All important changes of this project must be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for all stable KMP targets for core
- Support for all Apple targets and mingwX64 for datetime
- AtomicFu
- Stately
- Gradle 7.5 -> 8.6
- Kotlin 1.7.0 -> 1.9.22
- Android Target SDK 32 -> 34
- Support for KTX DateTime:
- Instant
- DayOfWeek
- Month
- TimeZone
- DateTimePeriod
- DatePeriod
- UtcOffset
- FixedOffsetTimeZone
- LocalTime
- LocalDate
- LocalDateTime
- Special Arrays (like CharArray) did not work with ranges
- Gradle 7.5 -> 7.5.1
- Kotlin 1.7.0 -> 1.7.10
- AtomicFu 0.18.2 -> 0.18.3
- Android Target SDK 32 -> 33
- Dangled Signatures
- SelectorGenerator
- RangedGenerator for:
- UByte
- Short
- UShort
- UInt
- ULong
- Float
- Char
- SignedNumberGenerator for:
- Byte
- Short
- Int
- Long
- Double
- RangedArrayGenerator for:
- UByteArray
- UShortArray
- UIntArray
- ULongArray
- FloatArray
- CharArray
- String
- SignedArrayNumberGenerator for:
- ByteArray
- ShortArray
- IntArray
- LongArray
- DoubleArray
- BooleanArrayGenerator is now a ArrayGenerator
- DependentGeneratorFactory in order to build Generators on top of other Generators
- Filter
- custom generator for Generics
- support for Enums
- iterable of fixture is now called option
- Gradle 7.4.2 -> 7.5
- Kotlin 1.6.21 -> 1.7.0
- AtomicFu 0.17.3 -> 0.18.2
- Stately 1.2.1 -> 1.2.3
- Android Target SDK 31 -> 32
- Kotlin 1.6.10 -> 1.6.21
- AtomicFu 0.17.1 -> 0.17.3
Initial release.