Implement an Animal shelter that takes dog and cat objects, and enqueues and dequeues them on a FIFO principle.
Create a class called AnimalShelter
which holds only dogs and cats. The shelter operates using a first-in, first-out approach.
Implement the following methods:
: adds animal to the shelter. animal can be either a dog
or a cat
: returns either a dog or a cat. If pref
is not "dog
" or "cat
" then return null
For queueing, I used an if statement to determine the species of the animal object being added, then directed that object to be added to either a 'dogs' queue, or a 'cats' queue.
For dequeueing, I simply called my dequeue() function on the preferred animal's queue. Both these functions should operate with an O(1) efficiency, as they simply implement Queue objects.