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Micha Niskin edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 32 revisions

Boot supports resolving dependencies from S3 repositories with s3-wagon-private.

To resolve private artifacts in S3, add the S3 wagon to :wagons and the private repository to :repositories:

 :wagons       '[[s3-wagon-private "1.2.0"]]
 :repositories #(conj % '["private-repo" {:url "s3p://acme/repo/"
                                          :username "AKIA2489AE28488"
                                          :passphrase "98b0b104ca1211e19a6c"}])
 :dependencies '[[acme/s3library "1.0.0"]])

This loads acme/s3library JAR from the S3 repository. By conj-ing the new repository into :repositories we retain Maven Central, Clojars, and whatever other repositories were previously added.

Note: The :username and :passphrase keys in the repository settings correspond to the AWS account access and secret keys, respectively.

wagon explict creds system property creds role creds
priv conveys no no
spring conveys conveys conveys

where priv is:

:wagons [[s3-wagon-private "1.2.0"]]

and spring is:

:wagons #(conj % '[ "5.0.0.RELEASE"
                    :schemes {"s3"
                              (fn []
                                ( }])
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