diff --git a/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/HTML/Scrubber.pm b/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/HTML/Scrubber.pm
index 137914d..5cb20f5 100644
--- a/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/HTML/Scrubber.pm
+++ b/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/HTML/Scrubber.pm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ sub setup {
return $c->maybe::next::method(@_);
-sub prepare_parameters {
+sub dispatch {
my $c = shift;
@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ sub html_scrub {
$c->_scrub_recurse($conf, $c->request->body_data);
+ # And if Catalyst::Controller::REST is in use so we have $req->data,
+ # then scrub that too
+ if ($c->request->can('data')) {
+ my $data = $c->request->data;
+ if ($data) {
+ $c->_scrub_recurse($conf, $c->request->data);
+ }
+ }
# Normal query/POST body parameters:
$c->_scrub_recurse($conf, $c->request->parameters);
@@ -170,9 +179,11 @@ See SYNOPSIS for how to configure the plugin, both with its own configuration
passing on any options from L to control exactly what
scrubbing happens.
-=item prepare_parameters
+=item dispatch
-Sanitize HTML tags in all parameters (unless `ignore_params` exempts them).
+Sanitize HTML tags in all parameters (unless `ignore_params` exempts them) -
+this includes normal POST params, and serialised data (e.g. a POSTed JSON body)
+accessed via `$c->req->body_data` or `$c->req->data`.
diff --git a/t/05_rest.t b/t/05_rest.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d45c136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/05_rest.t
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/lib";
+use Test::More;
+eval 'use Catalyst::Controller::REST';
+plan skip_all => 'Catalyst::Controller::REST not available, skip REST tests' if $@;
+use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp05';
+use HTTP::Request::Common;
+use HTTP::Status;
+ # Test that data in a JSON body POSTed gets scrubbed too
+ my $json_body = <",
+ "baz":{
+ "one":"Second-level
+ },
+ "arr": [
+ "one test
+ "two "
+ ],
+ "some_html": "Leave this alone:
+ my $req = POST('/foo',
+ Content_Type => 'application/json', Content => $json_body
+ );
+ diag("REQUEST: " . $req->as_string);
+ my ($res, $c) = ctx_request($req);
+ is($res->code, RC_OK, 'response ok');
+ is(
+ $c->req->data->{foo},
+ 'Top-level ', # note trailing space where img was removed
+ 'Top level body param scrubbed',
+ );
+ is(
+ $c->req->data->{baz}{one},
+ 'Second-level ',
+ 'Second level body param scrubbed',
+ );
+ is(
+ $c->req->data->{arr}[0],
+ 'one test ',
+ 'Second level array contents scrubbbed',
+ );
+ is(
+ $c->req->data->{some_html},
+ 'Leave this alone:
+ 'Body data param matching ignore_params left alone',
+ );
diff --git a/t/lib/MyApp05.pm b/t/lib/MyApp05.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f0aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/MyApp05.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package MyApp05;
+use Moose;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+use Catalyst qw/HTML::Scrubber/;
+extends 'Catalyst';
+ name => 'MyApp03',
+ scrubber => {
+ auto => 1,
+ ignore_params => [ qr/_html$/, 'ignored_param' ],
+ # params for HTML::Scrubber
+ params => [
+ allow => [qw/br hr b/],
+ ],
+ }
+# Incredibly nasty monkey-patch to rewind filehandle before parsing - see
+# https://github.com/perl-catalyst/catalyst-runtime/pull/186
+# First, get the default handlers hashref:
+my $default_data_handlers = __PACKAGE__->default_data_handlers();
+# Wrap the coderef for application/json in one that rewinds the filehandle
+# first:
+my $orig_json_handler = $default_data_handlers->{'application/json'};
+$default_data_handlers->{'application/json'} = sub {
+ $_[0]->seek(0,0); # rewind $fh arg
+ $orig_json_handler->(@_);
+# and now replace the original default_data_handlers() with a version that
+# returns our modified handlers
+*Catalyst::default_data_handlers = sub {
+ return $default_data_handlers;
diff --git a/t/lib/MyApp05/Controller/Root.pm b/t/lib/MyApp05/Controller/Root.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5ed70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/MyApp05/Controller/Root.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package MyApp05::Controller::Root;
+use Moose;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' }
+ namespace => '',
+# default to avoid "No default action defined"
+sub foo : Path : ActionClass('REST') { }
+sub foo_GET {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->res->body('index');
+sub foo_POST {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->log->debug("index_POST running for a " . $c->req->method . " request");
+ $c->res->body('POST received');
+sub index {
+ my ($self, $c) = @_;
+ $c->log->debug("Default index route hit by " . $c->req->method . " request");
+ $c->res->body("DEFAULT");