This template adaptes the official cover page for papers of diploma theses submitted at the faculty for informatics at the TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Clone this repository and compile the file main.tex
with LuaTeX (i.e., execute lualatex main.tex
). Your output should look like this.
In order to personalize this template, just redefine the corresponding commands in titlepage.tex
\newcommand{\thesisauthorone}{Max Muster}
\newcommand{\thesisauthortwo}{John Doe}
\newcommand{\thesisauthorthree}{Alice Doe}
\newcommand{\thesisinstitute}{Computer Engineering}
\newcommand{\thesisuniversity}{Technischen Universit\"{a}t Wien}
\newcommand{\thesissupervisor}{Titel Dr. Vorname Familienname}
\newcommand{\thesiscosupervisor}{Univ.-Ass. Dr. Vorname Familienname}
In a bash terminal, run latexmk -pvc -pdf -lualatex main.tex
for optimal results.
Forked from tempse/tuwien-thesis-coverpage-template