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alandipert edited this page Nov 26, 2014 · 32 revisions

Boot supports resolving dependencies from S3 repositories with s3-wagon-private.

To resolve private artifacts in S3, add the S3 wagon to :wagons and the private repository to :repositories:

 :wagons       [[s3-wagon-private "1.1.2"]]
 :repositories #(conj % '["private-repo" {:url "s3p://acme/repo/"
                                          :username "AKIA2489AE28488"
                                          :passphrase "98b0b104ca1211e19a6c"}])
 :dependencies '[[acme/s3library "1.0.0"]])

This loads acme/s3library JAR from the S3 repository. By conj-ing the new repository into :repositories we retain Maven Central, Clojars, and whatever other repositories were previously added.

Note: The :username and :passphrase keys in the repository settings correspond to the AWS account access and secret keys, respectively.

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