HTML uses js-beautify so you can use the options available for this beautifier. If you need more information make sure to read the documentation of js-beautify to see all available options
- indent_size: 4
- indent_with_tabs: false
- editorconfig: false
- eol: "\n"
- end_with_newline: false
- indent_level: 0
- indent_scripts: normal
- preserve_newlines: true
- max_preserve_newlines: 3
- space_in_paren: false
- space_in_empty_paren: false
- jslint_happy: false
- space_after_anon_function: false
- space_after_named_function: false
- brace_style: collapse
- unindent_chained_methods: false
- break_chained_methods: false
- keep_array_indentation: false
- unescape_strings: false
- wrap_line_length: 0
- e4x: false
- comma_first: false
- operator_position: before-newline
- indent_empty_lines: false
- max_preserve_newlines: 10