All the code in the Realtime gem is for interacting with Facebook's Real-time Update API
When you subscribe to the Facebook Real-time Update API, you are subscribing to be notified if fields have changed for users's of your app. Facebook doesn't post the actual updates themselves. This means you have to query the graph API for the actual update, and keep track of the last time you checked so you don't reprocess the same updates.
This library will do those additional steps, so your custom code can just respond to the actual updates themselves.
You initiate a subscription to facebook realtime updates for your app, once.
Facebook pings your realtime endpoint to tell you there are updates. This
endpoint should be handled by the RealTime::App
rack app. This rack app
queries the graph api to pull new updates since the last time it checked.
These updates are passed into an in-process hub, that fans out each update to
all subscribers. A subscriber to this hub will receive a facebook user id and
hash of data (the update).
Here is an overview of the classes, described in order of how they are called.
Responsible for making the initial subscription for updates to facebook.
This is the endpoint, and handles subscription verification and receiving
updates from facebook. It receives an array facebook entry
and passes them
off individually to Realtime::Lookup
Realtime::App hands off notifications of changes from facebook to this class.
Lookup takes the uid
, field
, and time
from the entry hash, looks up the
User to get an access token (you must provide the code to do this), and
queries the facebook graph API to get any updates of type field
then publishes these updates with Realtime::Hub
Your custom code will subscribe to the Realtime::Hub
, and must define a
method #call
which takes a facebook user id and Realtime::Update instance as
arguments. The Hub publishes all updates to all subscribers.
Example initializer:
# This ensures that in development mode, Hub won't get reloaded and lose its
# listeners
require 'realtime/hub'
Realtime::Hub.subscribe lambda { |user, update| "Recieved facebook real-time update for user #{user}: #{update.inspect}"
You'll need to provide a class that implements the methods defined in this class.
Realtime.configure do |c|
c.callback_url = "http://myapp.tld/realtime/endpoint"
c.app_id = "facebookappid"
c.secret = "facebooksecret"
c.verify_token = "somerandomsecretuniquetoyourapp"
c.middleman = MyMiddlemanClass
class MyMiddlemanClass
def access_token(user)
def last_checked(user, field)
def update_last_checked(user, field, time)