Implemented enhancements:
- Create DM link to Team Manager #139
- Allow revoke Pre-Active contracts #137
- Add How Game Works section to Guide #136
Fixed bugs:
- Fix issue with match failing to generate events to the last minute #168
- Fixed issue with player swapping in simulation #167
- Prevent players from accepting multiple contracts before Admin approves #153
- Remove or make upcoming match work #135
- Can't send contract #122
Merged pull requests:
- fixing games stopping before time is done #166 (bpkennedy)
- fixes player sharing during asynchronous match playing #165 (bpkennedy)
- fixing player load for new last trained time #164 (bpkennedy)
- bump version #163 (bpkennedy)
- Train time #162 (bpkennedy)
- building #161 (bpkennedy)
- fixing player market value with Math.pow() putback #160 (bpkennedy)
- Role Ratings and Training Stat balancing #159 (bpkennedy)
- fixes throwing decrement bug #158 (bpkennedy)
- Guide update #157 (bpkennedy)
- fixed links #145 (bpkennedy)
- changing upcomingMatch to be a how-to-play control #144 (bpkennedy)
- changelog #143 (bpkennedy)
- Team manager link #142 (bpkennedy)
- fixed generation of matches #141 (bpkennedy)
- fixing fixture generation when empty teamVenue and teamVenueImage #140 (bpkennedy)
- adding changelog #134 (bpkennedy)
1.0.0 (2018-05-10)
Closed issues:
- "accepted" status is misleading for contract state - should be "pending admin approval" or something #131
- Lineup changing players fails sometimes #130
- Training cron failing to complete #129
- ContractUpdater setting pending contracts to active #128
- Team Standings team not linking to team squad page #127
- Training Cron not running? #108
- When click on a header in Office view, app breaks #98
- On contract activation, player should be given teamName prop #97
- App breaks when auth token expires #96
- Some players have high values (still) #94
- For Player, Hide Review button for accepted/rejected current contracts. #92
- Not returning player contract bid funds to team available budget after contract is rejected #91
Merged pull requests:
- semver versioning for alpha release #133 (bpkennedy)
- Fixes galore #132 (bpkennedy)
- adding instructions for backup #126 (bpkennedy)
- fixing cloud9 local environment for devbuild #125 (bpkennedy)
- scheduler finished for now #124 (bpkennedy)
- adding development environment #123 (bpkennedy)
- Management #121 (bpkennedy)
- changing money #120 (bpkennedy)
- match revert script and fixing fee monies #119 (bpkennedy)
- Fixture fix #118 (bpkennedy)
- build #117 (bpkennedy)
- Sim fix #116 (bpkennedy)
- More play ui #115 (bpkennedy)
- Play by play more #114 (bpkennedy)
- Match screen #113 (bpkennedy)
- Standings #112 (bpkennedy)
- adding contract cron #111 (bpkennedy)
- adding trainPlayers fix and build resources #110 (bpkennedy)
- Rotation #109 (bpkennedy)
- Lineup position #107 (bpkennedy)
- Lineup select #106 (bpkennedy)
- Lineup #105 (bpkennedy)
- Players #104 (bpkennedy)
- Fix #103 (bpkennedy)
- Squad #102 (bpkennedy)
- Refresh token #101 (bpkennedy)
- Contract check #100 (bpkennedy)
- all dem bugs #99 (bpkennedy)
- building #90 (bpkennedy)
- fixing loading empty team office view #89 (bpkennedy)
- adding and fixing contracts bug #88 (bpkennedy)
- adding contract approve and reject and lots of other stuff #87 (bpkennedy)
- moved fontawesome to cdn #86 (bpkennedy)
- switched to better uniform ID abstraction #85 (bpkennedy)
- adding styles and other stuff #84 (bpkennedy)
- accepting and rejecting #83 (bpkennedy)
- finally ready #82 (bpkennedy)
- adding fix for yo mama #81 (bpkennedy)
- also adding auto account setup #80 (bpkennedy)
- adding marketValue and playerRating #79 (bpkennedy)
- adding formdata polyfill #78 (bpkennedy)
- fixing contracts POST hopefully #77 (bpkennedy)
- Create contract #76 (bpkennedy)
- Modal #75 (bpkennedy)
- Accounts, Contracts, and Office view #74 (bpkennedy)
- Player more more #73 (bpkennedy)
- should fix the zero records bug for players #72 (bpkennedy)
- More logging #71 (bpkennedy)
- adding google analytics #70 (bpkennedy)
- let's try this #69 (bpkennedy)
- trying this #68 (bpkennedy)
- training input #67 (bpkennedy)
- formatting #66 (bpkennedy)
- more profile information #65 (bpkennedy)
- Transfers #64 (bpkennedy)
- adding squad and transer agents views- working now' #63 (bpkennedy)
- swapping architecture for state deriving #62 (bpkennedy)
- adding fixture results route and ui #61 (bpkennedy)
- Fixing cron #60 (bpkennedy)
- putting back #59 (bpkennedy)
- again #58 (bpkennedy)
- Fixing cron #57 (bpkennedy)
- Fixing cron #56 (bpkennedy)
- adding fixtures view #55 (bpkennedy)
- Game cap #54 (bpkennedy)
- bots now filling in missing players for match #53 (bpkennedy)
- Fix sim #52 (bpkennedy)
- adding build script change #51 (bpkennedy)
- adding ncp to root deps #50 (bpkennedy)
- added babel plugin to client #49 (bpkennedy)
- moving deps #48 (bpkennedy)
- React #47 (bpkennedy)
- cron should record matches now, too #46 (bpkennedy)
- Sim mock #45 (bpkennedy)
- removing sim from client #44 (bpkennedy)
- engine working #43 (bpkennedy)
- Use caps #42 (bpkennedy)
- adding cap support #41 (bpkennedy)
- handle 0 and 100 limits #40 (bpkennedy)
- adding history of cron jobs to database #39 (bpkennedy)
- updating cron stuff #38 (bpkennedy)
- player cron here #37 (bpkennedy)
- adding skills generation #36 (bpkennedy)
- routing better #35 (bpkennedy)
- cleaned up and added player routes in client #34 (bpkennedy)
- maybe fixing #33 (bpkennedy)
- adding debugging #32 (bpkennedy)
- login working #31 (bpkennedy)
- adding more nav styles #30 (bpkennedy)
- adding basics for main and nav #29 (bpkennedy)
- adding to gitignore to keep out package-lock and added postinstall #28 (bpkennedy)
- removing packagelock #27 (bpkennedy)
- fixed the build #26 (bpkennedy)
- restructuring the project a bit #25 (bpkennedy)
- moved angular entry to be cleaner, shuttled things into components, s… #24 (bpkennedy)
- add shockball-engine project #23 (bpkennedy)
- hide button #22 (bpkennedy)
- removing example routes #21 (bpkennedy)
- removing console logs and adding createdAsUid prop to new player #20 (bpkennedy)
- missing last slash I think #19 (bpkennedy)
- figured out the issue, yay #18 (bpkennedy)
- added #17 (bpkennedy)
- yes #16 (bpkennedy)
- stuff #15 (bpkennedy)
- adding and moving #14 (bpkennedy)
- noob url mistake #13 (bpkennedy)
- updated #12 (bpkennedy)
- adding more logging #11 (bpkennedy)
- adding console logs to debug #10 (bpkennedy)
- adding cors #9 (bpkennedy)
- jquery on page not cdn loaded #8 (bpkennedy)
- genericised for environments of localhost and heroku #7 (bpkennedy)
- Fix auth #6 (bpkennedy)
- Fix auth #5 (bpkennedy)
- authorization working #4 (bpkennedy)
- Add firebase #3 (bpkennedy)
- all setup #2 (bpkennedy)
- refreshing #1 (bpkennedy)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator