diff --git a/src/Traffic/Parser/Smtp.php b/src/Traffic/Parser/Smtp.php
index 2cfd6e8..ebad5a5 100644
--- a/src/Traffic/Parser/Smtp.php
+++ b/src/Traffic/Parser/Smtp.php
@@ -17,13 +17,48 @@
 final class Smtp
+    /**
+     * @return array<array-key, non-empty-list<non-empty-string>>
+     */
+    public static function parseHeaders(string $headersBlock): array
+    {
+        $result = [];
+        $name = null;
+        $value = '';
+        foreach (\explode("\r\n", $headersBlock) as $line) {
+            if ($line[0] === ' ' || $line[0] === "\t") {
+                // Append to the previous header
+                if ($name === null) {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                $value .= $line;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Store previous header
+            $name === null or $value === '' or $result[$name][] = $value;
+            // New header
+            [$name, $value] = \explode(':', $line, 2) + [1 => ''];
+            $name = \trim($name);
+            $value = \ltrim($value);
+            $name === '' || $value === '' and $name = null;
+        }
+        // Store last header
+        $name === null or $value === '' or $result[$name][] = $value;
+        return $result;
+    }
      * @param array<non-empty-string, list<string>> $protocol
     public function parseStream(array $protocol, StreamClient $stream): Message\Smtp
         $headerBlock = Http::getBlock($stream);
-        $headers = Http::parseHeaders($headerBlock);
+        $headers = self::parseHeaders($headerBlock);
         $fileStream = StreamHelper::createFileStream();
         // Store read headers to the file stream.
         $fileStream->write($headerBlock . "\r\n\r\n");
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Traffic/Parser/SmtpParserTest.php b/tests/Unit/Traffic/Parser/SmtpParserTest.php
index d82ce52..af721be 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Traffic/Parser/SmtpParserTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Traffic/Parser/SmtpParserTest.php
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 use Buggregator\Trap\Traffic\Message;
 use Buggregator\Trap\Traffic\Parser;
 use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
 use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
@@ -16,19 +17,75 @@ final class SmtpParserTest extends TestCase
     use FiberTrait;
-    public function testParseSimpleBody(): void
+    public static function provideHeaders()
+    {
+        yield [
+            "To: User1 <gam6itko@mail.ru>, User2 <gam6itko@gmail.com>, User3\r\n <gam6itko@yandex.ru>\r\n",
+            ['To' => ['User1 <gam6itko@mail.ru>, User2 <gam6itko@gmail.com>, User3 <gam6itko@yandex.ru>']],
+        ];
+    }
+    #[DataProvider('provideHeaders')]
+    public function testParseHeader(string $headerString, array $expected): void
+    {
+        self::assertSame($expected, Parser\Smtp::parseHeaders($headerString));
+    }
+    public function testMultilineHeaders(): void
         $data = \str_split(<<<SMTP
-            From: Some User <someusername@somecompany.ru>\r
-            To: User1 <user1@company.tld>\r
-            Subject: Very important theme\r
-            Content-Type: text/plain\r
+            To: User1 <gam6itko@mail.ru>, User2 <gam6itko@gmail.com>, User3\r
+             <gam6itko@yandex.ru>\r
+            From: sandbox producer <test@producer.sandbox>\r
+            Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=_ZwZ4SBw\r
+            \r
+            --_ZwZ4SBw\r
+            Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r
+            Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
+            \r
+            Hello from Producer!\r
-            Hi!\r
-            .\r\n
+            --_ZwZ4SBw\r
+            Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r
+            Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
+            \r
+                <h1>Hello from Producer!</h1>\r
+            \r
+            --_ZwZ4SBw--\r
+            \r\n.\r\n
             SMTP, 10);
         $message = $this->parse($data);
+        self::assertSame(\implode('', $data), (string) $message->getBody());
+        self::assertCount(2, $message->getMessages());
+        // Check headers
+        self::assertEquals([
+            'From' => ['sandbox producer <test@producer.sandbox>'],
+            'To' => ['User1 <gam6itko@mail.ru>, User2 <gam6itko@gmail.com>, User3 <gam6itko@yandex.ru>'],
+            'Content-Type' => ['multipart/alternative; boundary=_ZwZ4SBw'],
+        ], $message->getHeaders());
+        // Check body
+        self::assertSame("Hello from Producer!\r\n", $message->getMessages()[0]->getValue());
+        self::assertSame("    <h1>Hello from Producer!</h1>\r\n", $message->getMessages()[1]->getValue());
+    }
+    public function testParseSimpleBody(): void
+    {
+        $data = \str_split(<<<SMTP
+                               From: Some User <someusername@somecompany.ru>\r
+                               To: User1 <user1@company.tld>\r
+                               Subject: Very important theme\r
+                               Content-Type: text/plain\r
+                               \r
+                               Hi!\r
+                               .\r\n
+                               SMTP, 10);
+        $message = $this->parse($data);
         self::assertSame(\implode('', $data), (string) $message->getBody());
         self::assertCount(1, $message->getMessages());
         // Check headers
@@ -45,43 +102,43 @@ public function testParseSimpleBody(): void
     public function testParseMultipart(): void
         $data = \str_split(<<<SMTP
-            From: sender@example.com\r
-            To: recipient@example.com\r
-            Subject: Multipart Email Example\r
-            Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="boundary-string"\r
-            \r
-            --boundary-string\r
-            Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"\r
-            Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
-            Content-Disposition: inline\r
-            \r
-            Plain text email goes here!\r
-            This is the fallback if email client does not support HTML\r
-            \r
-            --boundary-string\r
-            Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\r
-            Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
-            Content-Disposition: inline\r
-            \r
-            <h1>This is the HTML Section!</h1>\r
-            <p>This is what displays in most modern email clients</p>\r
-            \r
-            --boundary-string--\r
-            Content-Type: image/x-icon\r
-            Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r
-            Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=logo.ico\r
-            \r
-            123456789098765432123456789\r
-            \r
-            --boundary-string--\r
-            Content-Type: text/watch-html; charset="utf-8"\r
-            Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
-            Content-Disposition: inline\r
-            \r
-            <b>Apple Watch formatted content</b>\r
-            \r
-            --boundary-string--\r\n\r\n
-            SMTP, 10);
+                               From: sender@example.com\r
+                               To: recipient@example.com\r
+                               Subject: Multipart Email Example\r
+                               Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="boundary-string"\r
+                               \r
+                               --boundary-string\r
+                               Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"\r
+                               Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
+                               Content-Disposition: inline\r
+                               \r
+                               Plain text email goes here!\r
+                               This is the fallback if email client does not support HTML\r
+                               \r
+                               --boundary-string\r
+                               Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\r
+                               Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
+                               Content-Disposition: inline\r
+                               \r
+                               <h1>This is the HTML Section!</h1>\r
+                               <p>This is what displays in most modern email clients</p>\r
+                               \r
+                               --boundary-string--\r
+                               Content-Type: image/x-icon\r
+                               Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r
+                               Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=logo.ico\r
+                               \r
+                               123456789098765432123456789\r
+                               \r
+                               --boundary-string--\r
+                               Content-Type: text/watch-html; charset="utf-8"\r
+                               Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r
+                               Content-Disposition: inline\r
+                               \r
+                               <b>Apple Watch formatted content</b>\r
+                               \r
+                               --boundary-string--\r\n\r\n
+                               SMTP, 10);
         $message = $this->parse($data, [
             'FROM' => ['<someusername@foo.bar>'],
             'BCC' => ['<user1@company.tld>', '<user2@company.tld>'],