You can periodically create backups and upload them to your Google Storage Bucket.
Full documentation of the backup container can be found hee: blacklabelops/gcloud
First fire up the Jenkins master:
$ docker run -d -p 8090:8080 --name jenkins blacklabelops/jenkins
Then start and attach the blacklabelops/gcloud container!
The required example crontab can be found here: example-crontab-backup.txt
$ docker run \
--volumes-from jenkins \
-v $(pwd)/backups/:/backups \
-v $(pwd)/logs/:/logs \
-e "GCLOUD_ACCOUNT=$(base64 auth.json)" \
-e "GCLOUD_CRON=$(base64 example-crontab-backup.txt)" \
Uses the authentication file auth.json and executed the crontab th°°at uploads archives to the specified cloud bucket. Logs and backups are available locally.