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File metadata and controls

134 lines (97 loc) · 2.84 KB

Prediction API

Seldon Core uses REST and gRPC APIs exposed externally for business applications to connect to and also internally for microservices to implement models, routers, combiners and transformers.

  • External Prediction API
    • Read this if you want to connect external business applications
  • Internal Prediction API
    • Read this if you want to build a microservice to wrap a model or build another type of component such as a router, combiner or transformer

Payload Design


Proto Buffer and gRPC Definition

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

package seldon.protos;

option java_package = "io.seldon.protos";
option java_outer_classname = "PredictionProtos";

// [START Messages]

message SeldonMessage {

  Status status = 1;
  Meta meta = 2;
  oneof data_oneof {
    DefaultData data = 3;
    bytes binData = 4;
    string strData = 5;

message DefaultData {
  repeated string names = 1;
  oneof data_oneof {
    Tensor tensor = 2;
    google.protobuf.ListValue ndarray = 3;

message Tensor {
  repeated int32 shape = 1 [packed=true];
  repeated double values = 2 [packed=true];

message Meta {
  string puid = 1; 
  map<string,google.protobuf.Value> tags = 2;
  map<string,int32> routing = 3;

message SeldonMessageList {
  repeated SeldonMessage seldonMessages = 1;

message Status {

    enum StatusFlag {
        SUCCESS = 0;
        FAILURE = 1;

    int32 code = 1;
    string info = 2;
    string reason = 3;
    StatusFlag status = 4;

message Feedback {
  SeldonMessage request = 1;
  SeldonMessage response = 2;
  float reward = 3;
  SeldonMessage truth = 4;

message RequestResponse {
  SeldonMessage request = 1;
  SeldonMessage response = 2;

// [END Messages]

// [START Services]

service Generic {
  rpc TransformInput(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc TransformOutput(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc Route(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc Aggregate(SeldonMessageList) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc SendFeedback(Feedback) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service Model {
  rpc Predict(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service Router {
  rpc Route(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc SendFeedback(Feedback) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service Transformer {
  rpc TransformInput(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service OutputTransformer {
  rpc TransformOutput(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service Combiner {
  rpc Aggregate(SeldonMessageList) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

service Seldon {
  rpc Predict(SeldonMessage) returns (SeldonMessage) {};
  rpc SendFeedback(Feedback) returns (SeldonMessage) {};

// [END Services]