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File metadata and controls

469 lines (337 loc) · 23.2 KB

This specification defines a number of improvements to the tooling API.

Use cases

Tooling can be developed for Gradle plugins

Many plugins have a model of some kind that declares something about the project. In order to build tooling for these plugins, such as IDE integration, it is necessary to make these models available outside the build process.

This must be done in a way such that the tooling and the build logic can be versioned separately, and that a given version of the tooling can work with more than one version of the build logic, and vice versa.

Replace or override the built-in Gradle IDE plugins

The Gradle IDE plugins currently implement a certain mapping from a Gradle model to a particular IDE model. It should be possible for a plugin to completely replace the built-in plugins and assemble their own mapping to the IDE model.

Note that this is not the same thing as making the IDE plugins more flexible (although there is a good case to be made there too). It is about allowing a completely different implementation of the Java domain - such as the Android plugins - to provide their own opinion of how the project should be represented in the IDE.

Built-in Gradle plugins should be less privileged

Currently, the built-in Gradle plugins are privileged in several ways, such that only built-in plugins can use certain features. One such feature is exposing their models to tooling. The IDE and build comparison models are baked into the tooling API. This means that these plugins, and only these plugins, can contribute models to tooling.

This hard-coding has a number of downsides beyond the obvious lack of flexibility:

  • Causes awkward cycles in the Gradle source tree.
  • Responsibilities live in the wrong projects, so that, for example, the IDE project knows how to assemble the build comparison project. This means that the IDE plugin must be available for the tooling API provider to work.
  • Cannot replace the implementation of a model, as discussed above.
  • A tooling model cannot be 'private' to a plugin. For example, the build comparison model is really a private cross-version model that allows different versions of the build comparison plugin to communicate with each other.
  • A tooling model must be distributed as part of the core Gradle runtime. This makes it difficult to bust up the Gradle distribution.

Over time, we want to make the built-in plugins less privileged so that the difference between a 'built-in' plugin and a 'custom' is gradually reduced. Allowing custom plugins to contribute tooling models and changing the build-in plugins to use this same mechanism is one step in this direction.

Implementation plan

Story: Expose the build script of a project

This story exposes via the tooling API some basic information about the build script of a project.

  1. Add a GradleScript type with the following properties:
    1. A file property with type File.
  2. Add a buildScript property to GradleProject with type GradleScript.
  3. Include an @since javadoc tag and an @Incubating annotation on the new types and methods.
  4. Change GradleProjectBuilder to populate the model.

An example usage:

GradleProject project = connection.getModel(GradleProject.class);
System.out.println("project " + project.getPath() + " uses script " + project.getBuildScript().getFile());

Test coverage

  • Add a new ToolingApiSpecification integration test class that covers:
    • A project with standard build script location
    • A project with customized build script location
  • Verify that a decent error message is received when using a Gradle version that does not expose the build scripts.
    • Request GradleProject directly.
    • Using GradleProject via an EclipseProject or IdeaModule.

Story: Expose the compile details of a build script

This story exposes some information about how a build script will be compiled. This information can be used by an IDE to provide some basic content assistance for a build script.

  1. Introduce a new hierarchy to represent a classpath element. Retrofit the IDEA and Eclipse models to use this.
    • Should expose a set of files, a set of source archives and a set of API docs.
  2. Add compileClasspath property to GradleScript to expose the build script classpath.
  3. Include the Gradle API and core plugins in the script classpath.
    • Should include the source and Javadoc
  4. Add a groovyVersion property to GradleScript to expose the Groovy version that is used.

Open issues

  • Need to flesh out the classpath types.
  • Will need to use Eclipse and IDEA specific classpath models

Test coverage

  • Add a new ToolingApiSpecification integration test class that covers:
    • Gradle API is included in the classpath.
    • buildSrc output is included in the classpath, if present.
    • Classpath declared in script is included in the classpath.
    • Classpath declared in script of ancestor project is included in the classpath.
    • Source and Javadoc artifacts for the above are included in the classpath.
  • Verify that a decent error message is received when using a Gradle version that does not expose the build script classpath.

Story: Expose the publications of a project

This story allows an IDE to map dependencies between different Gradle builds and and between Gradle and non-Gradle builds. For incoming dependencies, the Gradle coordinates of a given library are already exposed through ExternalDependency. This story exposes the outgoing publications of a Gradle project.

  1. Add a GradlePublication type with the following properties:
    1. An id property with type GradleModuleVersion.
  2. Add a publications property to GradleProject with type DomainObjectSet<GradlePublication>.
  3. Include an @since javadoc tag and an @Incubating annotation on the new types and methods.
  4. Introduce a project-scoped internal service which provides some detail about the publications of a project:
    1. The publishing plugin registers each publication defined in the publishing.publications container. For an instance of type IvyPublicationInternal, use the publication's identity property to determine the publication identifier to use. For an instance of type MavenPublicationInternal, use the publication's mavenProjectIdentity property.
    2. For each MavenResolver defined for the uploadArchives task, register a publication. Use the resolver's pom property to determine the publication identifier to use. Will need to deal with duplicate values.
    3. When the uploadArchives task has any other type of repository defined, then register a publication that uses the uploadArchives.configuration.module property to determine the publication identifier to use.
  5. Change GradleProjectBuilder to use this service to populate the tooling model.

An example usage:

GradleProject project = connection.getModel(GradleProject.class);
for (GradlePublication publication: project.getPublications()) {
    System.out.println("project " + project.getPath() + " produces " + publication.getId());

Test coverage

  • Add a new ToolingApiSpecification integration test class that covers:
    • For a project that does not configure uploadArchives or use the publishing plugins, verify that the tooling model does not include any publications.
    • A project that uses the ivy-publish plugin and defines a single Ivy publication.
    • A project that uses the maven-publish plugin and defines a single Maven publication.
    • A project that uses the maven plugin and defines a single remote mavenDeployer repository on the uploadArchives task.
    • A project that defines a single Ivy repository on the uploadArchives task.
  • Verify that a decent error message is received when using a Gradle version that does not expose the publications.

Story: Gradle plugin provides a custom tooling model to the tooling API client

This story allows a custom plugin to expose a tooling model to any tooling API client that shares compatible model classes.

  1. Add a public API to allow a plugin to register a tooling model to make available to the tooling API clients.
  2. Move core tooling model implementations to live with their plugin implementations.
  3. Custom plugin classpath travels with serialized model object back to the provider.

Test cases

  • Client requests a tooling model provided by a custom plugin.
  • Client receives a reasonable error message when:
    • Target Gradle version does not support custom tooling models. Should receive an UnknownModelException
    • No plugin in the target build provides the requested model. Should receive an UnknownModelException.
    • Failure occurs when the plugin attempts to build the requested model.
    • Failure to serialize or deserialize the requested model.
  • Generalise UnsupportedModelFeedbackCrossVersionSpec.
  • Plugin attempts to register a model that some other plugin already has registered.

Story: Tooling API client builds a complex tooling model in a single batch operation

This story adds support for a tooling API to query portions of the Gradle model in an efficient way.

Introduce the concept of a BuildAction. A build action is provided by the tooling API client and is serialized across to the process where the build is running. It can then query the models as required and return a result. This result is serialized back to the tooling API client.

This approach allows the action to make decisions about which models to request and to request multiple models efficiently within a single build invocation. It can also later provide the action with access to features which cannot be serialized to the tooling API client.

public interface BuildAction<T> extends Serializable {
    T execute(BuildController controller);

public interface BuildController {
    <T> T getModel(Class<T> modelType);
    // Later stories will add more here

public interface BuildActionExecutor<T> extends LongRunningOperation {
    T get();
    void get(ResultHandler<? super T> handler);

<T> ConsumerActionExecutor<T> execute(ConsumerAction<T> action);

The BuildController interface provides a single method getModel() which returns the tooling model of the given type for the default project associated with the ProjectConnection. This method will return the same result as ProjectConnect.getModel() would.

For this story, the build action is executed before the build has been configured. If any model is requested, the build is fully configured. Later stories will introduce a more efficient implementation, where the work done by the build is driven on demand by what the action asks for, and some caching of models is used.

Test cases

  • Action builds a result and this result is received by the client.
    • Returns a custom result type
    • Returns null
    • Returns a built-in tooling model (such as IdeaProject)
    • Returns a custom result type that references a built-in tooling model
    • Returns a custom result type that references multiple tooling models
    • Returns a custom result type that references a custom tooling model whose implementation uses classes that conflict with the client
    • Client changes action implementation to return a different result
  • Verify environment that the action executes in:
    • Logging is received by the client as part of the build output.
    • Context ClassLoader is set appropriately.
    • No Gradle-version specific classes are visible to the action.
  • Client receives a reasonable error message when:
    • Target Gradle version does not support consumer actions.
    • The action throws an exception.
    • A failure occurs configuring the build.
    • A failure occurs building a requested model.
    • The action cannot be serialized or deserialized.
    • The action result cannot be serialized or deserialized.
    • The action throws an exception that cannot be serialized or deserialized.
    • The Gradle process is killed before the action completes.
    • The action requests an unknown model.
    • The action is compiled for Java 6 but the build runs with Java 5.

Story: Tooling API build action requests a tooling model for a Gradle project

  1. Add a new GradleBuild model which contains information about which projects are included in the build.
  2. Add a new BasicGradleProject type to provide basic structural information about a project.
  3. Extend BuildController to add methods to query a model for a given project.
  4. Change ProjectConnection.getModel(type) and BuildController.getModel(type) to return only build-level models.
  5. Change BuildController.getModel(project, type) to return only project-level models.

Here are the above types:

interface BasicGradleProject { }

interface GradleBuild {
    BasicGradleProject getRootProject();
    Set<? extends BasicGradleProject> getProjects();

interface BuildController {
    <T> T getModel(Model target, Class<T> modelType) throws UnknownModelException;

Note: there is a breaking change here.

Test cases

  • Can request the GradleBuild model via ProjectConnection.
  • Can request the GradleBuild model via a build action.
  • Can request a model for a given project:
    • A BasicGradleProject for the specified project, not the root.
    • A GradleProject for the specified project, not the root.
    • An IdeaModule for the specified project, not the root.
    • An EclipseProject for the specified project, not the root.
  • Cannot request a build model for a project:
    • Cannot request a BuildModel.
    • Cannot request a BuildEnvironment.
  • Client receives decent feedback when
    • Requests a model from an unknown project.
    • Requests an unknown model.

Story: Tooling API client requests build model for old Gradle version

This story adds support for the GradleBuild model for older target Gradle versions.


Change the implementations of, parameters) so that when asked for a GradleBuild model, they instead request the GradleProject model and then convert it to a DefaultGradleBuild instance. See ConnectionVersion4BackedConsumerConnection.doGetModel() for an example of this kind of thing.

For the ModelBuilderBackedConsumerConnection implementation, if the provider Gradle version supports the GradleBuild model (is >= 1.8-rc-1) then forward to the provider, as it does now.

To implement this cleanly, one option might be to introduce some chain of model producers into the ConsumerConnection subclasses, so that each producer is asked in turn whether it can produce the requested model. The last producer can delegate to the provider connection. Stop at the first producer that can produce the model.

Test cases

  • For all Gradle versions, can request the GradleBuild model via ProjectConnection. This basically means removing the @TargetGradleVersion from the test case in GradleBuildModelCrossVersionSpec.

Story: Gradle provider builds build model efficiently

When the GradleBuild model is requested, execute only the settings script, and don't configure any of the projects.

Story: Tooling API client determines whether model is available

This story adds support for conditionally requesting a model, if it is available

interface BuildController {
    <T> T findModel(Class<T> type); // returns null when model not present
    <T> T findModel(Model target, Class<T> type); // returns null when model not present

interface ModelBuilder<T> {
    T find(); // returns null when model not present

Test cases

  • Client receives null for unknown model, for all target Gradle versions.
  • Build action receives null for unknown model, for all target Gradle versions >= 1.8

Story: Tooling API client changes implementation of a build action

Fix the ClassLoader caching in the tooling API so that it can deal with changing implementations.

Story: GRADLE-2434 - Expose the aggregate tasks for a project

This story allows an IDE to implement a way to select the tasks to execute based on their name, similar to the Gradle command-line.

  1. Add an EntryPoint model interface, which represents some arbitrary entry point to the build.
  2. Add a TaskSelector model interface, which represents an entry point that uses a task name to select the tasks to execute.
  3. Change GradleTask to extend EntryPoint, so that each task can be used as an entry point.
  4. Add a method to GradleProject to expose the task selectors for the project.
    • For new target Gradle versions, delegate to the provider.
    • For older target Gradle versions, use a client-side mix-in that assembles the task selectors using the information available in GradleProject.
  5. Add methods to BuildLauncher to allow a sequence of entry points to be used to specify what the build should execute.
  6. Add @since and @Incubating to the new types and methods.

Here are the above types:

interface EntryPoint {

interface TaskSelector extends EntryPoint {
    String getName(); // A display name

interface GradleTask extends EntryPoint {

interface GradleProject {
    DomainObjectSet<? extends TaskSelector> getTaskSelectors();

interface BuildLauncher {
    BuildLauncher forTasks(Iterable<? extends EntryPoint> tasks);
    BuildLauncher forTasks(EntryPoint... tasks);

TBD - maybe don't change forTasks() but instead add an execute(Iterable<? extends EntryPoint> tasks) method.

Test cases

  • Can request the entry points for a given project hierarchy
    • Task is present in some subprojects but not the target project
    • Task is present in target project but no subprojects
    • Task is present in target project and some subprojects
  • Executing a task selector when task is also present in subprojects runs all the matching tasks, for the above cases.
  • Executing a task (as an EntryPoint) when task is also present in subprojects run the specified task only and nothing from subprojects.
  • Can request the entry points for all target Gradle versions.

Story: Tooling API client cancels an operation

Represent the execution of a long running operation using a Future. This Future can be used to cancel the operation.

interface BuildFuture<T> extends Future<T> {
    void onSuccess(Action<? super T> action); // called immediately if the operation has completed successfully
    void onFailure(Action<? super GradleConnectionException> action); // called immediately if the operation has failed
    void onComplete(ResultHandler<? super T> handler); // called immediately if the operation has completed successfully

interface ModelBuilder<T> {
    BuildInvocation<T> fetch(); // starts building the model, does not block

interface BuildLauncher {
    BuildInvocation<Void> start(); // starts running the build, does not block

interface BuildActionExecuter<T> {
    BuildInvocation<T> start(); // starts running the build, does not block

BuildFuture<GradleProject> model = connection.model(GradleProject.class).fetch();

BuildFuture<Void> build = connection.newBuild().forTasks('a').start();

BuildFuture<CustomModel> action = connection.action(new MyAction()).start();
CustomModel m = action.get();


The overall plan is to start close to the client and gradually move the asynchronous execution and cancellation closer to the build:

Use futures to represent the existing asynchronous behaviour:

  1. Change internal class BlockingResultHandler to implement BuildInvocation and reuse this type to implement the futures.
  2. Implementation should discard handlers once they have been notified, so they can be garbage collected.

Push asynchronous execution down to the provider:

  1. Change to return a future (not necessarily a Future) instead of accepting a result handler.
  2. Rework DefaultAsyncConsumerActionExecutor and LazyConsumerActionExecutor into a lazy AsyncConsumerActionExecutor implementation that composes two asynchronous operations into a single operation, represented by a composite future. The first operation creates the real AsyncConsumerActionExecutor (possibly downloading the distribution) and the second dispatches the client action to this executor once it is available.
  3. Add a new asynchronous protocol interface similar to AsyncConsumerActionExecutor that allows actions to be queued up for execution, returning a future representing the result.
  4. For provider connections that implement this protocol interface, delegate to the provider to execute the action. For connections that do not, adapt the connection in the client.

Forward cancellation requests to the daemon:

  1. When Future.cancel() is called by the client, close the daemon connection. The daemon will stop the build and exit.

For target versions that do not support cancellation, Future.cancel() always returns false.

Test cases

  • Client blocks until results available when using get()
  • Client receives failure when using get() and operation fails
  • Client receives timeout exception when blocking with timeout
  • Client can cancel operation
    • Stops the operation for all target versions that support cancellation
    • Returns false for all older target versions
  • Client is notified when result is available
  • Client is notified when operation fails

Story: Expose the IDE output directories

Add the appropriate properties to the IDEA and Eclipse models.

Story: Expose the project root directory

Add a projectDir property to GradleProject

Test coverage

  • Verify that a decent error message is received when using a Gradle version that does not expose the project directory

Story: Expose the Java language level

Split out a GradleJavaProject model from GradleProject and expose this for Java projects.

Add the appropriate properties to the IDEA, Eclipse and GradleJavaProject models. For Eclipse, need to expose the appropriate container and nature. For IDEA, need to choose between setting level on all modules vs setting level on project and inheriting.

Story: Expose the Groovy language level

Split out a GradleGroovyProject model from GradleProject and expose this for Groovy projects.

Add the appropriate properties to the IDEA, Eclipse and GradleGroovyProject models.

Story: Expose generated directories

It is useful for IDEs to know which directories are generated by the build. An initial approximation can be to expose just the build directory and the .gradle directory. This can be improved later.

Story: Tooling API client cancels a long running operation

  • Fetching a model
  • Running tasks
  • Running a custom action

Story: Add a convenience dependency for obtaining the tooling API JARs

Similar to gradleApi()

Story: Add ability to launch tests in debug mode

Need to allow a debug port to be specified, as hard-coded port 5005 can conflict with IDEA.

Open issues

  • Replace LongRunningOperation.standardOutput and standardError with overloads that take a Writer, and (later) deprecate the OutputStream variants.
  • Handle cancellation during the Gradle distribution download.
  • Daemon cleanly stops the build when cancellation is requested.