Most of these requests are very similar. They share a lot of the same properties and return similar data.
Download a signature.
// Instantiate a new download signature request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\DownloadSignatureRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->gateid = '1234';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the download signature method
$reply = $transact->downloadSignature($request);
Download a check.
// Instantiate a new download check request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\DownloadCheckRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->gateid = '1234';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the download signature method
$reply = $transact->downloadCheck($request);
Upload a signature.
// Instantiate a new upload signature request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\UploadSignatureRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->siteid = '74';
$request->gateid = '1234';
$request->filetype = 'JPG';
$request->imagedata = '';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the upload signature method
$reply = $transact->uploadSignature($request);
Upload a receipt.
// Instantiate a new upload receipt request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\UploadReceiptRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->siteid = '74';
$request->gateid = '1234';
$request->filetype = 'JPG';
$request->imagedata = '';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the upload receipt method
$reply = $transact->uploadReceipt($request);
Upload a check.
// Instantiate a new upload check request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\UploadCheckRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->siteid = '74';
$request->gateid = '1234';
$request->filetype = 'JPG';
$request->imagedata = '';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the upload check method
$reply = $transact->uploadCheck($request);
Get a receipt image.
// Instantiate a new get receipt request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\GetReceiptRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->gateid = '1234';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the get receipt method
$reply = $transact->getReceipt($request);
Send a receipt.
// Instantiate a new send receipt request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\SendReceiptRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->gateid = '1234';
$request->send_sms = 'no';
$request->phone = '9995551234';
$request->send_email = 'no';
$request->email = '[email protected]';
$request->send_cc = 'no';
$request->ccemail = '[email protected]';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the send receipt method
$reply = $transact->sendReceipt($request);
Get a signature image.
// Instantiate a new get signature image request class
$request = new SlimCD\Images\GetSignatureImageRequest();
// Set all the properties
$request->username = '1032';
$request->password = '289075';
$request->gateid = '1234';
$request->imgflag = 'PNG';
$request->height = null;
$request->width = null;
$request->transparent = 'yes';
$request->edge = null;
$request->penwidth = null;
$request->border = 'no';
$request->testmode = 'no';
// Instantiate an Images class
$images = new SlimCD\Images\Images();
// Pass the request to the get signature image method
$reply = $transact->getSignatureImage($request);