To check access rights in the code, use the AccessRight method.
When a role does not grant access rights to metadata objects and defines an additional access right only, use the IsInRole method.
If Standard Subsystems Library is used in a configuration, use the RolesAvailable function of the Users common module, otherwise IsInRole method call must be combined with PrivilegedMode() method call. If Standard Subsystems Library is used in a configuration, use the RolesAvailable() function of the Users common module, otherwise IsInRole() method call must be combined with PrivilegedMode() method call.
If RolesAvailable("AddingChangingCountriesWorld") Then...
If RolesAvailable("ViewPopularCountriesReport") Then ...
If AccessRight("Edit", Metadata.Catalogs.WorldCountries) Then ...
If AccessRight("View", Metadata.Reports.PopularCountries) Then ...
If RolesAvailable("Treasurer") Then...
If IsInRole("Treasurer") OR PrivilegedMode() Then ...
- Standard: Checking access rights (RU)