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Option 1: Docker-based development setup

Start the environment

Create the Python package metadata (zam_repondeur.egg_info) on the host so that it exists when the app directory is mounted as a volume in the container (otherwise we would get a DistributionNotFound error at startup):

$ python3 egg_info

Build and start the whole system:

$ docker-compose up --build --detach

You can then access the web app on http://localhost:6543/

You may want to open a shell in the context of one of the containers in order to run tests or other development-related commands:

$ docker-compose exec webapp bash

Option 2: Native local development setup

Install requirements

Python 3.6+

To install Python 3 (macOS):

$ brew install python


To install PostgreSQL (macOS):

$ brew install postgresql


To install Redis (macOS):

$ brew install redis


To install wkhtmltopdf (macOS):

$ brew install caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf

Setup the Python virtual environment

Create a Python virtual environment and install dependencies:

$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/zam
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/zam/bin/activate
(zam)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(zam)$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
(zam)$ pip install -e .

Create the database

$ createuser --createdb zam
$ createdb --owner=zam zam

Initialize the database

(zam)$ alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

Load data from external sources

Fetch (open)data from AN and Sénat websites to be able to create up-to-date lectures.

(zam)$ zam_load_data development.ini

Grant administrator privileges to a user

(zam)$ zam_admin development.ini grant "[email protected]"

Allow some e-mail addresses to sign in

(zam)$ zam_whitelist development.ini add "*@*"

Start the web app

(zam)$ pserve --reload development.ini app=zam_webapp

You can now access the web app at http://localhost:6543/

Start the worker for asynchronous tasks

(zam)$ zam_worker development.ini#worker


Create a separate database for tests:

$ createdb --owner=zam zam-test

Run tests:

(zam)$ pytest

Reformat code:

(zam)$ black .

Check style guide:

(zam)$ flake8

Check type annotations:

(zam)$ mypy zam_repondeur