't be afraid to go look at the source! It isn't too complicated and has plenty of comments!

Inject the provider into your config function to use it:

// ES6 example
export function myConfig(
) {

    // Now every calendar in your project with default to having the header hidden
    bcCalendarConfigProvider.showHeader = false;


// ES5 example
angular.module('myModule', ['bc.JsonCalendar'])

function myConfig(bcCalendarConfigProvider) {
    bcCalendarConfigProvider.showHeader = false;

📺 Provider demo


  • {String}
    • Any valid date accepted by Moment.js
    • Default value: the current day

Define the default starting date for all calendars.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.startDate = '2010-09-20T00:00:00.027Z';


  • {String}
    • Valid values: day, week, month
    • Default value: month

Define the default nesting depth for all calendars. Learn more about nesting depth in the directive attribute documentation: bc-nesting-depth

bcCalendarConfigProvider.nestingDepth = 'week';


  • {Integer}
    • The number of days to be included in each calendar when no bc-end-date is defined.
    • Default value: 30
bcCalendarConfigProvider.days = 12;


  • {String}
    • Collections: letter, abbreviation, word

Weekdays can be output in three formats. The values for each of these formats (or all of them) can be overwritten with translations or other custom values.

// You can overwrite the entire `weekdayStyle` object or just a subset:
bcCalendarConfigProvider.weekdayStyle.abbreviation = [

// Default formats:
// letter       : S, M, ...
// abbreviation : Sun, Mon, ...
// word         : Sunday, Monday, ...


  • {String}
    • Valid values: letter, abbreviation, word
    • Default value: abbreviation

Define the default format for weekday names.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.dayTitleFormat = `letter`;


  • {Bool}
    • Default value: true

Define the visibility of the weekdays header. This is only applicable if nestingDepth is set to week or month.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.showWeekdays = false;


  • @param {String} template Required

Pass in a template string to be used in place of the default day template. The passed in template will be put into the $templateCache with the other templates.

You have access to one item inside this template: day. This is an object with a single item. If the day is a valid day, will contain a date formatted as an ISO string: 2016-05-01T00:00:00.027Z. If the day is padding for a week or month, will be null.

// Don't forget, you can use the Angular date filter inside the template:
const myTemplate = '<span data-ng-if="">TODAY: {{ | date:"d"}}</span>';

<!-- Default day template -->
  datetime="{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}"
  title="{{ }}"
  <span data-ng-bind="vm.formatDate(, vm.dateFormat)"></span>


Define the default date format for every day.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.dateFormat = 'EEE, d';
// output: Sun, 1


Define the default format for the month titles.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.monthTitleFormat = 'MMM';
// output: Jan


  • {Bool}
    • Default value: true

Define the default visibility of the month names before each month when nestingDepth is set to month.

bcCalendarConfigProvider.showMonthTitles = false;


One of the primary goals of this project was to create a calendar free of styles and constraints. Because of this, there are no styles applied by default. But, as a user of open-source modules, I really value when I can get a simple version up and running without investing too much time. For that reason there are three very minimal themes included.

There are also plenty of clearly defined classes which allow for the easy creation of custom themes.


These very minimal themes were created to hopefully spark your creativity rather than to use directly in production apps (unless of course you need something very, very minimal).

To enable a theme, add the corresponding class name to the directive element. Note that the theme may require a custom template for the day which adds specific elements and classes for the theme. You can expand on these examples to build your own custom day and theme.

  bc-day-template="{{ vm.customDayTemplate }}"


A classic month by month calendar.

  • Nesting depth should be set to month
  • Custom day template should be used

📺 Months theme demo

  bc-day-template="{{ vm.customDayTemplate }}"

<!-- Note: Since 'month' is the default nesting depth, you can also leave it
     off as long as the default has not been overwritten using the provider -->
  bc-day-template="{{ vm.customDayTemplate }}"

Custom Day Template:

  datetime="{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}"
  title="{{ }}"
  <span class="week--date">{{ | date:"d"}}</span>
  <span class="month">{{ | date:"MMMM"}}</span>


A modern vertical calendar comprised of weeks.

  • Nesting depth should be set to week
  • Custom day template should be used

📺 Days theme demo

  bc-day-template="{{ vm.yourCustomDayTemplate }}"

Custom Day Template:

  datetime="{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}"
  title="{{ }}"
  <span class="week--date">{{ | date:"d"}}</span>
  <span class="month">{{ | date:"MMMM"}}</span>


A side-scrolling calendar of days.

  • Nesting depth should be set to day
  • Custom day template should be used

📺 Side-scroll theme demo

  bc-day-template="{{ vm.customDayTemplate }}"

Custom Day Template:

  datetime="{{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}"
  title="{{ }}"
  <span class="week--date">{{ | date:"d"}}th</span>
  <span class="week--day">{{ | date:"EEEE"}}</span>


The easiest way to get acquainted with the classes is to check out one of the many, demos and inspect the DOM!

Note: Due to a breaking change with AngularJS v1.5.0 relating to using replace: true with directives, the directive element is now output into the DOM. Wrapper classes are added to each to help developers adapt for this change in existing applications.

// <section> Primary container for the calendar
.bc-calendar {}

// <bc-month> Directive wrapper
.bc-calendar__month-wrapper {}

// <time> The container for a month
.bc-calendar__month {}

// <span> The month title 'March'
.bc-calendar__month-title {}

// <span> Container for the weekday titles 'S M T W T F S'
.bc-calendar__weekdays {}

// <bc-week> Directive wrapper
.bc-calendar__week-wrapper {}

// <time> The container for a week
.bc-calendar__week {}

// <bc-day> Directive wrapper
.bc-calendar__day-wrapper {}

// <section> The container for an individual day
.bc-calendar__day {}

// <section> Secondary class added to a day when inside the weekdays header
.bc-calendar__day--weekdays {}

// <strong> Wrapper for the text inside a day within the weekdays header
.bc-calendar__day-title {}

// Class added to a day if it is before today's date
.bc-calendar__day--disabled {}

// Class added to a day if it is the current day
.bc-calendar__day--today {}

// Class added to even days (2nd, 4th, etc)
.bc-calendar__day--even {}

// Class added to odd days (1st, 3rd, etc)
.bc-calendar__day--odd {}

// Class added to a day when it is a 'filler' day rather than a valid day
.bc-calendar__day--pad {}

// Class added to a day when it is a valid day
.bc-calendar__day--valid {}

// Class added to a day when it is the currently selected day
.bc-calendar__day--selected {}

// <time> The inner wrapper for the date in the default day template
.bc-calendar__day-time {}



  • npm run build - Build JS/CSS/HTML/SVG
  • npm run build:js - Build JS
  • npm run build:css - Build CSS
  • npm run watch:css - Watch CSS and rebuild on change
  • npm run watch:js - Watch JS/HTML and rebuild on change
  • npm run watch - Watch JS/CSS/HTML and rebuild on change