This container does not write a logfile by default. It's considered bad practise as logs
should be accessed by the command docker logs
. There are use case where you want to
have additional log files, e.g. my use case is to relay log to Loggly Loggly Homepage.
I have added a routine for logging and it's activated by defining a logfile.
Environment Variable: LOG_FILE
Example for a separate volume with a logfile:
$ docker run -d -p 8090:8080 \
-v $(pwd)/logs:/jenkinslogs \
-e "LOG_FILE=/jenkinslogs/jenkins.log" \
--name jenkins \
You can watch the log by typing
cat ./logs/jenkins.log
Now lets hook up the container with my Loggly side-car container and relay the log to Loggly! The Full documentation of the loggly container can be found here: blacklabelops/loggly
$ docker run -d \
--volumes-from jenkins \
-e "LOGS_DIRECTORIES=/jenkinslogs" \
-e "LOGGLY_TOKEN=3ere-23kkke-23j3oj-mmkme-343" \
-e "LOGGLY_TAG=jenkinslog" \
--name jenkinsloggly \
Note: You need a valid Loggly Customer Key in order to log to Loggly.