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File metadata and controls

53 lines (46 loc) · 3.31 KB


Samuele Malavasi | mat.182551

The project is about handling .xml and .json files. I used Ivy to manage dependencies and ant to automate the ivy installation, dependencies retrieving, java compiling and execution.

About the code

I wrote 3 main classes and one .XSD

  • HealthProfileWriter Implements initializeDB method to create 20 random istances of the class Person which are used to populate an XML file used as database
  • HealthProfileReader Implements methods to query the database and the main one to run a demo
    • getHeight(int) Returns the height of the person whose id equals to the passed value
    • getWeight(int) Returns the weight of the person whose id equals to the passed value
    • printHealthprofile(int) Prints the healthprofile of the person entry of the given id
    • printPeopleByWeight(double, String) Prints the list of the people inside the database people.xml who satisfy a certain criterion expressed by a value and an operator
    • printPeopleList() Prints the list of the people inside the database people.xml
    • main Calls in order:
      • printPeopleList()
      • printHealthprofile(5)
      • printPeopleByWeight(90, ">")
  • DataMapper:
    • generatePeople() Generates 3 random people inside a new istance of a People object and returns it
    • marshall(People, String) Marshall in XML format the People istance passed inside the indicated file
    • marshallJSON(People, String) Marshall in JSON format the People istance passed inside the indicated file
    • unmarshall(String) Unmarshall from the XML file indicated a People istance and returns it
    • unmarshallJSON(String) Unmarshall from the JSON file indicated a People istance and returns it
    • main(String[]) Marshalls and Unmarshalls both from XML and from JSON, before each marshalling it generates 3 new Person istances inside a People object, at each step it cleans the variable in which data are stored:
      • Generates 3 random people and marshall them to people_new.xml
      • Cleans local variable
      • Unmarshalls the previous created people from people_new.xml
      • Generates other 3 random people and marshall them to people_new.json
      • Cleans local variable
      • Unmarshalls the previous created people from people_new.json
  • people.xsd:The XML schema usefull to validate people.xml and to generate through XJC the classes to model data

About the tasks

Everything written in build.xml is necessary to run execute.evaluation target, with the exception of the target 'generate' whose scope is to generate models automatically. I edited such model to fit some implementation needs. Before running execute.evaluation ant will,

  • download & install ivy to manage dependencies
  • make ivy handle dependencies
  • compile the 3 main classes including the dependencies
  • finally run HealthProfileWriter, HealthProfileReader, DataMapper

It is also implemented a task to clean the folder and delete the generated files with the target clean

How to run

Is it possible to make the code working by just running:

git clone

cd introsde-2016-assignment-1

ant execute.evaluation

Eventually it is possile to clean the folder and restore it as after the clone with

ant clean