#Lecture 16
Friends, system modeling (composition, aggregation, inheritance)
Last time: Encapsulation - make fields private
- maintain class invariants
- flexibility to change implementation
class Vec{
int x,y;
int getX() const{ return x; } // Accessor (getter)
int getY() const{ return y; }
void setX(int v) {x = v; } // Mutators (setters)
void setY(int v) { y = v; }
- private fields
- no accessors
- want an output operator
C++ provides the "friend" keyword
class Vec{
int x,y;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(...);
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Vec &v){
out << v.x << v.y;
return out;
- identifying the abstractions / entities (classes)
- relationship between entities/classes
UML: Unified Modeling Language
- a class in UML is a box with 3 sections
- first section has a class name
- Other 2 are optional
- second section is for fields
- third section is for methods
- public
- private
Composition: embed an object within another object
UML: Arrow with black filled diamond (object that owns) and black filled arrowhead (object that is owned)
class Vec{
int x,y,z;
Vec(int x, int y, int z): x(x), y(y), z(z){}
class Plane{
Vec v1,v2;
int main(){
Plane p;
// WONT COMPILE because no zero argument constructor
- Provide a 0 param constructor
- Pre-empt the call to the 0 param constructor of Vec by calling some other constructor Plane::Plane: v1(1,2,3), v2(4,5,6){} Plane p; // Will compile
The composition relationship creates a "owns a" relation A "owns a" B if
- if B cannot exist on its own
- if A is destroyed B is destroyed
- if A is copied B is copied
UML: Arrow with white diamond (aggregate class) and black filled arrowhead on other side. *
is used to denote multiple instances. Role named under the arrow is what the aggregate class knows the instances by.
Analogy: parts in a catalog, ducks in a pond
A "has a " B
- if when A is destroyed, B continues to live
- if A is copied, B is not copied
class Pond{
Duck * duck [MAXDUCKS];
UML: Blank triangular arrowhead (like a slice of pizza) points to the base class.
- title
- author
- numPages
- title
- author
- numPages
- topic
- title
- author
- numPages
- protag
Collection of any type of Book
- array of
- union type
Inheritance: creates "IS A" relationship
TextBook "IS A" Book with an additional topic
Comic "IS A" Book with an additional protagonist
(Base Class / Super Class / Parent Class)
- title
- author
- numPages
- +getAuthor
(Derived Class / Sub Class / Child Class)
Inherits from Book.
- topic
- protagonist
Derived classes inherit everything from the base class
int main(){
TextBook tb;
tb.author = "Nomair"; XXX THIS DOESNT WORK
TextBook::addAuthor(string auth){ author += auth; }
TextBook has inherited private author // NOOOOOO WILL NOT COMPILE
Private really means Private
TextBook::TextBook(string t, string a, string n, string topic): title(t), author(a), numPages(n), topic(topic){} // This shit doesnt compile
When an object is created
- space is allocated
- super class part of the object is created
- field initialization
- constructor body
TextBook::TextBook(string t, string n, int n, string topic): Book(t, a, n), topic(topic){}
Same space filled by 2 different constructors
- only code in this class or subclasses
- accessible by code in defining class and sub classes