compares 9 SNV: deepSNV, GATK HaplotypeCaller, GATK UnifiedGenotyper, JointSNVMix2, MuTect, SAMtools, SiNVICT, SomaticSniper, and VarScan2 and does parameter selection on some of the callers
- Virmid - top 4. similar to strelka, best in deep seq
- Strelka - top 4. similar to virmid
- EBCall - top 4. best in deep sequencing
- Mutect - top 4
- Seurat - largest # calls. better for high sequencing depths
- Sniper - largest # calls, not as good in deep seq
- Shimmer, Varscan, DeepSnV - mediocre to poor performance
compares 4 SNV: Varscan, SomaticSniper, Strelka and MuTect2
- Strelka - top 2
- Shearwater - top 2
compares 9 SNV/indel callers: EBCall, Mutect, Seurat, Shimmer, Indelocator, Somatic Sniper, Strelka, VarScan 2 and Virmid
- JointSNVMix - 2 most sens to LFV. 2 most unique FPs
- DeepSNV - 2 most sens to LFV. 2 most unique FPs. always does better with increased depth. germline filter improves LFV
- Mutect - germline filter improves LFV
- Varscan2 - use minvarfreq 0.02 for LVF
compares 8 variant callers: MuTect, VarDict, FreeBayes, Varscan, Scalpel, LUMPY, DELLY, WHAM
- Mutect performs best
evaluated cancer tumor/normal variant calling with synthetic dataset 3 from the DREAM challenge, using multiple approaches to detect SNPs, indels and structural variants
2014 compares 3 SV variant callers: delly, lumpy, cm.mops
2014 Study compares 5 haplotyping variant callers with different mappers: GATK HC, GATK UG, Platypus, FreeBayes, SAMTools
2014 Study compares 5 somatic mutation callers: GATK UG with subtraction, MuTect, Strelka, SomaticSniper and VarScan2
- Strelka - top 2 sens
- Mutect - top 2 sens
2013 Study compares 4 variant callers on cancer/normal exome somatic tumor data: VarScan, SomaticSniper, JointSNVMix and Strelka
- JointSNVMix - inconvenient, little benefit. can have germline FPs at high depths
- Strelka - highest TP pass rate through custom filters, lowest germline SNP FP (dbSNP presence)
- Sniper - credible with low and medium MAF
- Varscan2 - returns lots of germline FPs. MAF 20-75%. doesn't add anything useful
2013 Study compares 6 SNV/indel callers: JointSNVMix, SomaticSniper, Strelka, and VarScan 2, MuTect and EBCall
- Mutect - more sensitive for LAF variants
- Varscan2 - more sensitive for high allele frequency variants
- EBCall - unmatched error distribution between normal references and target samples
2013 Study compares 5 pipelines: SOAP, BWA-GATK, BWA-SNVer, GNUMAP, and BWA-SAMtools
variant caller comparison (2013): compares 3 pipelines: GATK UG, GATK HC both with and without Picard and GATK adjustments, and FreeBayes