Releases: bluerobotics/ping-viewer
Corrections and features around v2.2.1
What's Changed
- Add transparency on waterfall #992
- Add require configuration on DeviceManager #1014
- Warn user when sensor need to be configured before using it
- Fix Ping360 IP assignemnt via broadcast #1012
- Fix Ping360 discovery when not configured with static IP in no DHCP network #1017
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0
Release Build v2.2.1
Release (v2.2.1)
Corrections and features around t2.2.0
Changes since last version:
- Remove windows terminal screen when starting the application.
- Improve macOS building process to search QuickCompiler.
- Fix problem when sensor is not sending ping messages while configuring with the previous settings.
Release Build v2.2.0
Release (v2.2.0)
Corrections and features around t2.1.1
Changes since last version:
- Fix macOS Ping1D flash process.
Test Release t2.1.1
Test Release (t2.1.1)
Corrections and features around v2.1.0
Changes since last version:
- New Qt 5.15 compatibility.
- New opacity configuration.
- New Always-On-Top mode.
- New validation checks for network configuration.
- New Ping360 IP address configuration.
- New error message about subnet configuration.
- New visual feedback for invalid field inputs.
- Fix visual bug on Ping1D speed of sound input.
- Fix Ping360 'Reset Settings' button.
- Fix head down configuration for Ping360.
- Fix bug related to subnet addresses.
- Fix bug where the application is positioned in an external screen that does not exist anymore.
- Fix bug while looking for tool to flash Ping1D.
- Improve future Qt6 integration.
- Improve GUI log files with OS information.
- Improve Ping-Viewer icons quality.
- Improve missing openssl configuration for network access.
- Moved from QMake to CMake build system
Continuous Release
Continuous binaries from master branch
The latest and greatest version of Ping-Viewer!
This version is mostly in BETA state (Break-it Early Test Application), but should be stable enough for normal usage.
In some occasions we may be working heavily and instabilities may happen!
You're probably aware, but remember that this is not a stable build and we do not recommend the usage of this version for critical applications 😄
Continuous build (fix_head_down)
Travis CI build log:
Continuous build (update_log_play)
Continuous build (120m_ping1d_test)
Travis CI build log:
appveyor: Update to use 64b openssl 1.1 Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <[email protected]>
ping360: Add support to async mode Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <[email protected]>