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Wrapping Songkick's API since 2010.

More documentation forthcoming, but check out the example to get started.

Getting an API key

Visit to request an API key.


Using this wrapper is fairly straight-forward. Right now, events and setlists are supported.

Getting a connection

songkick = Songkick(api_key=[YOUR API KEY])

Querying for events provides access to Songkick's event search.

Event querying supports the following parameters:

  • artist_name
  • artist_id, the Songkick-given artist id
  • musicbrainz_id, a MusicBrainz id. If musicbrainz_id is given, no other artist-related query parameters are respected.
  • venue_id, the Songkick-given venue id. There is not currently a way to programmatically search for venues.
  • min_date, the earliest possible event date. Given as date.
  • max_date, the latest possible event date. Given as date.

Pagination is handled with the following parameters:

  • per_page, the number of objects per page. 50 max.
  • page, the page number you'd like.

See TODO for pagination plans.

# query for 10 coltrane motion events, no earlier than 1/1/2009
events ='coltrane motion',
                               min_date=date(2009, 1, 1))

# iterate over the list of events
for event in events:
    print event.display_name        # Coltrane Motion at Arlene's Grocery (June 2, 2010)
    print       # New York, NY, US
    print event.venue.display_name  # Arlene's Grocery

Querying for setlists

Songkick.setlists provides access to Songkick's setlist catalog.

Right now, Songkick's setlist API only allows querying for setlists by event id.

# pull the setlist for event 786417, wilco @ the troxy
setlist = songkick.setlists.get(id=786417)

# check out whats inside
print setlist.display_name # Wilco at Troxy (25 Aug 09)

for song in setlist.setlist_items:
    print song.title # Wilco (The Song)


Songkick's API documentation is fairly out of date. I've provided a few response examples in the data dir.


  • python 2.6+
  • httplib2
  • sphinx (optional, to build docs)
  • python-dateutil

All covered in requirements.txt.


  • Support event location search
  • Pagination feels incomplete, so I'd like to add an optional cursor to allow transparent page fetching.