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Module 2 |
- Actual gamedev!!
- Unity basics in 2d
- Input & movement
- Collision & physics
- More programming
- Recreate the classic arcade game Asteroids in Unity.
- ⭐ MVP: Create a playable single-screen game of Asteroids.
- ⭐⭐ Add one of the following features:
- Hi scores & scoreboard
- Level progression: new asteroids appear and make the game progressively more difficult
- Twin-stick shooter: Use right stick to control the bullet direction
- Co-op: Add second player
- ⭐⭐⭐ Spice up the game: Add a game mechanic of your own design
Examine the gameplay video, then play the example Unity-built Asteroids.
In your groups, write down:
- What features do you see?
- How would you begin implementing them?
- Which feature would you implement first?
Now back on your own, make a new project for the module project and create the player controlled ship.
Add asteroids to the scene.
Destroy player if it hits an asteroid.
Show Player's lives and Score.