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62 lines (51 loc) · 2.41 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (51 loc) · 2.41 KB

Follow the instruction on to create a tsp art svg image by using the following script. You have to have the correct folder structure if you use the script or you change the location of the tools in the script acordingly. The output saved in output_bilder\tsp_art.svg is the input for the gocupi meanderStipple command. For help see gocupi command help.

# create a TSP art image according to the instructions on
#.\create_tsp.ps1 -stipp 1000 -pixd 6 -radm 2 -quali 0.1 -input .\input_bilder\test.png
# .\create_tsp.ps1 -stipp 26000 -pixd 12 -radm 1 -quali 0.05 -input .\input_bilder\test.png
# script created: 20.14.2014 / Sergio Daniels

  [int]$stipples = 8000,
  [string]$quality = 0.1,
  [string]$radmulti = 1,
  [string]$pixdensity = 5,
  [string]$inputFile = "input.png",
  [string]$output = ".\tmp\output.svg",
  [switch]$MyVerbose = $false

Write-Host "Stipples: ",$stipples
Write-Host "color: ", $color
Write-Host "Radius multiplikator: ", $radmulti
Write-Host "qualitaet: ", $quality
Write-Host "Subpixel densitiy: ", $pixdensity
Write-Host "Eingabe-Datei: ", $inputFile
Write-Host "Ausgabe-Datei: ", $output
Write-Host "Verbose: ", $MyVerbose

#create voronoi points (output.svg)

# -f fixed radius
.\voronoi\voronoi.exe -n -s $stipples -z $radmulti -p $pixdensity -t $quality $inputFile $output

# if verbose
if ($MyVerbose) {
  # do verbose stuff
  & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe' $output

# create tsp format (positions.tsp)
.\svg_extract $output
mv -force positions.tsp .\tmp\positions.tsp

# start Concorde select Heuritic -->Link kernigham-->when done exit concorde
# save tour as .\tmp\tour.cyc
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Concorde\Concorde.exe' .\tmp\positions.tsp| Out-Null

#create tsp_art.svg
.\tsp2svg $output .\tmp\tour.cyc
mv -force tsp_art.svg .\output_bilder\tsp_art.svg

#open inkscape
#& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe' .\tmp\tsp_art.svg
# convert to png
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe' -z  -h 1000 --file=.\output_bilder\tsp_art.svg -e .\output_bilder\tsp_art.png| Out-Null

#open png file
if ($MyVerbose) {
  & 'C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe' .\output_bilder\tsp_art.png