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Note: this role comply with BlueBanquise data-model 1.0.0 (

Table of content:

1. Description

This role deploys Prometheus (server/client) with related ecosystem:

  • Prometheus (scrap metrics, store them, evaluate alerts)
  • Alertmanager (manage alerts by grouping them, sending mails, etc)
  • Karma (a dashboard for AlertManager)
  • Am-executor
  • ipmi_exporter
  • snmp_exporter
  • other exporters:
    • slurm_exporter
    • node_exporter
    • ...
  • Custom exporter python modules

The role provides a basic configuration that should match 80% of the cluster's needs. An advanced configuration for specific usages is available and described after the basic part.

2. General instructions

You can refer to this diagram to help understanding of the following readme.

File not found

Server or/and client

Server part of the role deploys Prometheus, Alertmanager, Karma, Am-executor, ipmi_exporter, snmp_exporter, and their respective configuration files and service files.

To install server part, set prometheus_server to true at role invocation vars. See server configuration bellow for more details.

Client part of the role deploys other exporters or custom exporter python modules on clients.

To install client part, set prometheus_client to true at role invocation vars. See client configuration bellow for more details.

Important: while server related variables are dedicated to server configuration, client variables are used by both client and server part of the role.

Default ports

3. Basic Server configuration

Playbook example:

- name: Deploy prometheus server
  hosts: mg_managements
    - role: prometheus
        prometheus_server: true

In the basic usage, the server role will install and setup the following tools:

  • Prometheus: scrap and store metrics, fire alerts.
  • Alertmanager: manage alerts fired by Prometheus.
  • Karma: dashboard to monitor alerts managed by Alertmanager.
  • Am-executor: trigger actions in case of alert fired. (Am-executor is still not implemented)
  • ipmi_exporter: translate ipmi data to http scrapable by Prometheus.
  • snmp_exporter: translate snmp data to http scrapable by Prometheus.

Which means all of these services will, by default, be running on the same management host.

To manage what server part of the role should install and setup, defaults variables can be used. The following variables, with their default values shown here, are available:

prometheus_server_manage_prometheus: true
prometheus_server_manage_alertmanager: true
prometheus_server_manage_karma: true
prometheus_server_manage_am_executor: false
prometheus_server_manage_ipmi_exporter: false
prometheus_server_manage_snmp_exporter: false

Prometheus configuration


By default, role will inherit from values set in its defaults folder. You may wish to update these values to your needs, as these values set the different timings used by Prometheus.

To do so, create file inventory/group_vars/all/prometheus.yml with the following content (tuned to your needs, all global values can be defined):

  scrape_interval: 1m
  scrape_timeout: 20s
  evaluation_interval: 2m

To understand the meaning of these values, refer to:

If you do not set a value, Prometheus will use its defaults values, described in the main documentation.

Warning: size your storage available for Prometheus database according to the size of the cluster and the scrape_interval set here.

These timings will apply to all exporters scraping. It is however possible to tune specific timings for each exporter. This part is covered in the client section of this readme.


It is key to understand that in the Prometheus ecosystem, alerts are calculated and fired by Prometheus and not Alertmanager. Alertmanager is a tool to managed alerts that were fired by Prometheus (group alerts, send emails, etc).

By default, the role will only add a simple alerts file into the /etc/prometheus/alerts folder. This file contains very basic alerts related to exporters down or Prometheus own scraping.

The role also offers to install few other alerts, each related to a specific exporter. To install these additional alerts, simply enable them by adding them in the prometheus_server_additional_alerts list variable. The following additional alerts are available:

  - ipmi_exporter
  - node_exporter

You will probably wish to add more alerts. You can add more files in the /etc/prometheus/alerts directory, and these will be loaded by Prometheus at startup.

To do so, either add them manually using another role (like generic psf), or add them in the inventory by adding their YAML code in the file inventory/group_vars/all/prometheus_alerts.yml. For example:

prometheus_server_custom_alerts: !unsafe >
    - name: user alerts
      - alert: HostOutOfMemory
        expr: node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes * 100 < 10
        for: 2m
          severity: warning
          summary: "Host out of memory (instance {{ $labels.instance }})"
          description: "Node memory is filling up (< 10% left)\n  VALUE = {{ $value }}\n  LABELS: {{ $labels }}"
      - alert: HostOutOfInodes
        expr: node_filesystem_files_free{mountpoint ="/rootfs"} / node_filesystem_files{mountpoint="/rootfs"} * 100 < 10 and ON (instance, device, mountpoint) node_filesystem_readonly{mountpoint="/rootfs"} == 0                              
        for: 2m
          severity: warning
          summary: "Host out of inodes (instance {{ $labels.instance }})"
          description: "Disk is almost running out of available inodes (< 10% left)\n  VALUE = {{ $value }}\n  LABELS: {{ $labels }}"

Alertmanager configuration

Alertmanager parameters are highly depending of users wishes. Considering that, it is difficult to not propose a fully customizable parameters file. This is why AlertManager whole configuration is contained in a single variable, called prometheus_server_alertmanager_raw_configuration. The default content is the following:

    smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25'
    smtp_from: 'alertmanager@your_domain'
    smtp_require_tls: false

    group_by: ['alertname', 'job']
    group_wait: 1m
    group_interval: 10m
    repeat_interval: 3h
    receiver: sys-admin-team

    - name: 'sys-admin-team'
        - to: '[email protected]'

  - source_match:
      severity: 'critical'
      severity: 'warning'
    equal: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service']

If you wish to tune the content of this file, simply copy this variable in the inventory and tune it according to your needs.

To understand meaning of these values, refer to main documentation or to this page.

Karma configuration

Few Karma parameters can be defined if needed.

To set karma username and password, use:

prometheus_server_karma_username: admin
prometheus_server_karma_password: admin

Default is admin / admin.

4. Basic Client configuration

Playbook example:

- name: Deploy prometheus server
  hosts: mg_managements
    - role: prometheus
        prometheus_client: true

The client side of the role simply install and start local exporters on nodes.


Each exporter has its own http port. For example, node_exporter is available at http://localhost:9100 .

Both server and client side of the role share the same variables for exporters.

Two main variables are available:

  • prometheus_exporters_to_scrape
  • prometheus_exporters_groups_to_scrape

Both variables are very similar.

prometheus_exporters_to_scrape is used by server side only. Exporters listed here will be scraped by Prometheus using defined address and port. Exporters listed here have to be installed manually or with another role/task since client side of the role will not consider them.

  - name: slurm_exporter
    scrape_interval: 1m
    scrape_timeout: 30s
    port: 9817
  - name: ha_cluster_exporter
    scrape_interval: 1m
    scrape_timeout: 30s
    port: 9664

prometheus_exporters_groups_to_scrape is used by both server and client sides. Server side will scrap these exporters on all the nodes of the group, while client side will install them on all nodes of the group.

It is important to understand that the client side of the role is capable of generating everything needed by an exporter binary: service file, users, working dir, etc. The role will generate these elements depending of the variables present. The list of capabilities is described after the example.

Note that if port is not present, server side will ignore the exporter, but client side will install and start it. This can be used to install prometheus_exporters_to_scrape in HA context.

    - name: node_exporter
      service: node_exporter
      package: node_exporter
      port: 9100
    - name: node_exporter
      package: node_exporter
      service: node_exporter
      port: 9100
      user: node_exporter
      group: node_exporter
      home: /var/lib/node_exporter
      uid: 950
      gid: 950
    - name: login_exporter
      package: login_exporter
      service: login_exporter
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 30s
      port: 9122

Note here that scrape_interval and scrape_timeout are optional values for each exporter here. These will override default values only if set.

The following actions can occur:

  • If group is defined, a group will be created for the exporter (and set as default group in service file)
  • If gid is defined and group is defined, the group created will have this gid
  • If user is defined, a user will be created for the exporter (and set as default user in service file)
  • If uid is defined and user is defined, the user created will have this uid
  • If package is defined, the corresponding package will be installed (should be exporter binary)
  • If service is defined, a systemd service file will be generated and service will be started.
  • If service is defined, a corresponding /etc/{{service}} folder will be created if not exist
  • If port is defined, the port will be opened in the firewall if firewall is up

5. IPMI and SNMP

ipmi_exporter and snmp_exporter behave differently: they act as translation gateways between Prometheus and the target. Which means, if you wish for example to query IPMI data of a node, you do not install the exporter on the node itself. You query the ipmi_exporter, which will itself query the target for IPMI data. This is why, in the basic configuration, these two exporters are installed by the server part of the role and not the client part.

To have the exporter installed by the server part of the role, set their respective variables to true or false, according to your needs:

prometheus_server_manage_ipmi: true
prometheus_server_manage_snmp: false

You then need to specify which equipment_profile groups of nodes have to be ipmi scraped. To do so, simply set the global variable prometheus_ipmi_scrape_equipment_profiles in the default inventory/group_vars/all/prometheus.yml file:

  - name: equipment_management
    scrape_interval: 5m
    scrape_timeout: 2m
  - name: equipment_login
  - name: equipment_compute

This will add these into prometheus targets configuration for scraping via ipmi_exporter.

Note that you can set custom scrape_interval and scrape_timeout for ipmi or snmp using dedicated variables shown in the example above.

Note also that ipmi_exporter will need ep_equipment_authentication dictionary to be set for each equipment_profile that needs ipmi data scraping.

6. Advanced usage

Set custom launch parameters

Since Prometheus ecosystem has been originally designed to run into containers, some major parameters are passed to the binary at launch. This is why the current role generate the systemd service file to integrate custom launch parameters.

The following variables, with their default values shown here, are available to tune launch parameters of each tool:

prometheus_server_launch_parameters: |
  --config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
  --storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ \
  --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \
  --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries $PROMETHEUS_OPTIONS

alertmanager_launch_parameters: |

karma_launch_parameters: |

ipmi_exporter_launch_parameters: |

snmp_exporter_launch_parameters: |

For example, to manipulate data retention (default 15 days) and ask for 60 days, set this variable:

prometheus_server_launch_parameters: |
  --storage.tsdb.retention.time 60d \
  --config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
  --storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ \
  --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \
  --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries $PROMETHEUS_OPTIONS

Note that with recent version of Prometheus, you can also set the data base maximum size instead. See more at .

Another example, to manipulate database path, combine with a 60 days retention, set:

prometheus_server_launch_parameters: |
  --storage.tsdb.pat /prometheus \
  --storage.tsdb.retention.time 60d \
  --config.file /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
  --storage.tsdb.path /var/lib/prometheus/ \
  --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \
  --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries $PROMETHEUS_OPTIONS

Etc. See all available options at .

Manipulate firewall

On some system, you may wish that the whole server side ecosystem is reachable from the network or not (you may wish to reach it using an ssh port forwarding only for example).

If variable prometheus_firewall_open is set to true, Prometheus and AlertManager will be reachable from the network on the prometheus_server_firewall_zone defined (default public). If not, firewall ports related to both will remain closed.


prometheus_firewall_open: true
prometheus_server_firewall_zone: internal

Regarding client side, variable prometheus_client_firewall_zone allows to set the firewall zone to be open for exporters to listen for queries.

Splitting services

For some specific configurations, it is needed to split services over multiple hosts. For example to force ipmi_exporter and/or snmp_exporter to be deployed on another host than the one running Prometheus.

To do so, disable ipmi and snmp on the hosts running Prometheus (host1), using this configuration as host1 dedicated hostvars :

prometheus_server_manage_prometheus: true
prometheus_server_manage_alertmanager: true
prometheus_server_manage_karma: true
prometheus_server_manage_am_executor: false
prometheus_server_manage_ipmi_exporter: false
prometheus_server_manage_snmp_exporter: false

And activate them on the host you wish them to run (host2), using the opposite values for host2 dedicated hostvars:

prometheus_server_manage_prometheus: false
prometheus_server_manage_alertmanager: false
prometheus_server_manage_karma: false
prometheus_server_manage_am_executor: false
prometheus_server_manage_ipmi_exporter: true
prometheus_server_manage_snmp_exporter: true

To ensure everyone can communicate, set now these global variables in group_vars/all (these variables are all set to localhost by default):

prometheus_server_prometheus_host: host1
prometheus_server_alertmanager_host: host1
prometheus_server_karma_host: host1
prometheus_server_ipmi_exporter_host: host2
prometheus_server_snmp_exporter_host: host2

This can be used to spread all main services.

Note: if any prometheus_server_manage_X variable is not defined, it is considered false.

Warning: if your firewall is running, you may need to open ports for desired services.

Adding raw prometheus.conf scraping jobs:

It is possible to inject raw scraping jobs into the prometheus.conf file using the following multi lines variable:


Note that you can combine this part and the generic psf role to create advanced configurations, like High Availability with Virtual IP.

Adding raw prometheus.conf configuration

It is possible to inject raw prometheus configuration parameters into the prometheus.conf file using the following multi lines variable:

