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CTCF notes

  • CTCF is an insulator protein strongly enriched in TAD boundaries.

  • CTCF is enriched near TAD boundaries, "near" is defined as +/- 20kb around the boundary (Dixon 2012)

  • Considering linear genome, two convergent CTCF binding sites are very likely to outline a chromatin loop.

  • Cell type specificity of CTCF binding - "Widespread plasticity in CTCF occupancy linked to DNA methylation" [PMID: 22955980]

How to find genomic coordinates and orientation of CTCF binding?

Scanning genomic sequence for CTCF motifs

Predicting CTCF motifs

  • From Oti, Martin, Jonas Falck, Martijn A. Huynen, and Huiqing Zhou. “CTCF-Mediated Chromatin Loops Enclose Inducible Gene Regulatory Domains.” BMC Genomics 17 (March 22, 2016): 252. - CTCF loops investigation in multiple tissues. Max size - 200kb. Enclose regulatory domains of enhancer-regulated genes. Within loops - enrichment in enhancer-related marks. on the boundaries - histone marks and housekeeping genes from Eisenberg E, Levanon EY. Human housekeeping genes, revisited. Predict CTCF loops from ChIP-seq peaks. CTCF orientation method - should be oriented into the loop. Predicted CTCF sites:
    • fimo_ctcfmotifs_MA0139_hg19_2.5e-4.bed - genome-wide CTCF motifs in human genome (hg19) detected by FIMO tool. From 1310708 CTCF motifs. Columns: chromosome, start, end, name, score, strand, p-value, q-value, sequence.
    • ctcf_predictedloops_ENCODE_chipseq_datasets.tar.gz - Predicted CTCF loops for 100 ENCODE ChIP-seq datasets. 100 files named like predictedloops_wgEncodeAwgTfbsBroadGm12878CtcfUniPk_prop04.bed. Columns: chromosome, start, end, paired coordinates and score, score, strand as dot, start coordinate of the first in pair, end coordinate of the second in pair, 16711680, 2, comma-separated width of CTCF sites, comma-separated something.

Experimentally obtained ChIP-seq data

Other transcription factors

  • CEBPB, CMYC, CTCF, JUND, MAFK, P300, POL2, POLR2A, RAD21, SMC3, TAF1, and TBP for hESCs, and CEBPB, CTCF, MAFK, POLR2A, and RAD21 - From Arboretum-Hi-C paper

  • In addition to CTCF, ZNF143, YY1, DNAse, H3K36me3, TSSs, RNA Pol II, SP1, ZNF274, SIX5. From Hong, Seungpyo, and Dongsup Kim. “Computational Characterization of Chromatin Domain Boundary-Associated Genomic Elements.” Nucleic Acids Research 45, no. 18 (October 13, 2017): 10403–14.

  • Four members of the cohesin complex (STAG2, SMC3, SMC1A, and RAD21) - from M. Ryan Corces and Victor G. Corces, “The Three-Dimensional Cancer Genome,” Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 36 (2016)

  • Histone mark overlap at boundaries - expected enrichment in H3K4me3, depletion in H3K4me1, Figure 3B in [@wang:2017aa]. Dixon's observations of H3K4me3, H3K27ac enrichment at TAD boundaries, depletion of H3K9me3, H3K27me3 enriched across resolutions. Genes, especially, housekeeping, are enriched near TAD boundaries. High- and extreme occupancy target regions (TF binding) are also enriched. CTCF enrichment is general. See also [@Malik:2015aa]

Housekeeping genes


  • Wit, Elzo de, Erica S. M. Vos, Sjoerd J. B. Holwerda, Christian Valdes-Quezada, Marjon J. A. M. Verstegen, Hans Teunissen, Erik Splinter, Patrick J. Wijchers, Peter H. L. Krijger, and Wouter de Laat. “CTCF Binding Polarity Determines Chromatin Looping.” Molecular Cell 60, no. 4 (November 19, 2015): 676–84. - CTCF forward-reverse (convergent) orientation is needed to form loops. Good intro about TADs, boundaries, gene coexpression

  • Vietri Rudan, Matteo, Christopher Barrington, Stephen Henderson, Christina Ernst, Duncan T. Odom, Amos Tanay, and Suzana Hadjur. “Comparative Hi-C Reveals That CTCF Underlies Evolution of Chromosomal Domain Architecture.” Cell Reports 10, no. 8 (March 3, 2015): 1297–1309. - CTCF role in chromatin structure. Convergent orientation is important. CTCF sites and TAD boundaries are conserved across organisms. Short mentioning of CTCF orientation detection with MEME