Archived entries from file /Users/james/src/annalsUVaLib/
first educational property was 329 titles and over 400 volumes , p. 2
books pooled by local minsters , p. 2
for William and Mary; a penny a gallon on imported liquors “provide dthat some part thereof should be spent in books.” , p. 3
inherited from Benjamin Franklin’s Academy , p. 2
shortly after opening as College of New Jerey , p. 2
fine library of Hon. Joseph Murray , p. 2
twenty volumes from William Dickson (six years before Dartmouth acquired its charter) , p. 2
for the collection that would eventually be UVa’s, but failed for lack of funds , p. 3
Jefferson offered his collection for acquisition by the Federal Government (August 1814) , p. 4
neither ever offered classes, but Jefferson was involved with both and used them as models , p. 3
, p. 3
$50,000 based on possible reimbursement by the Federal Government of state expenditures during the War of 1812 (winter 1823-24) , p. 4
books and apparatuses for $6,000 “high hopes of laying the foundations of a great library.” list of classical titles from Dr. Samuel Parr, and London bookseller Bohn was selected as the University’s English agent , p. 4
eight boxes of purchased volumes with the Bohn label in Charlottesville (January 1825) , p. 4
in Charlottesville Central Gazette and the Richmond Enquirer asking for donations (April 1825) , p. 4–5
7,000 volumes, $18,000, list of volumes by Jefferson (June 1825) compared with catalog made by first Librarian, John Vaughan Kean, not duplicating Bohn , p. 5
, p. 3
stored in the pavilion on the West Lawn, now the Colonnade Club, which was temporarily being used for the Library (winter of 1825-1826) , p. 5
which would house the books of UVa for more than a century (April, 1826) , p. vii
(4 July 1826) , p. 5
(December 1826) , p. 5
purchased and donated volumes, followed Jefferson’s classification based on list for the Boston book agent, numbered 8,000 , p. 5
8,000 UVa, 30,000 Harvard, 8,500 Yale, 8,000 Princeton, 6,000 Brown, 3,500 for Dartmouth, 3,400 for William and Mary American Almanac coverage of UVa was all fields , p. 6
not much happened after Jefferson’s Death until the fire of the Rotunda; his statue saved, although the books lost (1895) , p. viii, 1
(1927) , p. ix was previously “driven by the Chinese bandits from Nanking University” and the first librarian with the rank of professor, also took a refresher course at Columbia University, pun “All is not literature that litters” , p. xi 12 hour schedule, 8-2 and then 8-2, longhand , p. xiv-xv
(1950) , p. ix