Deploys a ECS Cluster.
This action uses the new GitHub Actions Commons, that is used by many Bitovi GitHub Actions, and so it's constantly evolving and improving.
With this action, you can create your ECS (Fargate or EC2) cluster, with tasks and service definitions in a matter of minutes! With an ALB, DNS and even Certificate (if in Route53)
If you would like to deploy a backend app/service, check out our other actions:
Action | Purpose |
Deploy Docker to EC2 | Deploys a repo with a Dockerized application to a virtual machine (EC2) on AWS |
Deploy React to GitHub Pages | Builds and deploys a React application to GitHub Pages. |
Deploy static site to AWS (S3/CDN/R53) | Hosts a static site in AWS S3 with CloudFront |
And more!, check our list of actions in the GitHub marketplace
This project is supported by Bitovi, A DevOps consultancy.
You can get help or ask questions on our:
Or, you can hire us for training, consulting, or development. Set up a free consultation.
For basic usage, create .github/workflows/deploy.yaml
with the following to build on push.
One container, exposed in the port 8000, mapped to container port 80. Will return the load balancer URL.
name: Deploy ECS Cluster
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Create Nginx example
uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ecs@v0.1.4
id: ecs
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws_default_region: us-east-1
#tf_stack_destroy: true # This is to destroy the stack
tf_state_bucket_destroy: true # Will only destroy the bucket if tf_stack_destroy is true
aws_ecs_task_cpu: 256
aws_ecs_task_mem: 512
aws_ecs_app_image: nginx:latest
aws_ecs_assign_public_ip: true
aws_ecs_container_port: 80
aws_ecs_lb_port: 8000
The example below will create a cluster with 3 tasks, with cloudwatch enabled and DNS usage. You'll end up with the following URL -> Mapping the 2nd and 3rd container to and (Usefull for FE/BE and something extra) (Keep in mind the apache container will print a 404 as that path doesn't exist in it.)
name: Deploy ECS Cluster Advanced
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: full-stack
url: ${{ steps.ecs.outputs.ecs_dns_record }}
- name: Create Nginx example
uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ecs@v0.1.4
id: ecs
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws_default_region: us-east-1
#tf_stack_destroy: true
tf_state_bucket_destroy: true
# Each comma separated value is for each consecutive container
aws_ecs_task_cpu: 256,512,512
aws_ecs_task_mem: 512,1024,1024
aws_ecs_app_image: nginx:latest,httpd:latest,
aws_ecs_assign_public_ip: true
aws_ecs_container_port: 80,80,80
aws_ecs_lb_port: 8000,8001,8082
aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable: true
aws_ecs_lb_container_path: 'apache,unit' # Fisrt container will be the URL root path
aws_ecs_additional_tags: '{\"key\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}'
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_enable: true
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_lg_name: nginx-leo
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_skip_destroy: false
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_retention_days: 1
aws_r53_enable: true
aws_r53_enable_cert: true
If you know what you are doing, you can play around defining a JSON file for the Task definition. That allows you more granular control of it.
The following inputs can be used as step.with
Name | Type | Description |
aws_access_key_id |
String | AWS access key ID |
aws_secret_access_key |
String | AWS secret access key |
aws_session_token |
String | AWS session token |
aws_default_region |
String | AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1 |
aws_resource_identifier |
String | Set to override the AWS resource identifier for the deployment. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME} . |
aws_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to all provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
checkout |
Boolean | Specifies if this action should checkout the code (i.e. whether or not to run the uses: actions/checkout@v3 action prior to deploying so that the deployment has access to the repo files). Defaults to true . |
bitops_code_only |
Boolean | If true , will run only the generation phase of BitOps, where the Terraform and Ansible code is built. |
bitops_code_store |
Boolean | Store BitOps generated code as a GitHub artifact. |
tf_stack_destroy |
Boolean | Set to true to destroy the stack - Will delete the elb logs bucket after the destroy action runs. |
tf_state_file_name |
String | Change this to be anything you want to. Carefull to be consistent here. A missing file could trigger recreation, or stepping over destruction of non-defined objects. Defaults to tf-state-aws , tf-state-ecr or tf-state-eks. |
tf_state_file_name_append |
String | Appends a string to the tf-state-file. Setting this to unique will generate tf-state-aws-unique . (Can co-exist with tf_state_file_name ) |
tf_state_bucket |
String | AWS S3 bucket name to use for Terraform state. See note |
tf_state_bucket_destroy |
Boolean | Force purge and deletion of S3 bucket defined. Any file contained there will be destroyed. tf_stack_destroy must also be true . Default is false . |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_ecs_enable |
Boolean | Toggle ECS Creation. Defaults to false . |
aws_ecs_service_name |
String | Elastic Container Service name. |
aws_ecs_cluster_name |
String | Elastic Container Service cluster name. |
aws_ecs_service_launch_type |
String | Configuration type. Could be EC2 , FARGATE or EXTERNAL . Defaults to FARGATE . |
aws_ecs_task_type |
String | Configuration type. Could be EC2 , FARGATE or empty. Will default to aws_ecs_service_launch_type if none defined. (Blank if EXTERNAL ). |
aws_ecs_task_name |
String | Elastic Container Service task name. If task is defined with a JSON file, should be the same as the container name. |
aws_ecs_task_execution_role |
String | Elastic Container Service task execution role name from IAM. Defaults to ecsTaskExecutionRole . |
aws_ecs_task_json_definition_file |
String | Name of the json file containing task definition. Overrides every other input. |
aws_ecs_task_network_mode |
String | Network type to use in task definition. One of none , bridge , awsvpc , and host . |
aws_ecs_task_cpu |
String | Task CPU Amount. |
aws_ecs_task_mem |
String | Task Mem Amount. |
aws_ecs_container_cpu |
String | Container CPU Amount. |
aws_ecs_container_mem |
String | Container Mem Amount. |
aws_ecs_node_count |
String | Node count for ECS Cluster. |
aws_ecs_app_image |
String | Name of the container image to be used. |
aws_ecs_security_group_name |
String | ECS Secruity group name. |
aws_ecs_assign_public_ip |
Boolean | Assign public IP to node. |
aws_ecs_container_port |
String | Comma separated list of container ports. One for each. |
aws_ecs_lb_port |
String | Comma serparated list of ports exposed by the load balancer. One for each. |
aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable |
String | Toggle redirect from HTTP and/or HTTPS to the main port. |
aws_ecs_lb_container_path |
String | Comma separated list of paths for subsequent deployed containers. Need aws_ecs_lb_redirect_enable to be true. eg. api. (For If you have multiple, set them to api,monitor,prom,, (This example is for 6 containers) |
aws_ecs_lb_ssl_policy |
String | SSL Policy for HTTPS listener in ALB. Will default to ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-2021-06 if none provided. See this link for other policies. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_enable |
Boolean | Toggle ecs autoscaling policy. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_nodes |
String | Max ammount of nodes to scale up to. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_min_nodes |
String | Min ammount of nodes to scale down to. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_mem |
String | Define autoscaling max mem. |
aws_ecs_autoscaling_max_cpu |
String | Define autoscaling max cpu. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_enable |
Boolean | Toggle cloudwatch for ECS. Default false . |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_lg_name |
String | Log group name. Will default to aws_identifier if none. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_skip_destroy |
Boolean | Toggle deletion or not when destroying the stack. |
aws_ecs_cloudwatch_retention_days |
String | Number of days to retain logs. 0 to never expire. Defaults to 14 . |
aws_ecs_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to ECS provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description - Check note about environment variables. |
env_aws_secret |
String | Secret name to pull environment variables from AWS Secret Manager. |
env_repo |
String | .env file containing environment variables to be used with the app. Name defaults to repo_env . |
env_ghs |
String | .env file to be used with the app. This is the name of the Github secret. |
env_ghv |
String | .env file to be used with the app. This is the name of the Github variables. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_vpc_create |
Boolean | Define if a VPC should be created. Defaults to false . |
aws_vpc_name |
String | Define a name for the VPC. Defaults to VPC for ${aws_resource_identifier} . |
aws_vpc_cidr_block |
String | Define Base CIDR block which is divided into subnet CIDR blocks. Defaults to . |
aws_vpc_public_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of public subnets. Defaults to |
aws_vpc_private_subnets |
String | Comma separated list of private subnets. If no input, no private subnet will be created. Defaults to <none> . |
aws_vpc_availability_zones |
String | Comma separated list of availability zones. Defaults to aws_default_region+<random> value. If a list is defined, the first zone will be the one used for the EC2 instance. |
aws_vpc_id |
String | Existing AWS VPC ID to use. Accepts vpc-### values. |
aws_vpc_subnet_id |
String | Existing AWS VPC Subnet ID. If none provided, will pick one. (Ideal when there's only one). |
aws_vpc_enable_nat_gateway |
Boolean | Adds a NAT gateway for each public subnet. Defaults to false . |
aws_vpc_single_nat_gateway |
Boolean | Toggles only one NAT gateway for all of the public subnets. Defaults to false . |
aws_vpc_external_nat_ip_ids |
String | Existing comma separated list of IP IDs if reusing. (ElasticIPs). |
aws_vpc_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to vpc provisioned resources. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_r53_enable |
Boolean | Set this to true if you wish to use an existing AWS Route53 domain. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_domain_name |
String | Define the root domain name for the application. e.g.'. |
aws_r53_sub_domain_name |
String | Define the sub-domain part of the URL. Defaults to aws_resource_identifier . |
aws_r53_root_domain_deploy |
Boolean | Deploy application to root domain. Will create root and www records. Default is false . |
aws_r53_enable_cert |
Boolean | Set this to true if you wish to manage certificates through AWS Certificate Manager with Terraform. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_cert_arn |
String | Define the certificate ARN to use for the application. See note. |
aws_r53_create_root_cert |
Boolean | Generates and manage the root cert for the application. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_create_sub_cert |
Boolean | Generates and manage the sub-domain certificate for the application. See note. Default is false . |
aws_r53_additional_tags |
JSON | Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to R53 provisioned resources. |
Name | Description |
aws_vpc_id |
The selected VPC ID used. |
ecs_load_balancer_dns |
ECS ALB DNS Record. |
ecs_dns_record |
ecs_sg_id |
ecs_lb_sg_id |
We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-ecs
. Issues and Pull Requests are welcome!
Most resources will contain the tag ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}
, some of them, even the resource name after.
We limit this to a 60 characters string because some AWS resources have a length limit and short it if needed.
We use the kubernetes style for this. For example, kubernetes -> k(# of characters)s -> k8s. And so you might see some compressions are made.
For some specific resources, we have a 32 characters limit. If the identifier length exceeds this number after compression, we remove the middle part and replace it for a hash made up from the string itself.
There's the option to add any kind of defined tag's to each grouping module. Will be added to the commons tagging.
An example of how to set them: {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
Buckets names can be made of up to 63 characters. If the length allows us to add -tf-state, we will do so. If not, a simple -tf will be added.
As a default, the application will be deployed and the ELB public URL will be displayed.
If aws_r53_domain_name
is defined, we will look up for a certificate with the name of that domain (eg.
). We expect that certificate to contain both
and *
Setting aws_r53_create_root_cert
to true
will create this certificate with both
and *
for you, and validate them. (DNS validation).
Setting aws_r53_create_sub_cert
to true
will create a certificate just for the subdomain, and validate it.
⚠️ Be very careful here! Created certificates are fully managed by Terraform. Therefor they will be destroyed upon stack destruction.
To change a certificate (root_cert, sub_cert, ARN or pre-existing root cert), you must first set the aws_r53_enable_cert
flag to false, run the action, then set the aws_r53_enable_cert
flag to true, add the desired settings and excecute the action again. (This will destroy the first certificate.)
This is necessary due to a limitation that prevents certificates from being changed while in use by certain resources.
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.
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