Blockcore Platform Documentation for Users and Developers
Collection of documents used as user guide, architecture and technical reference for implementation of Blockcore technologies.
These documents are free (see LICENSE) and anyone can contribute, please feel free to do a PR with suggestions, additions, fixes, etc.
Don't expect all ideas and features written in these documents to be implemented. They are guidance documents, they should document what already exists, what is being worked on, what is planned and ideas for the future.
If you discover a bug or other problem with Blockcore or supporting technologies, please report it. The are two different processes, responsible disclosure for security bugs and public issue tracking (Blockcore) for all other bugs.
If you're on Windows, you can simply run doc.bat
. If you have not installed Python3, you will get a notification on how to install. You can simply do python3
in the command promt, which will launc the Windows Store and you can install Python3.
Manually building and locally hosting the documentation:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install mkdocs
python3 -m pip install mkdocs-material
python3 -m pip install mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin
python3 -m pip install mkdocs-exclude-search
python3 -m mkdocs serve
Pull requests are welcome and appreciated. To contribute to Blockcore Documentation, first check the contributing guidelines.
The main front page is based upon source code from MkDocs Material and the same theme is used for the general layout.
Starting point for the documentation is based upon work by MithrilMan.