This is a code test for Android programmers applying for a technical position at Cantina Consulting. It requires the applicant to demonstrate basic knowledge of Android programming, including the Activity lifecycle, View programming and background tasks.
The test is designed to be implemented by a strong Android programmer in a couple hours.
In this code test, you will design and implement a native Android app for CatFacts, the premier fact-finding system about Cats!
This application is expected to implement the following functionality, in order of importance:
- A way for loading and managing data from a simple backend API.
- A screen that lists all of the cat facts returned by the API.
- A screen that shows an individual cat fact in a fun and colorful manner of your choosing.
The test taker will be given approximately an hour to program the application. It is not expected that the applicant will finish the application, but how he or she expects to finish any remaining work will be part of the discussion after the test.
The catfacts-api is a simple, discoverable API for cat facts. It is implemented in NodeJS, returns JSON, and exposes HATEOS urls within the responses. It is expected that you will use best practices and use these embedded urls rather than hard-coding urls into your application.
The catfacts-api is available at the public url: