to install all packages and dependencies- Create
file in./evm
based of./evm/.env.example
for now, the mnemonic is the most important since this is local)
- run
yarn deploy
to deploy a local instanceYou should/could see an updated
folder - Create
file in./app
based of./app/env.local.example
Use addresses from
- From root dir
runyarn start
Yarn start triggers, in order:
- the smart contract test suite
- typechain to provide the front end with typings for Quiver
hardhat node
instance for local evm chainyarn dev
for local frontend onlocalhost:3000
Connect you wallet to RPC http://localhost:8545/
Changes to front-end will be live, changed to smart-contract code require restart
- Create or change smart contracts in
- Create or change test suites in
- Run
yarn test
This will also create types for the app and abis for the Graph
- Create
- Update
- Create or change pages (and components) in
- Run
yarn start
Runs smart contracts tests Generates types for app and ABIs for Graph Start local hardhat node (evm instance) Start front-end app
To interact with the app, connect your wallet to local RPC http://localhost:8485/
In case you need more complex data objects, or want to reduce multiple get calls to the contract to a single database query, or whatever, you can use the Graph. This package runs a local instance of the Graph where you can deploy to and call the endpoint via your app. It requires docker-compose
Change and/or update
Define your entitites and relations
Change and/or update
Define the data sources
Change and/or update
Define the data processing from events from source to entities and relations in schema
yarn setup
Create Docker-compose instance
yarn create:local
Inspect your Graph on http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/summon/raid-app/graphql
If you're using the Graph open 2 terminals
yarn start
Inspect app on localhost:3000 Remember to connect your wallet to RPC localhost:8545
Run yarn start:grap
Play around with the interaction. The second derived address in your wallet is the owner of the token as you can see under ERC20
- Mint some tokens
- Stake portion of those tokens
- Claim rewards
- Mint NFTs
- Play around
Cool bonus: when you create a stake, that is registered by the Graph and displayed in the 'Latest stakes' card under Staking
The used addresses for deployer
, owner
and user
are configured in ./evm/hardhat.config.ts
. For local testing different addresses are used to validate the ownership or role-based modifiers.
- Update or add deployment scripts in
- Run
hardhat deploy
to validate the deployment - Run
yarn hardhat --network [NETWORK_NAME_HERE] deploy
Use a network configured in
- Run
yarn hardhat --network [NETWORK_NAME_HERE] etherscan-verify
to verify the contracts on the relevant block explorer.
Check out Vercel
-[ ] Add in fleek.co deployment
- Create subgraph entry in Hosted Version Dashboard
- Update deploy script with subgraph name
- Run
yarn deploy
- NextJS
- Raid Guild Design System
-[ ] Error handling and toasts -[X] Add Graph module -[X] Staking pools contract and tests