- Export all as JSON / GeoJSON
- Background task?
- preemptively cache?
- no longer necessary with Moves own export?
Make sure timestamps are recorded in LineStrings- Calculate trackpoint speeds not just segment averages (geopy?)
- Hook up to external elevation service
- Display multiple days on map
- useful if we have all the export cached (and vice versa)
- Cycle through activities (like the app, cough)
- Permanent (ie per user) URLs
- only last until Memcache timeout?
- require a real DB to record which days are shared?
- Push GeoJSON to private gist
- Use gist URL to link to geojson.io
- last.fm
- flickr
- (anything with a datestamp but no native geo)
- Transport (sums aren't calculated by Moves)
- Cumulative for month / year
- to-date months/years not to-first
- extrapolations
- Sort lists by most active day
- Charts (how to make them interesting though)
- Ask people who actually work out what they want
- Ditto cyclists
- Better debugging?